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Publications by A. I. Lvovsky

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. E. S. Moiseev, A. Tashchilina, S. A. Moiseev and A. I. Lvovsky, Darkness of two-mode squeezed light in Λ-type atomic system, New Journal of Physics 22(1): 013014 (8 pp.), 14 January 2020.

  2. 2019

  3. D. Sychev, V. Novikov, K. K. Pirov, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky, Entanglement of macroscopically distinct states of light , Optica 6(11): 1425 - 1430, 11 November 2019.

  4. S. Jalnapurkar, P. Anderson, E. S. Moiseev, P. Palittapongarnpim, A. Narayanan, P. E. Barclay and A. I. Lvovsky, Measuring fluorescence by observing field quadrature noise, Optics Letters 44(7): 1678 - 1681, 1 April 2019.

  5. E. Tiunov, A. E. Ulanov and A. I. Lvovsky, Annealing by simulating the coherent Ising machine, Optics Express 27(7): 10288 - 10295, 28 March 2019.

  6. 2018

  7. A. K. Fedorov, E. O. Kiktenko and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum computers put blockchain security at risk (Comment), Nature 563: 465 - 467, 19 November 2018.

  8. A. Ghosh, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, W. Niedenzu, A. I. Lvovsky, I. Mazets, M. O. Scully and G. Kurizki, Two-level masers as heat-to-work converters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(40): 9941 - 9944, 2 October 2018.

  9. D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, E. Tiunov, V. Novikov and A. I. Lvovsky, Entanglement and teleportation between polarization and wave-like encodings of an optical qubit, Nature Communications 9: 3672 (7 pp.), 10 September 2018.

  10. E. O. Kiktenko, N. O. Pozhar, M. N. Anufriev, A. S. Trushechkin, R. R. Yunusov, Y. Kurochkin, A. I. Lvovsky and A. K. Fedorov, Quantum-secured blockchain, Quantum Science and Technology 3(3): 035004 (8 pp.), 31 May 2018.

  11. P. Anderson, S. Jalnapurkar, E. S. Moiseev, D. Chang, P. E. Barclay, A. Lezama and A. I. Lvovsky, Optical nanofiber temperature monitoring via double heterodyne detection, AIP Advances 8(5): 055005 (10 pp.), 1 May 2018.

  12. 2017

  13. F. Yang, R. Nair, M. Tsang, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky, Fisher information for far-field linear optical superresolution via homodyne or heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode, Physical Review A 96(6): 063829 (6 pp.), 19 December 2017. PDF.

  14. A. V. Masalov, A. Kuzhamuratov and A. I. Lvovsky, Noise spectra in balanced optical detectors based on transimpedance amplifiers , Review of Scientific Instruments 88(11): 113109 (9 pp.), 17 November 2017. PDF.

  15. D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, M. W. Richards and A. I. Lvovsky, Enlargement of optical Schrödinger's cat states, Nature Photonics 11: 379 - 382, 1 May 2017. PDF.

  16. A. E. Ulanov, D. Sychev, A. A. Pushkina, I. A. Fedorov and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum teleportation between discrete and continuous encodings of an optical qubit , Physical Review Letters 118(16): 160501 (6 pp.), 17 April 2017. PDF.

  17. I. A. Fedorov, A. E. Ulanov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky, Synthesis of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement in a sequence of two single-mode squeezers, Optics Letters 42(1): 132 - 134, 1 January 2017, arXiv.org:1607.07996. PDF.

  18. 2016

  19. F. Yang, A. Tashchilina, E. S. Moiseev, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky, Far-field linear optical superresolution via heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode, Optica 3(10): 1148 - 1152, 17 October 2016, arXiv.org:1606.02662. PDF.

  20. A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, D. Sychev, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky, Loss-tolerant quantum enhanced metrology and state engineering via the reverse Hong-Ou-Mandel effect , Nature Communications 7: 11925 (6 pp.), 21 June 2016. PDF.

