Quantum Science and Technology Seminar Series (Formerly Quantum Information Science)
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Seminars will be held on Wednesdays, 3:00PM - 4:00PM, unless otherwise specified.
Current and Upcoming IQST Seminars
Towards quantum interconnects: entangling microwave and optical photonic qubits
David Lake [California Institute of Technology]
9 January 2025  - abstract -Towards higher-order quantum mechanics (Eric Milner's Graduate Scholarship Lecture)
Eric Milner [University of Calgary]
27 November 2024  - abstract -Introducing the Ramaniton: The quasiparticle for Raman scattering
Rogério de Sousa [University of Victoria]
19 November 2024  - abstract -The good, the bad, and the ugly in quantum computing: Computational power, intrinsic noise, and transient faults
Paolo Rech [University of Trento]
31 October 2024  - abstract -Fungi under the magnet: A novel magnetic field platform and discoveries in yeast magnetobiology
Daniel Charlebois [University of Alberta]
29 August 2024  - abstract -Harnessing utility for quantum advantage
Alexandre Choquette [IBM Quantum]
7 August 2024  - abstract -Multi-armed stochastic bandits and their applications to quantum information
Josep Lumbreras Zarapico [Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore]
4 July 2024  - abstract -Laser-fabricated quantum photonic sensors in diamond
Shane Eaton [IFN-CNR and Department of Physics at Politecnico di Milano]
28 June 2024  - abstract -Hunting for quantum butterflies
Shohini Ghose [Wilfrid Laurier University and Quantum Algorithms Institute]
16 January 2024  - abstract -TBA
Jacob Barnett [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
21 November 2023  - abstract -Entanglement of nanophotonic quantum memory nodes via a telecommunication network
Can Knaut [Harvard University]
20 November 2023  - abstract -Multifunctional scanning microscopy with quantum spins in diamond
William Huxter [ETH Zurich]
14 November 2023  - abstract -What happens to entropy production when conserved quantities fail to commute with each other
Billy Braasch [National Institute of Standards and Technology]
25 October 2023  - abstract -Breakthrough in enhancement of holes characteristics in strained germanium on silicon leading to new opportunities in practical quantum computing and classical cold electronics
Sergei Studenikin [National Research Council of Canada]
12 October 2023  - abstract -Space quantum key distribution
Paul J. Godin [University of Waterloo]
11 October 2023  - abstract -Multiphoton and side-channel attacks in mistrustful quantum cryptography
Damián Pitalúa-García [University of Cambridge]
28 September 2023  - abstract -A routing algorithm for surface code compilation
Yvual Sanders [University of Technology Sydney]
25 September 2023  - abstract -Institutional presentation of CNRS
Jan Matas [CNRS]
14 September 2023  - abstract -Employing coaxmon-based qudits for quantum information processing
Shuxiang Cao [University of Oxford]
21 August 2023  - abstract -Quantum dynamics in noisy systems: from control to chaos
Aurélia Chenu [University of Luxembourg]
2 August 2023  - abstract -Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in a quantum annealer
Adolfo Del Campo Echevarria [University of Luxembourg]
2 August 2023  - abstract -Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules
Lincoln Carr [Colorado School of Mines]
4 July 2023  - abstract -Efficient quantum simulation of partial differential equations
Nana Liu [Institute of Natural Sciences, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
25 April 2023  - abstract -Quantum sensing and imaging with diamond spins
Ania Jayich [University of California, Santa Barbara]
30 March 2023  - abstract -Quantum engagement and applications - Natural Resources Canada
Asif Iqbal [Natural Resources Canada]
9 March 2023  - abstract -Quantum (Un)complexity: A resource for quantum computation
Anthony Christopher Munson [Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science NIST and University of Maryland]
1 March 2023  - abstract -Towards realization of protected qubits using topological superconductivity
Javad Shabani [New York University]
1 February 2023  - abstract -Toward a comprehensive view of the molecular bases of magnetoreception from realistic biological models
Aurélien de la Lande [Université Paris Saclay,CNRS]
1 December 2022  - abstract -Few-body perspective on collective pairing between fermions
Tomasz Sowinski [Polish Academy of Science]
8 November 2022  - abstract -Semiconductor Quantum Cavity QED Platforms: Bloch Exciton-Polaritons and Rydberg Excitons
Kim Na Young [University of Waterloo]
19 October 2022  - abstract -Uncertainty relations for Non-Hermitian systems
Namrata Shukla [Banaras Hindu University]
