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Publications by D. Oblak

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. V. Salari, N. G. Kamel, F. Rasekh, R. Ghobadi, J. Smith and D. Oblak, Cryogenic bridging via propagating microwave quantum teleportation, AVS Quantum Science 6(4): 042001 (10 pp.), 18 October 2024.

  2. V. Salari, R. O'Connor, S. Rodrigues and D. Oblak, New approaches in Brain-Machine Interfaces with implants, Frontiers in Neuroscience 18: 1485472 (3 pp.), 26 September 2024.

  3. S. Taherizadegan, J. Davidson, S. Kumar, D. Oblak and C. Simon, Towards a realistic model for cavity-enhanced atomic frequency comb quantum memories, Quantum Science and Technology 9(3): 035049 (13 pp.), 25 June 2024.

  4. S.-H. Wei, B. Jing, X.-Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Liao, H. Li, L.-X. You, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, G.-W. Deng, H.-Z. Song, D. Oblak, G.-C. Guo and Q. Zhou, Quantum storage of 1650 modes of single photons at telecom wavelength, npj Quantum Information 10: 19 (8 pp.), 1 February 2024.

  5. N. Sefati, T. Esmaeilpour, V. Salari, A. Zarifkar, F. Dehghani, M. Khorsand Ghaffari, H. Zadeh Haghighi, N. Csaszar, I. Bokkon, S. Rodrigues and D. Oblak, Monitoring Alzheimer’s disease via ultraweak photon emission, iScience 27(1): 108744 (15 pp.), 19 January 2024.

  6. 2023

  7. Z.Q. Zhou, C. Liu, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, D. Oblak, M. Lei, A. Faraon, M. Mazerra and H. de Riedmatten, Photonic integrated quantum memory in rare-earth doped solids, Laser & Photonics Reviews 17(10): 2300257 (28 pp.), 23 August 2023.

  8. M. Noweir, F. Ghannouchi, M. Helaoui and D. Oblak, High dynamic range agile radio over fibre transmitter's architectures for 5G/NR applications, Scientific Reports, 3 August 2023. (accepted or in press).

  9. T. Esmaeilpour, A. Lotfealian, M. Anvari, M. Namavar, N. Karbalaei, A. Shahedi, I. Bokkon, V. Salari and D. Oblak, Effect of methamphetamine on ultraweak photon emission and level of reactive oxygen species in male rat brain, Neuroscience Letters 81(1): 137136 (15 pp.), 18 February 2023.

  10. 2022

  11. R. Valivarthi, L. Narváez, S. I. Davis, N. Lauk, C. Peña, S. Xie, J. P. Allmaras, A. D. Beyer, B. Korzh, A. Mueller, M. Kiburg, M. D. Shaw, E. E. Wollman, P. Spentzouris, D. Oblak, N. Sinclair and M. Spiropulu, Picosecond synchronization system for quantum networks, Journal of Lightwave Technology 40(23): 7668 - 7675, 15 August 2022.

  12. C. L. Cortes, P. Lefebvre, N. Lauk, M. J. Davis, N. Sinclair, S. K. Gray and D. Oblak, Sample-efficient adaptive calibration of quantum networks using Bayesian optimization, Physical Review Applied 17(3): 034067 (17 pp.), 28 March 2022.

  13. S.-H. Wei, B. Jing, X.-Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Liao, C.-Z. Yuan, B.-Y. Fan, C. Lyu, D.-L. Zhou, Y. Wang, G.-W. Deng, H.-Z. Song, D. Oblak, G.-C. Guo and Q. Zhou, Towards real-world quantum networks: A review, Laser & Photonics Reviews 16(3): 2100219 (29 pp.), 24 January 2022.

  14. V. Salari, S. Rodrigues, E. Saglamyurek, C. Simon and D. Oblak, Are brain-computer interfaces feasible with integrated photonic chips?, Frontiers in Neuroscience 15(7): 780344 (16 pp.), 7 January 2022.

  15. 2021

  16. M. Falamarzi Askarani, A. Das, J. Davidson, G. Amaral, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, S. Marzban, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Long-lived solid-state optical memory for high-rate quantum repeaters, Physical Review Letters 127(22): 220502 (7 pp.), 22 November 2021.