  21. 2015

  22. A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph and A. I. Lvovsky, Undoing the effect of loss on quantum entanglement, Nature Photonics 9(11): 764 - 768, 12 October 2015, arXiv.org:1504.00886. PDF.

  23. Z. Qin, A. S. Prasad, T. Brannan, A. MacRae, A. Lezama and A. I. Lvovsky, Complete temporal characterization of a single photon, Light: Science and Applications 4: e298 (6 pp.), 5 June 2015, arXiv.org:1405.6251. PDF.

  24. I. A. Fedorov, A. K. Fedorov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky, Tomography of a multimode quantum black box, New Journal of Physics 17(4): 043063 (7 pp.), 29 April 2015, arXiv.org:1403.0432. PDF.

  25. I. A. Fedorov, A. E. Ulanov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum vampire: collapse-free action at a distance by the photon annihilation operator , Optica 2(2): 112 - 115, 2 February 2015, arXiv.org:1408.1769. PDF.

  26. 2014

  27. D. Hogg, D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky, Efficiencies of quantum optical detectors , Physical Review A 90(5): 053846 (4 pp.), 25 November 2014, arXiv.org:1408.0257. PDF.

  28. T. Brannan, Z. Qin, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky, Generation and tomography of arbitrary qubit states using transient collective atomic excitations, Optics Letters 39(18): 5447 - 5450, 15 September 2014, arXiv.org:1403.3463. PDF.

  29. R. Ghobadi, S. Kumar, B. Pepper, D. Bouwmeester, A. I. Lvovsky and C. Simon, Optomechanical micro-macro entanglement, Physical Review Letters 112(8): 080503 (5 pp.), 27 February 2014. PDF.

  30. Y. Kurochkin, A. S. Prasad and A. I. Lvovsky, Distillation of the two-mode squeezed state, Physical Review Letters 112(7): 070402 (5 pp.), 20 February 2014. PDF.

  31. 2013

  32. A. I. Lvovsky, R. Ghobadi, A. Chandra, A. S. Prasad and C. Simon, Observation of micro-macro entanglement of light, Nature Physics 9: 541 - 544, 25 July 2013. PDF.

  33. R. Ghobadi, A. I. Lvovsky and C. Simon, Creating and detecting micro-macro photon-number entanglement by amplifying and deamplifying a single-photon entangled state, Physical Review Letters 110(17): 170406 (5 pp.), 25 April 2013. PDF.

  34. R. Kumar, E. Barrios, C. Kupchak and A. I. Lvovsky, Experimental characterization of bosonic creation and annihilation operators, Physical Review Letters 110(13): 130403 (5 pp.), 25 March 2013, arXiv.org:1210.1150. Viewpoint in physics.aps.org. PDF .

  35. R. Thomas, C. Kupchak, G. S. Agarwal and A. I. Lvovsky, Observation of electromagnetically induced transparency in evanescent fields, Optics Express 21(6): 6880 - 6888, 25 March 2013, arXiv.org:1209.4318. PDF.

  36. A. I. Lvovsky, Photonic qubits: A quantum delivery note (News and Views article), Nature Physics 9(1): 5 - 6, 1 January 2013. PDF.

  37. 2012

  38. A. Anis and A. I. Lvovsky, Maximum-likelihood coherent-state quantum process tomography, New Journal of Physics 14(10): 105021 (16 pp.), 19 October 2012, arXiv.org:1204.5936. PDF.

  39. A. MacRae, T. Brannan, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky, Generation of arbitrary quantum states from atomic ensembles, Physics in Canada 68(3): 137 - 138, 30 September 2012. PDF.

  40. R. Kumar, E. Barrios, A. MacRae, E. Cairns, E. H. Huntington and A. I. Lvovsky, Versatile wideband balanced detector for quantum optical homodyne tomography, Optics Communications 285(24): 5259 - 5267, 29 August 2012, arXiv.org:1111.4012. PDF.

