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Publications by H. Jayakumar

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. H. Jayakumar, B. Khanaliloo, D. P. Lake and P. E. Barclay, Tunable amplification and cooling of a diamond resonator with a microscope, Physical Review Applied 16(1): 014063 (8 pp.), 27 July 2021.

  2. 2018

  3. J. P. Hadden, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, S. Rampini, R. Osellame, J. Witmer, H. Jayakumar, T. T. Fernandez, A. Chiappini, C. Armellini, M. Ferrari, R. Ramponi, P. E. Barclay and S. M. Eaton, Integrated waveguides and deterministically positioned nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond created by femtosecond laser writing, Optics Letters 43(15): 3586 - 3589, 23 July 2018.

  4. 2016

  5. D. P. Lake, M. J. Mitchell, H. Jayakumar, L. F. dos Santos, D. Curic and P. E. Barclay, Efficient telecom to visible wavelength conversion in doubly resonant gallium phosphide microdisks , Applied Physics Letters 108(3): 031109 (6 pp.), 21 January 2016.

  6. 2015

  7. B. Khanaliloo, H. Jayakumar, A. C. Hryciw, D. P. Lake, H. Kaviani and P. E. Barclay, Single-crystal diamond nanobeam waveguide optomechanics, Physical Review X 5(4): 041051 (21 pp.), 29 December 2015, arXiv.org:1502.01788.

  8. 2014

  9. M. Wu, A. C. Hryciw, C. Healey, D. P. Lake, H. Jayakumar, M. R. Freeman, J. P. Davis and P. E. Barclay, Dissipative and dispersive optomechanics in a nanocavity torque sensor, Physical Review X 4(2): 021052 (11 pp.), 19 June 2014, arXiv.org:1403.6486.

Conference Publications


  1. H. Jayakumar, B. Khanaliloo and P. E. Barclay, Efficient fiber collection of nitrogen-vacancy center emission from diamond nano beams, FW1E.6, 10 May 2015, Proceedings of CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science 2015, San Jose, United States of America, 10 May 2015 - 15 May 2015, Published by Optical Society of America (ISBN 978-1-55752-968-8).

  2. B. Khanaliloo, H. Jayakumar, D. P. Lake and P. E. Barclay, Diamond manobeam waveguide optomechanics, STh31.3, 10 May 2015, Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovation 2015, San Jose, United States of America, 10 May 2015 - 15 May 2015, Published by Optical Society of America (ISBN 978-1-55752-968-8).

  3. D. P. Lake, M. J. Mitchell, A. C. Hryciw, H. Jayakumar and P. E. Barclay, Resonant wavelength conversion in gallium phosphide nanostructures, STu2l.5, 10 May 2015, Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovation 2015, San Jose, United States of America, 10 May 2015 - 15 May 2015, Published by Optical Society of America (ISBN 978-1-55752-968-8).

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Last updated August, 2024