  17. N. Sinclair, D. Oblak, E. Saglamyurek, R. L. Cone, C. W. Thiel and W. Tittel, Optical coherence and energy-level properties of a Tm3+-doped LiNbO3 waveguide at subkelvin temperatures, Physical Review B 103(13): 134105 (15 pp.), 12 April 2021.

  18. M. Noweir, M. Helaoui, D. Oblak, W.-H. Chen and F. Ghannouchi, Linearization of radio-Over-fiber cloud-RAN transmitters using pre- and post-distortion techniques, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33(7): 339 - 342, 1 April 2021.

  19. P. Lefebvre, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, L. Oesterling, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Compact energy–time entanglement source using cascaded nonlinear interactions, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 38(4): 1380 - 1385, 31 March 2021.

  20. 2020

  21. R. Valivarthi, S. I. Davis, C. Peña, S. Xie, N. Lauk, L. Narváez, J. P. Allmaras, A. D. Beyer, Y. Gim, M. Hussein, G. Iskander, H. L. Kim, B. Korzh, A. Mueller, M. Rominsky, M. Shaw, C. Simon, D. Oblak, N. Sinclair and M. Spiropulu, Teleportation systems toward a quantum internet, PRX Quantum 1(2): 020317 (16 pp.), 4 December 2020.

  22. D. Dalacu, D. B. Northeast, P. J. Poole, G. C. Aers, R. L. Williams, K. A. Owen and D. Oblak, Pump power control of photon statistics in a nanowire quantum dot, Physical Review A 102(11): 115401 (7 pp.), 1 September 2020.

  23. Q. Xi, S.-H. Wei, C.-Z. Yuan, X.-Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, H.-Z. Song, G.-W. Deng, B. Jing, D. Oblak and Q. Zhou, Experimental observation of coherent interaction between laser and erbium ions ensemble doped in fiber at sub 10 mK, Science China Information Sciences 63(18): 180505 (7 pp.), 15 July 2020.

  24. J. Davidson, J. Lefebvre, J. Zhang, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Improved light-matter interaction for storage of quantum states of light in a thulium-doped crystal cavity, Physical Review A 101(4): 042333 (5 pp.), 28 April 2020.

  25. M. Falamarzi Askarani, T. Lutz, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Persistent atomic frequency comb based on Zeeman sub-levels of an erbium-doped crystal waveguide, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 37(2): 352 - 358, 20 January 2020.

  26. M. L. Grimau Puigibert, M. Falamarzi Askarani, J. Davidson, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, T. Lutz, G. Amaral, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Entanglement and nonlocality between disparate solid-state quantum memories mediated by photons, Physical Review Research 2(1): 013039 (12 pp.), 13 January 2020.

  27. 2019

  28. R. Valivarthi, P. Umesh, C. John, K. A. Owen, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak, Q. Zhou and W. Tittel, Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution coexisting with classical communication, Quantum Science and Technology 4: 045002 (9 pp.), 30 July 2019.

  29. M. Falamarzi Askarani, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, T. Lutz, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Storage and reemission of heralded telecommunication-wavelength photons using a crystal waveguide, Physical Review Applied 11(5): 054056 (9 pp.), 2 May 2019.

  30. 2017

  31. P. Zarkeshian, C. Deshmukh, N. Sinclair, S. K. Goyal, G. Aguilar, J. Lefebvre, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, K. Heshami, D. Oblak, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Entanglement between more than two hundred macroscopic atomic ensembles in a solid, Nature Communications 8: 906 (10 pp.), 13 October 2017.

  32. R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, J. Caleb, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, A cost-effective measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution system for quantum networks, Quantum Science and Technology 2(4): 04LT01 (9 pp.), 19 September 2017.

  33. M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, Q. Zhou, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Heralded single photons based on spectral multiplexing and feed-forward control, Physical Review Letters 119(8): 083601 (6 pp.), 25 August 2017.