  41. A. MacRae, T. Brannan, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky, Tomography of a high-purity narrowband photon from a transient atomic collective excitation, Physical Review Letters 109(3): 033601 (4 pp.), 20 July 2012, arXiv.org:1112.4855. PDF.

  42. P. Palittapongarnpim, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky, A monolithic filter cavity for experiments in quantum optics, Review of Scientific Instruments 83(6): 066101 (3 pp.), 7 June 2012, arXiv.org:1203.4843. PDF.

  43. 2011

  44. D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky, Preservation of loss in linear-optical processing, Physical Review A 84(4): 042304 (7 pp.), 4 October 2011, arXiv.org:1010.6302. PDF.

  45. B. He, A. MacRae, Y. Han, A. I. Lvovsky and C. Simon, Transverse multimode effects on the performance of photon-photon gates, Physical Review A 83(2): 022312 (5 pp.), 14 February 2011. PDF.

  46. S. Rahimi-Keshari, A. Scherer, A. Mann, A. T. Rezakhani, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Quantum process tomography with coherent states, New Journal of Physics 13(1): 013006 (17 pp.), 11 January 2011, arXiv.org:1009.3307. Selected for New Journal of Physics Highlights of 2011 Collection. PDF.

  47. Y. Chi, B. Qi, W. Zhu, H. Qin, H.-K. Lo, S.-H. Youn, A. I. Lvovsky and L. Tian, A balanced homodyne detector for high-rate Gaussian-modulated coherent-state quantum key distribution, New Journal of Physics 13(1): 013003 (18 pp.), 5 January 2011, arXiv.org:1006.1257. PDF.

  48. 2010

  49. D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky, Linear-optical processing cannot increase photon efficiency, Physical Review Letters 105(20): 203601 (4 pp.), 12 November 2010, arXiv.org:1004.2245. PDF.

  50. N. Jain, S. R. Huisman, E. Bimbard and A. I. Lvovsky, A bridge between the single-photon and squeezed-vacuum state, Optics Express 18(17): 18254 - 18259, 10 August 2010, arXiv.org:0912.1552. PDF.

  51. E. Bimbard, N. Jain, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum-optical state engineering up to the two-photon level, Nature Photonics 4(4): 243 - 247, 14 February 2010, arXiv.org:0908.4113. PDF.

  52. 2009

  53. A. I. Lvovsky, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Optical Quantum Memory, Nature Photonics 3(12): 706 - 714, 30 November 2009. PDF.

  54. G. Campbell, A. Ordog and A. I. Lvovsky, Multimode electromagnetically-induced transparency on a single atomic line, New Journal of Physics 11(10): 103021 (9 pp.), 7 October 2009, arXiv.org:0905.1443. PDF.

  55. S. R. Huisman, N. Jain, S. A. Babichev, F. Vewinger, A.-N. Zhang, S.-H. Youn and A. I. Lvovsky, Instant single-photon Fock state tomography, Optics Letters 34(18): 2739 - 2741, 15 September 2009, arXiv.org:0905.4910. PDF.

  56. M. Lobino, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky, Memory for light as a quantum process, Physical Review Letters 102(20): 203601 (4 pp.), 19 May 2009, arXiv.org:0812.4053. PDF .

  57. J. Appel, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky, Versatile digital GHz phase lock for external cavity diode lasers, Measurement Science and Technology 20(5): 055302 (5 pp.), 17 April 2009. PDF .

  58. K. Kuntz, B. Braverman, S.-H. Youn, M. Lobino, E. M. Pessina and A. I. Lvovsky, Spatial and temporal characterization of a Bessel beam produced using a conical mirror, Physical Review A 79(4): 043802 (5 pp.), 2 April 2009, arXiv.org:0812.2514. PDF .

  59. A. I. Lvovsky and M. G. Raymer, Continuous-variable optical quantum-state tomography, Reviews of Modern Physics 81(1): 299 - 332, 16 March 2009. PDF .

