QCMC 2008
University of Calgary, 19-24 August 2008

Important dates


Travel to Calgary is easy with multiple non-stop flights:

A list of all destinations is available at the web page of Calgary's international airport.

Ground transportation

The conference will be held at the University of Calgary. Visit Calgary Transit for information on public transit in Calgary.

Calgary's airport is about a 20 minute drive from the University campus.

To obtain information on taxi cab and car rental services to and from the Calgary Airport please visit www.calgaryairport.com and click on the ground transportation or car rentals link.


Pay parking lots are available throughout campus. Daily fees vary between $4 and $8. More information is available at http://www.ucalgary.ca/parking/. Note, however, that due to a major construction on campus, Parking Lot 22 may be closed and Campus Drive may be closed or rerouted.


Link to the UofC campus map page

PDF version of the maps below

Area map

Campus map

Last edited 18 June 2008