  34. N. Sinclair, D. Oblak, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone and W. Tittel, Properties of a rare-earth-ion-doped waveguide at sub-Kelvin temperatures for quantum signal processing, Physical Review Letters 118(100): 100504 (5 pp.), 7 March 2017.

  35. 2016

  36. N. Sinclair, K. Heshami, C. Deshmukh, D. Oblak, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Proposal and proof-of-principle demonstration of non-destructive detection of photonic qubits using a Tm:LiNbO3 waveguide, Nature Communications 7: 13454 (6 pp.), 17 November 2016.

  37. R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, Q. Zhou, G. Aguilar, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation across a metropolitan fibre network, Nature Photonics 10: 676 - 680, 19 September 2016.

  38. E. Saglamyurek, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, Q. Zhou, L Giner, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, L. Oesterling, D. Nippa, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, A multiplexed light-matter interface for fibre-based quantum networks, Nature Communications 7(1): 11202, 5 April 2016.

  39. 2015

  40. J. Jin, E. Saglamyurek, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Telecom-wavelength atomic quantum memory in optical fiber for heralded polarization qubits, Physical Review Letters 115(14): 140501 (5 pp.), 28 September 2015.

  41. J. Jin, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, L Giner, J. A. Slater, M. R. E. Lamont, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Entanglement swapping with quantum-memory-compatible photons, Physical Review A 92(1): 012329 (6 pp.), 27 July 2015.

  42. R. Valivarthi, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, A. Rubenok, C. John, D. Korchinski, C. Duffin, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, J. A. Staren, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak, Q. Zhou, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution: from idea towards application, Journal of Modern Optics, 26 March 2015.

  43. E. Saglamyurek, J. Jin, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum storage of entangled telecom-wavelength photons in an erbium-doped optical fibre, Nature Photonics 9: 83 - 87, 12 January 2015.

  44. 2014

  45. R. Valivarthi, I. Lucio-Martinez, A. Rubenok, P. Chan, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, J. A. Stern, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Efficient Bell state analyzer for time-bin qubits with fast-recovery WSi superconducting single photon detectors, Optics Express 22(20): 24497 - 24506, 6 October 2014.

  46. N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Spectral multiplexing for scalable quantum photonics using an atomic frequency comb quantum memory and feed-forward control, Physical Review Letters 113(5): 053603 (5 pp.), 29 July 2014, arXiv.org:1309.3202.

  47. E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, K. Heshami, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, An integrated processor for photonic quantum states using a broadband light-matter interface, New Journal of Physics 16(6): 065019 (22 pp.), 26 June 2014, arXiv.org:1402.0481.

  48. 2013

  49. J. Jin, J. A. Slater, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, M. George, R. Ricken, D. Oblak, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Two-photon interference of weak coherent laser pulses recalled from separate solid-state quantum memories, Nature Communications 4: 2386 (7 pp.), 29 August 2013, arXiv.org:1302.2177.

  50. 2012

  51. E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Conditional detection of pure quantum states of light after storage in a Tm-doped waveguide, Physical Review Letters 108(8): 083602 (5 pp.), 22 February 2012, arXiv.org:1111.0676.

  52. 2011

  53. E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons, Nature 469(7331): 512 - 515, 12 January 2011.

  54. 2010

  55. A. Louchet-Chauvet, J. Appel, J. Renema, D. Oblak, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Entanglement-assisted atomic clock beyond the projection noise limit, New Journal of Physics 12: 065032 (18 pp.), 28 June 2010, arXiv.org:arXiv:0912.3895.

  56. 2009

  57. P. J. Windpassinger, D. Oblak, U. B. Hoff, A. Louchet, J. Appel, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Squeezing of Atomic Quantum Projection Noise, Journal of Modern Optics 56(18 & 19): 1993 - 1998, 7 October 2009, arXiv.org:arXiv:0906.2572.

  58. J. Appel, P. J. Windpassinger, D. Oblak, U. B. Hoff, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Mesoscopic atomic entanglement for precision measurements beyond the standard quantum limit, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(27): 10960 - 10965, 7 July 2009, arXiv.org:arXiv:0810.3545v2.

