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Publications by D. L. Feder

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. A. Alase, K. D. Stubbs, B. C. Sanders and D. L. Feder, Erasure conversion in Majorana qubits via local quasiparticle detection, Physical Review Research 6: 043294 (21 pp.), 20 December 2024.

  2. Z.-H. Liu, E. C. Johnson and D. L. Feder, Symmetry-protected topological order as a requirement for measurement-based quantum gate teleportation, Physical Review Research 6(1): 013134 (14 pp.), 1 February 2024.

  3. 2023

  4. A. Alase, O. Doty and D. L. Feder, Matrix permanent and determinant from a spin system, Physical Review A 108(1): 012207, 19 July 2023.

  5. 2022

  6. A. Alase and D. L. Feder, Erratum: Generating and detecting topological phases with higher Chern number [Phys. Rev. A 103, 053305 (2021)], Physical Review A 105(5): 059901 (1 p.), 17 May 2022.

  7. P.-C. Liao, B. C. Sanders and D. L. Feder, Topological graph states and quantum error correction codes, Physical Review A 105(4): 042418 (18 pp.), 11 April 2022.

  8. 2021

  9. P.-C. Liao and D. L. Feder, Graph-state representation of the toric code, Physical Review A 104(1): 012432 (16 pp.), 30 July 2021.

  10. A. Alase and D. L. Feder, Generating and detecting topological phases with higher Chern number, Physical Review A 103(5): 053305 (12 pp.), 5 May 2021.

  11. 2019

  12. J.-W. Ji and D. L. Feder, Extending matchgates to universal quantum computation via the Hubbard model, Physical Review A 100(5): 052324 (13 pp.), 19 November 2019.

  13. 2017

  14. W. W. Zhang, B. C. Sanders, S. Apers, S. K. Goyal and D. L. Feder, Detecting topological transitions in two dimensions by Hamiltonian evolution, Physical Review Letters 119(19): 197401 (6 pp.), 6 November 2017.

  15. 2016

  16. X. Chen, R. Mereau and D. L. Feder, Asymptotically perfect efficient quantum state transfer across uniform chains with two impurities, Physical Review A 93(1): 012343 (10 pp.), 27 January 2016.

  17. 2015

  18. F. Mivehvar and D. L. Feder, Enhanced stripe phases in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in ring cavities, Physical Review A 92(2): 023611 (14 pp.), 10 August 2015.

  19. S. J. Large, M. S. Underwood and D. L. Feder, Perfect quantum state transfer of hard-core bosons on weighted path graphs, Physical Review A 91(3): 032319 (17 pp.), 24 March 2015.

  20. 2014

  21. C. Trail, K. Almutairi, D. L. Feder and B. C. Sanders, Nonlinear phase shifts of light trapped in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review A 89(6): 063823 (8 pp.), 26 June 2014.

  22. F. Mivehvar and D. L. Feder, Synthetic spin-orbit interactions and magnetic fields in ring-cavity QED, Physical Review A 89(1): 013803 (12 pp.), 6 January 2014.

  23. 2013

  24. A. G. D'Souza, B. C. Sanders and D. L. Feder, Fermionized photons in the ground state of one-dimensional coupled cavities, Physical Review A 88(6): 063801 (15 pp.), 2 December 2013.

  25. M. Ebrahimi Kahou and D. L. Feder, Quantum search with interacting Bose-Einstein condensates, Physical Review A 88(3): 032310 (11 pp.), 11 September 2013.

  26. 2012

  27. M. S. Underwood and D. L. Feder, Bose-Hubbard model for universal quantum-walk-based computation, Physical Review A 85(5): 052314 (9 pp.), 22 May 2012, arXiv.org:1204.6021.

  28. D. L. Feder, Maximally entangled gapped ground state of lattice fermions, Physical Review A 85(1): 012312 (8 pp.), 12 January 2012, arXiv.org:arXiv:1112.5133.

  29. 2011

  30. B. A. Blumer, M. S. Underwood and D. L. Feder, Single-qubit unitary gates by graph scattering, Physical Review A 84(6): 062302 (7 pp.), 5 December 2011, arXiv.org:1111.5032.

  31. A. G. D'Souza and D. L. Feder, Strategies for measurement-based quantum computation with cluster states transformed by stochastic local operations and classical communication, Physical Review A 84(4): 042301 (14 pp.), 3 October 2011, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1108.4909.

  32. 2010

  33. M. S. Underwood and D. L. Feder, Universal quantum computation by discontinuous quantum walk, Physical Review A 82(4): 042304 (6 pp.), 7 October 2010, arXiv.org:1008.3578.

  34. A. G. D'Souza, J. Briet and D. L. Feder, Testing equivalence of pure quantum states and graph states under SLOCC, International Journal of Quantum Information 8(1-2): 395 - 410, 1 February 2010.

  35. 2009

  36. J. Joo and D. L. Feder, Error-correcting one-way quantum computation with global entangling gates, Physical Review A 80(3): 032312 (11 pp.), 11 September 2009, arXiv.org:arXiv:0908.0768. (Selected for the September 2009 Virtual Journals of Quantum Information, Applications of Superconductivity, and Nanoscale Science & Technology).

  37. A. Morris and D. L. Feder, Topological entropy of quantum Hall states in rotating Bose gases, Physical Review A 79(1): 013619 (4 pp.), 23 January 2009.

  38. D. L. Feder, Cooling ultracold bosons in optical lattices by spectral transform, Physical Review A 79(1): 013604 (12 pp.), 6 January 2009.

