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Alexander Lvovsky - Teaching

  1. Alexander Lvovsky, Winter 2011
    PHYS 443 - Quantum Mechanics I

    Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. Mathematical formalism of the theory and its physical interpretation. Schrödinger's time-dependent and time-independent equations. Single particle in a potential field (square well, potential barrier, harmonic oscillator, Kronig-Penney, Coulomb) and rigid rotator. The applicability of these potentials to atomic, molecular, nuclear, and solid state physics will be indicated.
    Course website.

  2. Alexander Lvovsky, Fall 2010
    PHYS 673 - Quantum and Nonlinear Optics

    Fundamentals of quantum and nonlinear optics including atom-photon interactions, coherence, electromagnetically induced transparency, open systems and decoherence, and applications to quantum information technology.
    Course website.

  3. Alexander Lvovsky, Winter 2010
    PHYS 259 - Electricity and Magnetism (for students in Engineering)

    Electric charges and electric current; Ohm\'s Law, Kirchhoff\'s Laws, application to simple circuits; potential and capacitance. An introduction to electromagnetic induction; inductance; electromotive force; electrical properties of materials.
    Course website.

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Last updated January, 2025