  60. E. Figueroa, M. Lobino, D. Korystov, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky, Propagation of squeezed vacuum under electromagnetically induced transparency, New Journal of Physics 11(1): 013044 (12 pp.), 26 January 2009, arXiv.org:0804.2703. PDF .

  61. 2008

  62. A. MacRae, G. Campbell and A. I. Lvovsky, Matched slow pulses using double electromagnetically induced transparency, Optics Letters 33(22): 2659 - 2661, 15 November 2008. PDF .

  63. M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky, Complete characterization of quantum-optical processes, Science 322(5901): 563 - 566, 24 October 2008, arXiv.org:0811.2784. PDF .

  64. K.-P. Marzlin, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky, Photons as quasi-charged particles, Physical Review A 77(4): 043813 (7 pp.), 10 April 2008, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0704.0814. PDF.

  65. J. Appel, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov, M. Lobino and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum memory for squeezed light , Physical Review Letters 100(9): 093602 (4 pp.), 5 March 2008, arXiv.org:0709.2258. PDF .

  66. 2007

  67. F. Vewinger, J. Appel, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky, Adiabatic frequency conversion of quantum optical information in atomic vapor, Optics Letters 32(19): 2771 - 2773, 17 September 2007. PDF .

  68. M. Oberst, F. Vewinger and A. I. Lvovsky, Time-resolved probing of the ground state coherence in rubidium, Optics Letters 32(12): 1755 - 1757, 1 June 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0702002. PDF .

  69. J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, E. Knill and A. I. Lvovsky, Diluted maximum-likelihood algorithm for quantum tomography, Physical Review A 75(4): 042108 (5 pp.), 18 April 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0611244. PDF .

  70. J. Appel, D. Hoffman, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky, Electronic noise in optical homodyne tomography, Physical Review A 75(3): 035802 (4 pp.), 29 March 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/#0610116. PDF .

  71. A. I. Lvovsky, W. Wasilewski and K. Banaszek, Decomposing a pulsed optical parametric amplifier into independent squeezers, Journal of Modern Optics 54: 721 - 733, 1 March 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0601170. PDF .

  72. D. W. Berry, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Efficiency limits for linear optical processing of single photons and single-rail qubits, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 24(2): 189 - 197, 26 January 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0605043. PDF .

  73. 2006

  74. E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky, Decoherence of electromagnetically-induced transparency in atomic vapor, Optics Letters 31(17): 2625 - 2627, 9 August 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0603125. PDF .

  75. W. Wasilewski, A. I. Lvovsky, K. Banaszek and C. Radzewicz, Pulsed squeezed light: simultaneous squeezing of multiple modes, Physical Review A 73(6): 063819 (12 pp.), 20 June 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0512215. PDF .

  76. J. Appel, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky, Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states in multilevel atoms, Physical Review A 73(1): 013804 (7 pp.), 9 January 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0508151. PDF .

  77. D. W. Berry, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Interconvertibility of single-rail optical qubits, Optics Letters 31(1): 107 - 109, 1 January 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0507216. PDF .

  78. 2005

  79. R. T. Horn, S. A. Babichev, K.-P. Marzlin, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Single-qubit optical quantum fingerprinting, Physical Review Letters 95(15): 150502 (4 pp.), 4 October 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0410232. PDF .

  80. R. T. Horn, A. J. Scott, J. Walgate, R. Cleve, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Classical and quantum fingerprinting with shared randomness and one-sided error, Quantum Information and Computation 5(3): 258 - 271, 15 May 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0501021. PDF .

  81. 2004

  82. A. I. Lvovsky, Iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction in quantum homodyne tomography, Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclassical Optics 6(6): S556 - S559, 1 June 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0311097. PDF .

  83. S. A. Babichev, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky, Homodyne tomography characterization and nonlocality of a dual-mode optical qubit, Physical Review Letters 92(19): 193601 (4 pp.), 14 May 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0312135. PDF .

  84. S. A. Babichev, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky, Remote preparation of a single-mode photonic qubit by measuring field quadrature noise, Physical Review Letters 92(4): 047903 (4 pp.), 29 January 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0308127. PDF .

