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Publications by A. J. Scott

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. A. Roy and A. J. Scott, Unitary designs and codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 53(1): 13 - 31, 23 April 2009, arXiv.org:0809.3813.

  2. 2007

  3. A. Roy and A. J. Scott, Weighted complex projective 2-designs from bases: optimal state determination by orthogonal measurements, Journal of Mathematical Physics 48(7): 072110 (24 pp.), 30 July 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0703025.

  4. A. J. Scott, J. Walgate and B. C. Sanders, Optimal fingerprinting strategies with one-sided error, Quantum Information and Computation 7(3): 243 - 264, 1 March 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0507048.

  5. 2006

  6. A. J. Scott, T. A. Brun, C. M. Caves and R. Schack, Hypersensitivity and chaos signatures in the quantum baker's maps, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39(43): 13405 - 13433, 11 October 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0606102.

  7. A. J. Scott, Tight informationally complete quantum measurements, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39(43): 13507 - 13530, 11 October 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0604049.

  8. 2005

  9. A. J. Scott, Probabilities of failure for quantum error correction, Quantum Information Processing 4(5): 399 - 431, 1 November 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0406063.

  10. R. T. Horn, A. J. Scott, J. Walgate, R. Cleve, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders, Classical and quantum fingerprinting with shared randomness and one-sided error, Quantum Information and Computation 5(3): 258 - 271, 15 May 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0501021. PDF .

  11. 2004

  12. A. J. Scott, Multipartite entanglement, quantum-error-correcting codes, and entangling power of quantum evolutions, Physical Review A 69(5): 052330, 27 May 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0310137.

  13. J. M. Renes, R. Blume-Kohout, A. J. Scott and C. M. Caves, Symmetric informationally complete quantum measurements, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45(6): 2171 - 2180, 6 May 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0310075.

  14. 2003

  15. A. J. Scott and C. M. Caves, Entangling power of the quantum baker's map, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36(36): 9553 - 9576, 27 August 2003, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0305046.

  16. A. J. Scott, Hamiltonian mappings and circle packing phase spaces: numerical investigations, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 181(1-2): 45 - 52, 1 July 2003, arXiv.org:nlin.CD/0211002.

  17. 2002

  18. M. M. Tracy and A. J. Scott, The classical limit for a class of quantum baker's maps, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35(39): 8341 - 8360, 17 September 2002, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0206029.

  19. 2001

  20. A. J. Scott and G. J. Milburn, Periodic orbit quantization of a Hamiltonian map on the sphere, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 34(37): 7541 - 7562, 7 September 2001, arXiv.org:nlin.CD/0102039.

  21. A. J. Scott, C. A. Holmes and G. J. Milburn, Hamiltonian mappings and circle packing phase spaces, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 155(1-2): 34 - 50, 24 July 2001, arXiv.org:nlin.CD/0001037.

  22. A. J. Scott and G. J. Milburn, Quantum nonlinear dynamics of continuously measured systems, Physical Review A 63(4): 042101, 7 March 2001, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0008108.

  23. 2000

  24. A. J. Scott, C. A. Holmes and G. J. Milburn, Quantum and classical chaos for a single trapped ion, Physical Review A 61(1): 013401, 1 January 2000, arXiv.org:chao-dyn/9903012.

Conference Publications


  1. A. J. Scott, J. Walgate and B. C. Sanders, Classical and quantum fingerprinting in the one-way communication model (contributed), 1 May 2006, NATO Science Series, III: Computer and Systems Sciences: Quantum Information Processing - From Theory to Experiment 199: 184 - 187, Chania, Greece, 2 May 2005 - 13 May 2005, Published by IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Neterhlands (ISBN 1-58603-611-4).

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Last updated January, 2025