  39. 2008

  40. T. Friesen and D. L. Feder, One-way quantum computing in optical lattices with many atom addressing, Physical Review A 78(3): 032312 (12 pp.), 10 September 2008.

  41. M. Garrett and D. L. Feder, Cluster States from imperfect entanglement, New Journal of Physics 10(3): 033009 (15 pp.), 6 March 2008.

  42. 2007

  43. A. Morris and D. L. Feder, Gaussian potentials facilitate access to quantum Hall states in rotating Bose gases, Physical Review Letters 99(24): 240401 (4 pp.), 12 December 2007, arXiv.org:arXiv:0707.0460.

  44. 2006

  45. D. L. Feder, Perfect quantum state transfer with spinor bosons on weighted graphs, Physical Review Letters 97(3): 180502 (4 pp.), 3 November 2006.

  46. A. Morris and D. L. Feder, Validity of the lowest-Landau-level approximation for rotating Bose gases, Physical Review A 74(3): 033605 (8 pp.), 8 September 2006, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0602037.

  47. 2004

  48. D. L. Feder, Vortex arrays in a rotating superfluid Fermi gas, Physical Review Letters 93(20): 200406 (4 pp.), 12 November 2004, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0410097.

  49. N. Nygaard, G. M. Bruun, B. I. Schneider, C. W. Clark and D. L. Feder, Vortex line in a neutral finite-temperature superfluid Fermi gas, Physical Review A 69(5): 053622 (9 pp.), 20 May 2004.

  50. 2003

  51. N. Nygaard, G. M. Bruun, C. W. Clark and D. L. Feder, Microscopic Structure of a Vortex Line in a Dilute Superfluid Fermi Gas, Physical Review Letters 90(21): 210402 (4 pp.), 30 May 2003, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0210526.

  52. 2001

  53. D. L. Feder and C. W. Clark, Superfluid to solid crossover in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensed gas, Physical Review Letters 87(19): 190401 (4 pp.), 17 October 2001, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0108019.

  54. B. P. Anderson, P. C. Haljan, C. A. Regal, D. L. Feder, L. A. Collins, C. W. Clark and E. A. Cornell, Watching dark solitons decay into vortex rings in a Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review Letters 86(14): 2926 - 2929, 2 April 2001, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0012444.

  55. D. L. Feder, A. A. Svidzinsky, A. L. Fetter and C. W. Clark, Anomalous modes drive vortex dynamics in confined Bose-Einstein condensates, Physical Review Letters 86(4): 564 - 567, 22 January 2001, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0009086.

  56. 2000

  57. D. L. Feder, M. S. Pindzola, L. A. Collins, B. I. Schneider and C. W. Clark, Dark-soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic traps, Physical Review A 62(5): 053606 (11 pp.), 1 November 2000, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0004449.

  58. T. Bergeman, D. L. Feder, N. L. Balazs and B. I. Schneider, Bose condensates in a harmonic trap near the critical temperature, Physical Review A 61(6): 063605 (14 pp.), 1 June 2000, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0001079.

  59. D. L. Feder, C. W. Clark and B. I. Schneider, Nucleation of vortex arrays in rotating anisotropic Bose-Einstein condensates, Physical Review A 61(1): 011601 (4 pp.), 1 January 2000, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9910288.

  60. 1999

  61. D. L. Feder, C. W. Clark and B. I. Schneider, Vortex stability of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates confined in anisotropic harmonic traps, Physical Review Letters 82(25): 4956 - 4959, 21 June 1999, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9904269.

  62. B. I. Schneider and D. L. Feder, Numerical approach to the ground and excited states of a Bose-Einstein condensed gas confined in a completely anisotropic trap, Physical Review A 59(3): 2232 - 2242, 1 March 1999, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9811344.

  63. 1998

  64. A. L. Fetter and D. L. Feder, Beyond the Thomas-Fermi approximation for a trapped condensed Bose-Einstein gas, Physical Review A 58(4): 3185 - 3194, 1 October 1998, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9704173.

  65. 1997

  66. D. L. Feder, A. Beardsall, A. J. Berlinsky and C. Kallin, Twin boundaries in d-wave superconductors, Physical Review B 56(10): R5751 - R5754, 1 September 1997, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9705139.

  67. D. L. Feder and C. Kallin, Microscopic derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau equations for a d-wave superconductor, Physical Review B 55(1): 559 - 574, 1 January 1997, arXiv.org:cond-mat/9609248.

  68. 1995

  69. D. L. Feder and C. Kallin, Statistics and superfluidity, Physical Review B 52(13): 9197 - 9200, 1 October 1995.

  70. D. L. Feder and C. Kallin, Superfluidity of lattice semions, Physical Review B 51(17): 11555 - 11566, 1 May 1995.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. S. B. McKagan, D. L. Feder and W. P. Reinhardt, An investigation of mean-field effects for a Bose condensate in an optical lattice, arXiv.org:cond-mat/0509666, 26 September 2005.

Thesis Publications


  1. D. L. Feder, Inhomogeneous d-wave Superconductors (PhD Thesis), 1 September 1997.

Other Publications


  1. P. M. Ketcham and D. L. Feder, Visualizing Bose-Einstein Condensates, Computing in Science and Engineering 5(1): 86 - 89, 1 January 2003.

  2. 2000

  3. J. Denschlag, J. E. Simsarian, D. L. Feder, C. W. Clark, L. A. Collins, J. Cubizolles, L. Deng, E. W. Hagley, K. Helmerson, W. P. Reinhardt, S. L. Rolston and B. I. Schneider, Generating Solitons by Phase Engineering of a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Science 287(5450): 97 - 101, 7 January 2000.

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Last updated January, 2025