28 September 2022  - abstract -A molecular optomechanics approach to Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Javier Aizpurua [Center for Materials Physics in San Sebastián (CSIC-UPV/EHU)]
17 August 2022  - abstract -Construction and classification of symmetry protected topological phase in interacting fermion systems
Zheng-Cheng Gu [Chinese University of Hong Kong]
29 July 2022  - abstract -Challenge Programs: Applied quantum computing
Phil Kaye [National Research Council of Canada]
2 June 2022 Quantum communication protocol beyond standard quantum limit
Min Namkung [Kyung Hee University]
1 June 2022  - abstract -Locking and unlocking nonlocality without entanglement by post-measurement information
Jeong San Kim [Kyung Hee University]
31 May 2022  - abstract -Semidual Kitaev lattice model and tensor network representation
Prince Osei [Quantum Leap Africa]
20 October 2021  - abstract -Quantifying the coherence of operations and applications
Thomas Theurer [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
6 October 2021  - abstract -Mechanically isolated quantum emitter in hexagonal Boron Nitride
Alexander Kubanek [University Ulm]
23 June 2021  - abstract -Applying Quantum Information-Theoretic Techniques to Quantum Computational Complexity
Mark Wilde [Louisiana State University]
9 June 2021  - abstract -What direction is my atom pointing? (COPSS SmallTALK)
Jake Davidson [Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)]
Co-sponsored by: Calgary Optics and Photonics Student Society (COPSS)
10 March 2021  - abstract -Entangled subspaces and generic local state discrimination with pre-shared entanglement
Benjamin Lovitz [University of Waterloo]
17 February 2021  - abstract -Quantum Photonics with hBN – from fundamental studies to emerging applications
Igor Aharonovich [University of Technology Sydney]
16 September 2020  - abstract -Quasinormal modes in optics and mechanics: from Fano resonances to new insights in quantum optics
Stephen Hughes [Queen's University]
5 August 2020  - abstract -Germanium color center in diamond for nanophotonic and sensing applications
Alexey Akimove [Texas A&M University]
8 July 2020  - abstract -Security for quantum networks
Salini Karuvade [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
30 June 2020  - abstract -[cancelled] Implementation of a high-fidelity Walsh-Hadamard gate with superconducting qutrits
Adrian Lupascu [University of Waterloo]
24 June 2020  - abstract -Quantum computing with cats
Alexandre Blais [University of Sherbrooke]
17 June 2020  - abstract -Cavity QED
Farid Ghobadi [University of Calgary]
Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
9 June 2020 Quantum limited amplifier (Quanta Tutorial Series)
Shabir Barzanjeh [University of Calgary]
Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
26 May 2020 Quantum Emitters (Quanta Tutorial Series)
Denis Sukavech [University of Calgary]
Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
19 May 2020  - abstract -Waveguide-cavity coupling (Quanta Tutorial Series)
Paul Barclay [University of Calgary]
Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
12 May 2020  - abstract -The power of resource theories
Carlo Maria Scandolo [University of Calgary]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
7 May 2020  - abstract -Optimal estimation of the overlap between two arbitrary quantum states
Michalis Skotiniotis [Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
7 May 2020  - abstract -Quantum machine learning and security on the quantum internet
Nana Liu [Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
6 May 2020  - abstract -Quantum gravity for the loopy
Barak Shoshany [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
6 November 2019  - abstract -How to build an efficient microwave-to-optical converter
Marcelo Wu [National Institute of Standards and Technology & University of Maryland]
13 August 2019  - abstract -Hexagonal boron nitride nanophotonics
Sejeong Kim [University of Technology Sydney]
9 August 2019  - abstract -Semi-device independent quantum money
Karol Horodecki [University of Gdansk]
21 June 2019  - abstract -Pauli Fusion: a computational model to realise quantum transformations from ZX terms
Niel de Beaudrap [University of Oxford]
19 June 2019  - abstract -Near-unitary spin squeezing with ytterbium
Boris Braverman [University of Ottawa]
8 March 2019  - abstract -Sudoku on steroids - The combinatorics of causal inference
TC Fraser [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
20 February 2019  - abstract -Probing spin helical surface states in topological HgTe nanowires
Johannes Ziegler [Universität Regensburg]
30 January 2019  - abstract -Cavity spintronics
Can-ming Hu [University of Manitoba]
18 December 2018  - abstract -On superposition, interference and Feynman paths
Urbasi Sinha [Raman Research Institute]
21 November 2018  - abstract -Towards development of a quantum network
