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Christoph Simon - Teaching

  1. Christoph Simon, Winter 2011
    PHYS 615 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics

    Basic formalism of the theory and its interpretation, symmetry generators. Scattering theory. Bound states. Charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. Approximation methods. This course may not be repeated for credit.
    Course website.

  2. Christoph Simon, Winter 2010
    PHYS 615 - Advanced Quantum Mechanics

    Basic formalism of the theory and its interpretation, symmetry generators. Scattering theory. Bound states. Charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. Approximation methods.
    Course website.

  3. Christoph Simon, Fall 2010
    PHYS 303 - Quantum Mysteries and Paradoxes, in both English and French

    Aims to explain basic quantum phenomena for students outside the physical sciences. Topics covered may include wave-particle duality, quantum interference, as well as the paradoxes of entanglement and quantum nonlocality. Applications such as quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation are discussed, as are the philosophical interpretations of the quantum picture of the world.
    Course website.

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Last updated January, 2025