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Spin Canada Workshop
19-20 July 2018

Hotel Arts
119 12 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0G8

Workshop organizing committee: Paul Barclay (University of Calgary) and Lilian Childress (McGill)

Workshop summary: Spin qubits are among the leading candidates for quantum technologies, ranging from near-term quantum sensors to full-fledged quantum computing platforms. Canada has made a major investment in this domain in recent years, assembling a critical mass of researchers and funding large projects (notably through CFREF and CFI, as well as the recent renewal of the Quebec strategic group INTRIQ). The goal of Spin Canada is to create a coherent strategy among Canadian spin qubit researchers and develop collaborative platforms to enhance the impact of this community. Building on the success of the first Spin Canada meeting in 2017, this second Spin Canada workshop will expand its reach and scope, ensuring that advances in spin qubit research can fully contribute as Canada develops its national priorities for quantum technologies.

Workshop focus: The workshop will focus on spin qubit research in Canada, comprising experimental and theoretical physics as well as engineering.


The workshop will bring together the spin qubit research groups in Canada, as well as industry representatives.

Each PI will be invited to bring at least one student or postdoc to the event. The participation of students and postdocs is essential to creating a network of emerging Canadian spin qubit researchers, and provides an important resource for developing collaborative training tools across groups and institutions.


Download detailed schedule.

Thursday, July 19

7:45 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Welcome
8:40 A photonic link for donor spin qubits in silicon (10 min)
Stephanie Simmons, Simon Fraser University
8:52 Characterization of the Si:Se+ spin/photon interface (10 min)
Adam DeAbreu, Simon Fraser University
9:04 High resolution spectroscopy of deep centres in silicon(10 min)
Camille Chartrand, Simon Fraser University
9:16 Mid-IR Silicon Photonics (10 min)
Timothy Richards, Simon Fraser University
9:28 Silicon Photonic Circuits for Quantum Information Processing (20 min)
Jeff Young, University of British Columbia
9:52 NSERC Partnership Grants in Support of Industry-Academic Research Collaborations (5 min)
John Jackson, NSERC
9:57 Break
10:22 Towards room-temperature coherent spin-photon interfaces (10 min)
Stephen Wein, University of Calgary
10:34 Quantum repeaters with single rare-earth ions at telecommunication wavelengths (10 min)
Faezeh Kimiaee Asadi, University of Calgary
10:58 Coherent manipulation of spin-optomechanical devices (20 min)
Paul Barclay and David Lake, University of Calgary
11:10 Spin-based sensing of nanomagnetic circuits (10 min)
Lilian Childress, McGill University
11:22 A Microscopic Fabry-Perot Cavity for Quantum Optics with Defects in Diamond (10 min)
Erika Janitz, McGill University
11:34 Spin-photon interfaces based on isoelectronic quantum defects (20 min)
Sebastien Francoeur and Anne-Laurence Phaneuf-L’Heureux, Polytechnique Montréal
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Rare-earth ion doped materials for quantum memory and transduction (20 min)
Daniel Oblak, University of Calgary
13:54 Holes in GaAs 2DHGs for Spin Qubits (20 min)
Andrew Sachrajda or Sergei Studenikin, National Research Council
14:18 On-demand entangled photon source (20 min)
Michael Reimer, Institute for Quantum Computing
14:42 Break
15:15 Industry connections/technology development discussion
Discussion leaders: Jeff Young, Dan Deptuck, Stef Simmons
16:30 Poster Session
19:00 Dinner

Friday, July 20

7:45-8:30 Breakfast
8:30 Ultrafast measurement and control of spins in semiconductors (20 min)
Kimberley Hall, Dalhousie University
8:54 Entanglement distribution using semiconductor spin qubits (20 min)
Louis Gaudreau and Jason Phoenix, National Research Council
9:18 Valley-spin polarization in transition metal dichalcogenides (10 min)
Marek Korkusinski, National Research Council
9:30 Engineering spin-orbit coupling in semiconductors using micro-magnets: a case study of Majorana bound states in two-dimensional electron gas (10 min)
Michel Pioro-Ladrière, University of Sherbrooke
9:42 Smarter operating system for quantum dot qubits (10 min)
Azfar Badaroudine, University of Sherbrooke
9:54 Break
10:24 A network architecture for silicon quantum computing (10 min)
Jonathan Baugh, Institute for Quantum Computing
10:36 Silicon MOSFET quantum dots with a simplified metal-gate geometry (10 min)
Eduardo Barrera, Institute for Quantum Computing
10:48 Spin-qubits theory at McGill (20 min)
Bill Coish, McGill University
11:12 Numerical Coherent Averaging of Spin Hamiltonians with Applications in Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance (10 min)
Holger Haas, Institute for Quantum Computing
11:24 Implementing a microstrip SQUID amplifier for an rf-QPC readout (12 min)
Jan Kycia, University of Waterloo
11:36 Workshop prep
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Workshop - collaborative projects
14:15 Break
14:30 Workshop - training opportunities
15:45 Wrap-up

Friday Night Dinner:
5:30pm -
Last Best Brewing and Distillery
607 11 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0E1

Program synopsis

The workshop will take place over 2 days. Every participant will give a talk and/or present a poster. The programming will include:
  • Presentations by each research group on their most recent results.
  • Presentations by spin qubit researchers involved in national strategic workshops, e.g. those related to the Quantum Canada initiative. These presentations will keep participants apprised of ongoing developments within the national quantum technologies strategy, and suggest opportunities for new collaboration with industry and defense related to spin qubit research.
  • The discussion topics are based on outcomes from the first Spin Canada workshop, comprising foci: (1) Identifying needs and opportunities for technology development and industry partnerships to benefit the Canadian spin qubit community. (2) Developing collaborative training strategies for emerging spin qubit researchers -- creating a framework for an online knowledge-sharing platform and opening opportunities for shared training resources (e.g. online courses, internships). (3) Promoting collaborative research -- identifying shared interests to take the first steps toward developing flagship projects where multiple groups’ expertise could contribute to a major effort.
  • Poster session. The poster session will provide an opportunity for sharing detailed technical strategies, beyond what can be conveyed in a 20 minute talk.

Accomodation and Travel

All accommodation will be provided by Hotel Arts in downtown Calgary, and will be reserved by the conference organizers upon registration.


The organizers anticipate having available funding for partial reimbursement of travel for each participant. Instructions for requesting a reimbursement will be posted here at a later date.

Many thanks to our sponsors:

Institut Quantique, Alberta Innovates, Institute for Quantum Computing, Quantum Materials Institute, University of Calgary (VPR and Department of Physics and Astronomy), Keysight Technology, CMC Microsystems.

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Last updated January, 2025