  85. 2003

  86. S. A. Babichev, J. Ries and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-mode optical states by means of a nonlocal single photon, Europhysics Letters 64(1): 1 - 7, 1 October 2003, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0208066. PDF .

  87. J. Ries, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky, Experimental Vacuum Squeezing in Rubidium Vapor via Self-Rotation, Physical Review A 68(2): 025801 (4 pp.), 11 August 2003, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0303109. PDF .

  88. 2002

  89. A. I. Lvovsky, S. R. Hartmann and F. Moshary, Superfluorescence-stimulated photon echoes, Physical Review Letters 89(26): 263602 (4 pp.), 23 December 2002. PDF .

  90. H. Held, A. I. Lvovsky, X. Wei and Y. R. Shen, Bulk contribution from isotropic media in surface sum-frequency generation, Physical Review B 66(20): 205110 (7 pp.), 15 November 2002. PDF .

  91. A. I. Lvovsky and S. A. Babichev, Synthesis and tomographic characterization of the displaced Fock state of light, Physical Review A 66(1): 011801 (4 pp.), 1 July 2002, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0202163. PDF .

  92. A. I. Lvovsky and J. Mlynek, Quantum-Optical catalysis: Generating Nonclassical States of Light by Means of Linear Optics, Physical Review Letters 88(25): 250401 (4 pp.), 5 June 2002, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0202164. PDF .

  93. A. I. Lvovsky, Cabellos nonlocality and linear optics, Physical Review Letters 88(9): 098901 (1 p.), 4 March 2002. PDF .

  94. A. I. Lvovsky and J. H. Shapiro, Nonclassical character of statistical mixtures of the single-photon and vacuum optical states, Physical Review A 65(3): 033830 (6 pp.), 1 March 2002, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0109057. PDF .

  95. T. Aichele, A. I. Lvovsky and S. Schiller, Optical mode characterization of single photons prepared via conditional measurements on a biphoton state, European Physical Journal D 18(2): 237 - 245, 1 February 2002, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0107080. PDF .

  96. 2001

  97. H. Hansen, T. Aichele, C. Hettich, P. Lodahl, A. I. Lvovsky, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller, An ultra-sensitive pulsed balanced homodyne detector: Application to time-domain quantum measurements, Optics Letters 26(21): 1714 - 1716, 1 November 2001, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0104084. PDF .

  98. E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier, A. Peters, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller, High-resolution Doppler-free molecular spectroscopy using a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator, Optics Letters 26(18): 1430 - 1432, 15 September 2001, arXiv.org:physics/0105004. PDF .

  99. A. I. Lvovsky, H. Hansen, T. Aichele, O. Benson, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller, Quantum State Reconstruction of the Single-Photon Fock State, Physical Review Letters 87(5): 050402 (4 pp.), 30 July 2001, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0101051. PDF; See also an article in Physical Review Focus .

  100. M. Oh-e, A. I. Lvovsky, X. Wei, D. Kim and Y. R. Shen, Nonlinear optical studies of surface structures of rubbed polyimides and adsorbed liquid crystal monolayers, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 364: 427, 1 January 2001.

  101. 2000

  102. M. Oh-e, A. I. Lvovsky, X. Wei and Y. R. Shen, Sum-frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy of side alkyl chain structures of polyimide surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics 113(19): 8827 - 8832, 15 November 2000. PDF .

  103. X. Wei, S. C. Hong, A. I. Lvovsky, H. Held and Y. R. Shen, Evaluation of surface vs. bulk contributions in sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy using reflection and transmission geometries, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104(14): 3349 - 3354, 13 April 2000. PDF .

  104. 1999

  105. A. I. Lvovsky, S. R. Hartmann and F. Moshary, Omnidirectional Superfluorescence, Physical Review Letters 82(22): 4420 - 4423, 31 May 1999. PDF .

