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Publications by J.-W. Ji

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. J.-W. Ji, F. Kimiaee Asadi, K. Heshami and C. Simon, Noncryogenic Quantum Repeaters with hot Hybrid Alkali-Noble Gases, Physical Review Applied 19(5): 054063 (12 pp.), 19 May 2023.

  2. D. B. Higginbottom, F. Kimiaee Asadi, C. Chartrand, J.-W. Ji, L. Bergeron, M. L. W. Thewalt, C. Simon and S. Simmons, Memory and transduction prospects for silicon T centre devices, PRX Quantum 4(2): 020308 (16 pp.), 17 April 2023.

  3. 2022

  4. F. Kimiaee Asadi, J.-W. Ji and C. Simon, Proposal for transduction between microwave and optical photons using 167Er-doped yttrium orthosilicate, Physical Review A 105(6): 062608, 30 June 2022.

  5. J.-W. Ji, Y.-F. Wu, S. C. Wein, F. Kimiaee Asadi, R. Ghobadi and C. Simon, Proposal for room-temperature quantum repeaters with nitrogen-vacancy centers and optomechanics, Quantum 6: 669 (20 pp.), 17 March 2022.

  6. 2020

  7. C. Qian, Y.-D. Wu, J.-W. Ji, Y.-L. Xiao and B. C. Sanders, Multiple uncertainty relation for accelerated quantum information, Physical Review D 102(9): 096009 (9 pp.), 10 November 2020.

  8. S. C. Wein, J.-W. Ji, Y.-F. Wu, F. Kimiaee Asadi, R. Ghobadi and C. Simon, Analyzing photon-count heralded entanglement generation between solid-state spin qubits by decomposing the master-equation dynamics, Physical Review A 102(3): 033701 (15 pp.), 1 September 2020.

  9. 2019

  10. J.-W. Ji and D. L. Feder, Extending matchgates to universal quantum computation via the Hubbard model, Physical Review A 100(5): 052324 (13 pp.), 19 November 2019.

Thesis Publications


  1. J.-W. Ji, Novel approaches towards non-cryogenic quantum repeaters (PhD Thesis), 30 April 2023.

  2. 2019

  3. J.-W. Ji, The Hubbard model for universal quantum computation (MSc Thesis), 25 January 2019.

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Last updated January, 2025