  59. M. Saffman, D. Oblak, J. Appel and E. S. Polzik, Spin squeezing of atomic ensembles by multicolor quantum nondemolition measurements, Physical Review A 79: 023831 (8 pp.), 24 February 2009, arXiv.org:arXiv:0807.0254v1.

  60. 2008

  61. D. Oblak, J. Appel, P. J. Windpassinger, U. B. Hoff, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Echo spectroscopy of atomic dynamics in a Gaussian trap via phase imprints, European Physical Journal D 50: 67 - 73, 1 November 2008, arXiv.org:arXiv:0807.0254v1.

  62. G. Hétet, M. Hosseini, B. Sparkes, D. Oblak, P. K. Lam and B. C. Buchler, Photon echoes generated by reversing magnetic field gradients in a rubidium vapour, Optics Letters 33(20): 2323 - 2325, 10 October 2008, arXiv.org:arXiv:0806.4258v3.

  63. P. J. Windpassinger, D. Oblak, U. B. Hoff, J. Appel, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Inhomogeneous light shift effects on atomic quantum state evolution in non-destructive measurements, New Journal of Physics 10: 053032 (9 pp.), 28 May 2008, arXiv.org:arXiv:0801.3242.

  64. P. J. Windpassinger, D. Oblak, P. G. Petrov, M. Kubasik, M. Saffman, C. L. Garrido Alzar, J. Appel, J. H. Müller, N. Kjærgaard and E. S. Polzik, Nondestructive Probing of Rabi Oscillations on the Cesium Clock Transition near the Standard Quantum Limi, Physical Review Letters 100: 103601 (4 pp.), 13 March 2008, arXiv.org:arXiv:0801.4126.

  65. 2006

  66. P. G. Petrov, D. Oblak, C. L. Garrido Alzar, N. Kjærgaard, P. J. Windpassinger and E. S. Polzik, Nondestructive interferometric characterization of an optical dipole trap, Physical Review A 56(3): 033803 (9 pp.), 12 October 2006, arXiv.org:arXiv:quant-ph/0610107.

  67. 2005

  68. D. Oblak, P. G. Petrov, C. L. Garrido Alzar, W. Tittel, A. K. Verchovski, J. K. Mikkelsen, J. L. Sørensen and E. S. Polzik, Quantum noise limited interferometric measurement of atomic noise: towards spin squeezing on the Cs clock transition, Physical Review A 71(4): 043807 (12 pp.), 11 April 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0312165.

  69. J. H. Müller, P. G. Petrov, D. Oblak, C. L. Garrido Alzar, S. R. de Echaniz and E. S. Polzik, Diffraction effects on light-atomic ensemble quantum interface, Physical Review A 71(3): 033803 (9 pp.), 7 March 2005, arXiv.org:arXiv:quant-ph/0610107.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. V. Salari, V. Seshan, L. Frankle, D. England, C. Simon and D. Oblak, Imaging Ultraweak Photon Emission from Living and Dead Mice and from Plants under Stress, 11 November 2024.

  2. 2022

  3. S.-H. Wei, B. Jing, X.-Y. Zhang, J.-Y. Liao, H. Li, L.-X. You, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, G.-W. Deng, H.-Z. Song, D. Oblak, G.-C. Guo and Q. Zhou, Storage of 1650 modes of single photons at telecom wavelength, arXiv.org:2209.00802, 2 September 2022.

Conference Publications


  1. A. Sethia, J. Smith, H. Chenini, A. Singh, A. Ahadi, N. Kuzmin and D. Oblak, Plug and Play Measurement Device Independent quantum secure communication, 25 December 2023, Proceedings of 2023 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, FL, USA , 12 Nov 2023 - 16 Nov 2023, Published by IEEE.

  2. 2022

  3. S. Kumar, E. Saglamyurek and D. Oblak, Superradiance from spectrally tailored absorption lines in a cavity, 31 October 2022, Proceedings of Photonics North 2022, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 24 May 2022 - 26 May 2022, Published by IEEE.

  4. A. Das, M. Falamarzi Askarani, J. Davidson, G. Amaral, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, S. Marzban, D. Oblak, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone and W. Tittel, A solid-state multimode long-lived optical quantum memory for quantum repeaters, STu5F.6, 30 September 2022, Proceedings of 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2022), San Jose, California, United States of America, 15 May 2022 - 20 May 2022.