  106. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Superradiant self-diffraction, Physical Review A 59(5): 4052 - 4057, 1 May 1999. PDF .

  107. 1998

  108. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Coherent Fan Emissions, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31(17): 3997 - 4016, 14 September 1998. PDF .

  109. 1997

  110. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Time-delayed second-harmonic generation in cesium vapor, Physical Review A 56(5): 4254 - 4263, 1 November 1997. PDF .

  111. 1996

  112. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Photon echo modulation effects in cesium vapor, Laser Physics 6(3): 535 - 543, 1 June 1996. PDF .

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. B. Braverman, K. Kuntz, M. Lobino, E. M. Pessina and A. I. Lvovsky, Measurement of superluminal phase and group velocities of Bessel beams in free space, arXiv.org:0811.4469, 27 November 2008.

Conference Publications


  1. D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, A. Fedorov, M. W. Richards, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky, Generating and breeding optical Schrödinger’s cat states, 1 March 2018, AIP Conference Proceedings 1936(1): 020018 (7 pp.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies, A. I. Lvovsky, M. L. Gorodetsky, and A. N. Rubtsov, eds., Moscow, Russia, 12 Jul 2017 - 16 Jul 2017 (ISBN 978-0-7354-1628-4).

  2. E. Tiunov, D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, A. Fedorov, V. Novikov and A. I. Lvovsky, Towards interconversion between discrete- and continuous-variable encodings in quantum optics, 1 March 2018, AIP Conference Proceedings 1936(1): 020017 (6 pp.), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies, A. I. Lvovsky, M. L. Gorodetsky, and A. N. Rubtsov, eds., Moscow, Russia, 12 Jul 2017 - 16 Jul 2017 (ISBN 978-0-7354-1628-4).

  3. 2011

  4. M. Lobino, S. Rahimi-Keshari, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum-optical process tomography using coherent states, 22 November 2011, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC2010): 197 - 206, Brisbane, Australia, 19 Jul 2010 - 23 Jul 2010, Published by American Physical Society (APS), College Park, United States of America (ISBN 978-0-7354-0921-7 ).

  5. 2009

  6. M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky, Coherent-state quantum process tomography, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 447 - 450, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  7. K. Kuntz, B. Braverman, S.-H. Youn, M. Lobino, E. M. Pessina and A. I. Lvovsky, Spatial and temporal characterization of a Bessel beam produced using a conical mirror, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 291 - 294, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  8. A. MacRae, G. Campbell, A. Ordog and A. I. Lvovsky, Simultaneous slow light pulses with matched group velocities via double-EIT, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 269 - 272, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  9. E. Figueroa, J. Appel, C. Kupchak, M. Lobino, D. Korystov and A. I. Lvovsky, Electromagnetically-induced transparency and squeezed light, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 249 - 252, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  10. N. Jain, S.-H. Youn and A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum tomography of the single-photon state generated by down conversion in a periodically poled KTP Crystal, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 201 - 204, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  11. G. Campbell, C. Healey, J. Appel, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky, Generation of squeezed vacuum states via polarization self-rotation, 21 March 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings 1110(1): 173 - 176, Proceedings of Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), A. I. Lvovsky, eds., University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008, Published by American Institute of Physics Inc., Melville, United States of America (ISBN 0735406476).

  12. 2006

  13. E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, J. Appel, G. Günter and A. I. Lvovsky, Characterization of atomic coherence decay for the storage of light, 7 September 2006, Proceedings of SPIE 6305: 630514 (8 pp.), Proceedings of SPIE: Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging IV, San Diego, California, 13 Aug 2006 - 14 Aug 2006 (ISBN 978-0-8194-6384-5 ).

  14. 2005

  15. A. I. Lvovsky and T. Aichele, On the advanced wave model of parametric down-conversion, 28 November 2005, Nato Science Series II, Mathmatics, Physics and Chemistry: Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems 189: 41 - 48, Vienna, Austria, 5 Sep 2003 - 7 Sep 2003, Published by Springer, Berlin, Germany (ISBN 978-1-4020-3281-3).