Khabat Heshami [National Research Council of Canada]
19 November 2018  - abstract -Quantum simulation via all-optically generated tensor network states
Ish Dhand [University of Ulm]
3 October 2018  - abstract -Investigation of topological edge states using generalized Bloch theorem
Abhijeet Alase [Dartmouth College]
4 September 2018  - abstract -Eavesdropping a noisy radio channel by manipulation of photon bunching statistics -- theory and simulated performance
Richard Lieu [University of Alabama]
3 July 2018  - abstract -Generation and application of high-quality single photons
Xianxin Guo [The Hongkong University of Science and Technology]
11 April 2018  - abstract -Dissipative quasi-local stabilization of generic pure states
Salini Karuvade [Dartmouth College]
15 March 2018  - abstract -Minimalist approach to the classification of symmetry protected topological phases
Charles Zhaoxi Xiong [Harvard University]
16 November 2017  - abstract -Fundamental limitations on communication over phase-insensitive Gaussian channels
Kunal Sharma [Louisiana State University]
15 November 2017  - abstract -Common resource state for preparing multi-partite quantum systems via local operations and classical communication
Cheng Guo [Tsinghua University]
1 November 2017  - abstract -State convertibility in the commuting operator framework
Jason Crann [Carleton University]
13 October 2017  - abstract -Simulating the evolution of Markovian open quantum systems on quantum computers
Chunhao Wang [University of Waterloo]
11 October 2017  - abstract -Nitrogen-vacancy centres as model systems for Quantum Hamiltonian Learning
Sebastian Knauer [University of Bristol]
27 September 2017  - abstract -Entanglement over Einstein: experimental violations of Bell’s inequality
Evan Meyer-Scott [University of Paderborn]
14 September 2017  - abstract -An instanton laboratory for condensed matter physics
Pervez Hoodbhoy [Forman Christian College, Pakistan]
5 September 2017  - abstract -Why you should not use the electric field to quantize in nonlinear optics
John Sipe [University of Toronto]
23 August 2017  - abstract -One component quantum mechanics and target state tracing
Lianao Wu [Basque Foundation for Science]
19 July 2017  - abstract -Theoretical and computational aspect of entanglement and separability
Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
28 June 2017  - abstract -Latin squares and mutually unbiased bases
Hubert de Guise [Lakehead University]
21 June 2017  - abstract -Entanglement manipulation of multipartite pure states with finite rounds of classical communication
David Sauerwein [University of Innsbruck]
9 June 2017  - abstract -Scalable quantum nanophotonic technologies based on rare-earth-doped crystals - qubits, memories and interconnects
Tian Zhong [California Institute of Technology and University of Chicago]
7 June 2017  - abstract -A classical counterpart for entanglement combing
Borzumehr Toloui Semnani [Southern Illinois University at Carbondale]
31 May 2017  - abstract -A fluctuation theorem for entanglement inspired by quantum information thermodynamics
Jonathan Oppenheim [University College London]
19 May 2017  - abstract -Simulation of Dirac physics and fermionic topology in electromagnetics
Jianhua Jiang [Soochow University]
1 May 2017  - abstract -Sum uncertainty relations for compact classical Lie algebras
Namrata Shukla [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
15 February 2017  - abstract -Ultralow-power nonlinear optics using metastable xenon in a cavity
Garrett Hickman [University of Maryland]
3 February 2017  - abstract -Quantum dots in III-V semiconductor nanowires for generation of non-classical light
Dan Dalacu [National Research Council of Canada]
24 January 2017  - abstract -Quantum cognition
Matthew Fisher [University of California at Santa Barbara]
15 December 2016  - abstract -Quantum spin-mechanics: A new solid-state platform for quantum computing
Hailin Wang [University of Oregon]
5 December 2016  - abstract -Nanophotonic quantum networks with silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond
Alp Sipahigil [Harvard University]
14 November 2016  - abstract -Statistical learning to estimate noise in quantum systems
Yuval Sanders [Macquarie University]
27 October 2016  - abstract -Quantum information for quantum parameter estimation
Michail Skoteiniotis [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
26 October 2016  - abstract -Towards high precision frequency comb spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet
Gil Porat [University of Colorado]
31 August 2016  - abstract -Classically and quantum stable emergent universe from conservation laws
Eduardo Guendelman [Ben Gurion University of the Negev]
22 August 2016  - abstract -Linear-optic two-photon interference with coherent states
Gustavo Amaral [Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro]