  5. S. Taherizadegan, J. Davidson, S. Kumar, R. Ghobadi, D. Oblak and C. Simon, Demonstration of a model for cavity-enhanced atomic frequency comb quantum memory, QM4B.6, 30 June 2022, Proceedings of Quantum 2.0 2022, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 13 Jun 2022 - 16 Jun 2022.

  6. A. Das, M. Falamarzi Askarani, J. Davidson, G. Amaral, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, S. Marzban, D. Oblak, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone and W. Tittel, A long-lived spectrally multiplexed solid-state optical quantum memory for high-rate quantum repeaters, 31 May 2022, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 2022 12133: 1213305, Strasbourg, France, 3 Apr 2022 - 7 Apr 2022, Published by SPIE Publications, Bellingham, United States of America. Proceedings volume 12133, Quantum Technologies.

  7. 2021

  8. S. Shafiei Alavijeh, E. Saglamyurek and D. Oblak, Hour-long decay-time of Erbium spins in an optical fiber at milli-kelvin temperatures , F2A.4, 6 November 2021, Proceedings of Quantum Information and Measurement VI (virtual), 1 Nov 2021 - 5 Nov 2021. published by Optica Publishing Group.

  9. S.-H. Wei, B. Jing, X.-Y. Zhang, H.-Q. Wang, H. Li, L.-X. You, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, G.-W. Deng, H.-Z. Song, D. Oblak, G.-C. Guo and Q. Zhou, Multiplexed and broadband quantum storage of single-photons at telecom C-band, FM4M.2, 29 October 2021, Proceedings of CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science (virtual), San Jose, United States of America, 9 May 2021 - 14 May 2021.

  10. 2020

  11. R. Valivarthi, S. Davis, L. Narváez, Y. Gim, M. Hussein, G. Iskander, B. Korzh, N. Lauk, A. Mueller, D. Oblak, C. Peña, M. Rominsky, M. Shaw, C. Simon, N. Sinclair, P. Spentzouris, M. Spiropulu, D. Tang and S. Xie, High-fidelity quantum teleportation of time-bin qubits at telecommunication wavelength , QTh7A.5, 17 September 2020, Proceedings of Quantum 2.0 2020, Washington DC, United States of America, 14 Sep 2020 - 17 Sep 2020.

  12. N. Lauk, R. Valivarthi, S. Davis, L. Narváez, Y. Gim, M. Hussein, G. Iskander, B. Korzh, A. Mueller, D. Oblak, C. Peña, M. Rominsky, M. Shaw, C. Simon, N. Sinclair, P. Spentzouris, M. Spiropulu, D. Tang and S. Xie, Modeling INQNET’s time-bin qubit teleportation experiments using phase space methods, JM6B.27, 17 September 2020, Proceedings of Laser Science 2020, Washington DC, United States of America, 14 Sep 2020 - 17 Sep 2020.

  13. 2019

  14. Q. Xi, C.-Z. Yuan, S.-H. Wei, X.-Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, H.-Z. Song, D. Oblak, G.-W. Deng and Q. Zhou, Transition dipole moment of erbium-ion ensemble in fiber at 7 mK , M4A. 320, 5 November 2019, Proceedings of Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2019, Chengdu, People's Republic of China, 2 Nov 2019 - 5 Nov 2019, Published by Optical Society of America (ISBN 978-1-943580-70-5).

  15. M. Noweir, A. Abdelhafiz, M. Helaoui, F. Ghannouchi and D. Oblak, Low speed digital RoF transmitter linearizer using sub-band signal processing technique, 19 August 2019, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), X. Quan, K. Wu & K.-M. Luk, eds., Guangzhou, People's Republic of China, 19 May 2019 - 22 May 2019, Published by IEEE (ISBN 978-1-7281-0717-2).

Thesis Publications


  1. D. Oblak, Quantum State Engineering in Cold Caesium Atoms (PhD Thesis), 21 December 2009.

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Last updated January, 2025