  16. A. I. Lvovsky, S. A. Babichev and J. Appel, Continuous-variable experiments with optical qubits, 1 January 2005, Proceedings of SPIE 5631: 42 - 50, Proceedings of Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging III Optics+Photonics 2005, G.C. Guo, H. K. Lo, M. Sasaki, S. H. Liu, eds., San Diego, California, 31 Jul 2005 - 4 Aug 2005.

  17. 2004

  18. A. I. Lvovsky and T. Aichele, Conditionally prepared photon and quantum imaging, 19 October 2004, Proceedings of SPIE 5551(1): 1 - 6, Proceedings of Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging II Optics+Photonics 2004, R. E. Meyers and Y. Shih, eds., Denver, Colorado, 2 Aug 2004 - 6 Aug 2004. PDF .

  19. 2003

  20. A. I. Lvovsky, S. A. Babichev and J. Mlynek, Quantum technology of non-classical light: new experiments and perspectives (invited), 1 April 2003, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2002), J. H. Shapiro and O. Hirota, eds., Boston, 22 Jul 2002 - 26 Jul 2002.

  21. 2002

  22. E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller and A. Peters, Doppler-free spectroscopy of CH4 using a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator, 1 May 2002, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology: 513 - 515, Fife, 9 Sep 2001 - 14 Sep 2001, Published by World Scientific (ISBN 981024911X). PDF .

  23. A. Peters, U. Strößner, E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, A. Hecker, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller, Continuous-wave optical parametric oscillators as new tools for high-resolution Doppler-free molecular spectroscopy, 1 May 2002, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology: 37 - 44, Fife, 9 Sep 2001 - 14 Sep 2001, Published by World Scientific (ISBN 981024911X). PDF .

  24. 1998

  25. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Time-delayed second-harmonic generation in an atomic vapor of cesium, 1 October 1998, Proceedings of SPIE 3485: 86 - 97, Proceedings of Eleventh International Vavilov Conference on Nonlinear Optics (Vavilov Conference on Nonlinear Optics 1997), Novosibirsk, 24 Jun 1997 - 28 Jun 1997.

  26. 1997

  27. A. I. Lvovsky and S. R. Hartmann, Time-delayed second-harmonic generation in an atomic Cs vapor, 1 September 1997, Proceedings of SPIE 3239: 94 - 104, Proceedings of Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy (PECS 1997), Yoshkar-Ola, 29 Jun 1997 - 4 Jul 1997.



  1. A. I. Lvovsky, Quantum Physics: An introduction based on photons, Published by Springer Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2018 (ISBN 978-3-662-56582-7).

Book Chapters


  1. A. I. Lvovsky, Squeezed light, section in book: Photonics Volume 1: Fundamentals of Photonics and Physics, D. Andrews, eds., Chapter 5: 121 - 164, Published by Wiley, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 2015, arXiv.org:1401.4118 (ISBN 978-1-118-22553-0). http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.4118.

  2. 2013

  3. A. I. Lvovsky, Fresnel equations, section in book: Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering , Published by Taylor & Francis, Oxford, 2013 (ISBN 0-8247-0940-3). PDF.

  4. 2007

  5. A. I. Lvovsky and M. G. Raymer, Continuous-variable quantum-state tomography of optical field and photons, N. Cerf, G. Leuchs, and E. Polzik, eds.: 409 - 430, Published by World Scientific, 2007 (ISBN 978-1-86094-760-5).

  6. 2004

  7. G. Badurek, Z. Hradil, A. I. Lvovsky, G. Molina-Teriza, H. Rauch, J. Rehacek, A. Vaziri and M. Zawisky, Maximum-likelihood estimation in experimental quantum physics, M.Paris and J. Rehacek, eds., Published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2004. PDF .

Other Publications


  1. A. I. Lvovsky, Protecting quantum superpositions from the outside world, Physics 2: 83 (3 pp.), 5 October 2009. PDF.

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Last updated January, 2025