22 August 2016  - abstract -What if the human brain IS a supercomputer?
Jack Tuszynski [University of Alberta]
9 August 2016  - abstract -Topological quantum computation
John Bryden [Prince Mohammed University, Saudi Arabia]
5 July 2016  - abstract -Sol gel Photonics: from fabrication to application
Andrea Chiappini (CANCELLED) [Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - CNR]
27 June 2016  - abstract -Uncertainty relations beyond Heisenberg's
Arun Kumar Pati [Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad]
16 June 2016  - abstract -Symmetry, irreversibility and information flow
David Jennings [Imperial College of London]
15 June 2016  - abstract -Quantum states with special symmetries and their connections to various branches in mathematics
Hoan Bui Dang [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
20 April 2016  - abstract -Constructor Theory: Casting physics in a new form
Borzumehr Toloui Semnani []
13 April 2016  - abstract -Effect of gravity on localized two-mode Gaussian quantum states
Mehdi Ahmadi [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
6 April 2016  - abstract -Ideal clocks - a convenient fiction
Andrzej Dragan [University of Warsaw]
28 March 2016  - abstract -Relativistic quantum reference frames
Alexander Smith [University of Waterloo]
23 March 2016  - abstract -Continuous variable surface codes: hearing a whisper in the quantum noise
Gavin Brennen [Macquarie University]
18 February 2016  - abstract -The quantum Blackwell theorem with some applications
Francesco Buscemi [Nagoya University]
Co-sponsored by: Pacific Instiutte for the Mathematical Sciences
17 February 2016  - abstract -[CS Theory Seminar Series] Quantum correlations: Dimension bounds and conic formulations
Jamie Sikora [National University of Singapore]
22 January 2016  - abstract -A new paradigm for decoding quantum incompatibility
Huangjun Zhu [University of Cologne]
8 January 2016  - abstract -Femtosecond laser nanofabrication in transparent materials
Shane Eaton [Politecnico di Milano]
7 January 2016  - abstract -Machine learning and quantum information processing: research directions and challenges
Peter Wittek [ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences]
28 October 2015  - abstract -Realization of arbitrary discrete unitary transformations using spatial and internal modes of light
Ish Dhand [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University]
9 September 2015  - abstract -Spacetime replication of continuous variable quantum Information
Grant Salton [Stanford University]
5 August 2015  - abstract -Finite dimensional quantum mechanics via finite geometry
Michael Revzen [Technion - Israel Institute of Technology]
29 July 2015  - abstract -Quantum light-matter interfaces based on rare-earth-doped crystals and nano-photonics
Andrei Faraon [California Institute of Technology]
22 July 2015  - abstract -Weak measurements via quantum erasure
Aharon Brodutch [Institute for Quantum Computing]
20 July 2015  - abstract -On the robustness of quantum bucket brigade RAM
Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
15 July 2015  - abstract -Ultimate communication capacity of quantum optical channels
Raul Garcia-Patron [Université libre de Bruxelles]
13 July 2015  - abstract -On the power of coherently controlled quantum adiabatic evolutions
Mária Kieferová [Institute for Quantum Computing]
30 June 2015  - abstract -How a post-selected single photon can act like many photons
Matin Hallaji [University of Toronto]
15 June 2015  - abstract -TBA
Kai-Mei Fu [University of Washington]
19 May 2015  - abstract -QNIX: A linear optical architecture for quantum computing
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia [Imperial College London]
24 March 2015  - abstract -Thermodynamics of low-temperature coherent processes
Varun Narasimhachar [University of Calgary]
11 March 2015  - abstract -Phase-locked time-and-frequency resolved homodyne detection & measuring the frequency response of an optical cavity
Katanya Brianne Kuntz [University of New South Wales]
4 March 2015  - abstract -Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system
Charles Neill [University of California, Santa Babara]
28 January 2015  - abstract -Vibrationally enhanced quantum transport
Casey Myers [University of Queensland]
21 January 2015  - abstract -Hyperbolic metamaterials
Zubin Jacob [University of Alberta]
Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary Nanotechnology Group
12 November 2014  - abstract -Can quantum mechanics resolve spacetime singularities and make the universe accelerate?
Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
15 October 2014  - abstract -Preserving locality in parallel applications
Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan [University of Waterloo]
1 October 2014  - abstract -Directions for miniaturized rare-earth-ion quantum hardware
John Bartholomew [Australian National University]
6 August 2014  - abstract -Quantum non-Gaussian and Gaussian states at multiple side-band frequencies
Katanya Brianne Kuntz [University of New South Wales]
2 July 2014  - abstract -TBA
Kai-Mei []
19 May 2014 Role of high performance computing in education
Thom Harold Dunning Jr. [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]
Co-sponsored by: Centre for Molecular Simulation
16 April 2014  - abstract -Characterizing single photon devices for quantum information applications
Chris O'Brien [Texas A&M University]
5 March 2014  - abstract -Delegating private quantum computations (PIMS CRG MQI talk)
Anne Broadbent [University of Ottawa]
Co-sponsored by: The Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance & PIMS CRG MQI
3 March 2014  - abstract -Investigating the relationship between protein dynamics and electron transfers (joint IQST-CMS seminar)
Aurelien de la Lande [Paris-Sud University]
Co-sponsored by: Center for Molecular Simulation
27 February 2014  - abstract -Quantum algorithms for quantum field theories
Keith Lee [Institute for Quantum Computing]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
25 February 2014  - abstract -The possibility of neuronal information processing via electrodynamic signaling in the dendritic cytoskeleton
Jack Tuszynski [University of Alberta]
18 February 2014  - abstract -Majorization theory and thermodynamics (25' talk)
Varun Narasimhachar [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
4 December 2013  - abstract -On convex optimization problems in quantum information theory (25' talk)
Mark Girard [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
4 December 2013  - abstract -Collapse models: from theoretical foundations to experimental verifications
Angelo Bassi [University of Trieste]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
28 November 2013  - abstract -Microcavity exciton-polariton condensates physics and applications
Na Young Kim [Stanford University]
9 October 2013  - abstract -Revisiting additivity violation of quantum channels
Motohisa Fukuda [Technische Universität München]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
1 October 2013  - abstract -Quantum plasmonics and how to fix Purcell’s formula for spontaneous emission enhancement
Stephen Hughes [Queen's University]
19 September 2013  - abstract -Brownian motion on lie groups
Todd Kemp [University of California at San Deigo]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS MQI CRG seminar series
10 September 2013  - abstract -Quantum hacking
Vadim Makarov [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
4 September 2013  - abstract -On Mermin-type proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem
Vijay Kumar Singh [Simon Fraser University]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
21 August 2013  - abstract -Parametric amplifier development and single-shot readout of superconducting qubits
Josh Mutus [University of California at Santa Barbara]
15 August 2013  - abstract -Quantum computational algorithms for hidden symmetry subgroup problems
Jeong San Kim [University of Suwon]
19 July 2013  - abstract -Quantifying the quantum
Urbasi Sinha [Raman Research Institute]
17 July 2013  - abstract -Hamiltonian simulation with complexity polylogarithmic in the error
Dominic Berry [Macquarie Univeristy]
Co-sponsored by: The 10th Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference
26 June 2013  - abstract -Study of the Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a cold atomic ensemble and application to quantum memories
Lambert Giner [Laboratoire Kastler Brossel]
17 June 2013  - abstract -Efficient simulation scheme for a class of quantum optics experiments with non-negative Wigner representation
Nathan Wiebe [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
29 May 2013  - abstract -Quantum memories for scalable photonics
Joshua Nunn [University of Oxford]
24 April 2013  - abstract -Quantum and classical signal processing with cryogenic rare earth ion dopants
Jevon Longdell [University of Otago, New Zealand]
12 February 2013  - abstract -Quantum computing on encrypted data
Krister Shalm [NIST, Boulder]
6 February 2013  - abstract -Continuous variable Bell inequalities
Peter Marzlin [St Francis Xavier University]
18 December 2012  - abstract -Graph Spectra and Quantum Walks
Chris Godsil [University of Waterloo]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
12 December 2012  - abstract -Device-independent quantum information processing
Nicolas Brunner [University of Bristol]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
11 December 2012  - abstract -Algebraic and Combinatorial Quantum Codes
Petr Lisonek [Simon Fraser University]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
5 December 2012  - abstract -Spin Qubits and more in a Triple Quantum Dot Circuit
Andrew Sachrajda [National Research Council]
15 November 2012  - abstract -Polynomial Invariants of Three-Qubit Systems
Markus Grassl [Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
10 October 2012  - abstract -Self correcting quantum memories with a polynomial energy barrier
Kamil Michnicki [University of Washington]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI
26 September 2012  - abstract -Coherent light-atom interaction. From semi-classical to quantum.
Arturo Lezama [Universidad de la República (Uruguay)]
29 August 2012  - abstract -Linking Asymmetry Of Quantum States To Entanglement
Borzo Toloui [IQIS, U of C]
25 July 2012  - abstract -Symmetric minimal quantum tomography by successive measurements
Amir Kalev [Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore]
19 July 2012  - abstract -Quantum state tomography of photosynthetic systems (joint seminar with the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics)
Agata Branczyk [University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: IBI - Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics
18 July 2012  - abstract -Experimental Demonstration of Adaptive Tomography
Dylan Mahler [University of Toronto]
27 June 2012  - abstract -Thresholds and overheads for the toric code in the presence of bit (or phase) flip errors
Fern Watson [Imperial College, London, UK]
26 June 2012  - abstract -Phase sensitive non-linear absorption in an N system
Andal Narayanan [IQIS & Raman Research Institute]
22 June 2012  - abstract -SU(3) Squeezing: quantum and semiclassical perspectives
Hubert de Guise [Lakehead University]
23 May 2012  - abstract -Hanbury Brown and Twiss and other Quantum Correlations: from Photons to Atoms
Alain Aspect [Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France]
27 April 2012  - abstract -Universality of the Heisenberg limit for estimates of random phase shifts
Dominic Berry [Macquarie University]
25 April 2012  - abstract -Generalized Semi-Quantum Secret Sharing Schemes
Vlad Gheorghiu [IQIS and Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, U of C]
28 March 2012  - abstract -New tools for exploring spins and photons in solid state nanosystems
Jesse Berezovsky [Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland]
14 March 2012  - abstract -Gaussian Bosonic Synergy
Graeme Smith [IBM Research (NY USA)]
5 March 2012  - abstract -Quantum measurement in living cells, and high-coherence electron bunches from cold atoms
Robert Scholten [ARC Centre of Excellence for Coherent X-ray Science, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne, Australia]
22 February 2012  - abstract -Robust cluster state generation using ancilla-based systems
Viv Kendon [University of Leeds, UK]
22 February 2012  - abstract -Non-linear optics using Rydberg atoms
Charles Adams [Durham University, UK]
15 February 2012  - abstract -Manipulating Optical Properties by Local-Field Effects and Nanostructuring
Ksenia Dolgaleva [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: Electrical and Computer Engineering
8 February 2012  - abstract -Robustness of adiabatic quantum computation against decoherence
Mohammad Amin [IQC, DWave Systems]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
25 January 2012  - abstract -Quantum System Identification: Hamiltonian tomography and decoherence estimation from noisy time series data
Sophie Schirmer [College of Science (Physics), Swansea University]
16 January 2012  - abstract -Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems
Ramis Movassagh [MIT]
22 December 2011  - abstract -Measuring Quantum Correlations with Imperfect Photoncounters
Si-Hui Tan [Data Storage Institute - Singapore]
21 December 2011  - abstract -What can we know from weak measurements?
Shengjun Wu [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China]
7 December 2011  - abstract -Triple slits, Born Rule and beyond...
Urbasi Sinha [IQC (University of Waterloo)]
29 November 2011  - abstract -The global and local additivity problems in quantum information theory
Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois, Chicago ]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
9 November 2011  - abstract -Measuring the Hall effect for ultracold atoms in a synthetic magnetic field
Lindsay LeBlanc [Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and University of Maryland]
26 October 2011  - abstract -IQIS welcome party
IQIS Faculty [IQIS]
28 September 2011  - abstract -The princess and the EPR pair
Aram Harrow [University of Washington]
17 August 2011  - abstract -Spectral Manipulation of Optical Pulses Using the Gradient Echo Memory Scheme
Ben Sparkes [Australian National University]
15 August 2011  - abstract -Is it entangled? A quasi-polynomial time algorithm for the quantum separability problem.
Fernando Brandão [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
20 July 2011  - abstract -A Combinatorial Perspective of Error Analysis in Molecular Dynamics
Reginald Paul [University of Calgary]
22 June 2011  - abstract -High transmission-loss and classical-quantum multiplexing QKD enabled with short wavelength photons
Thomas Jennewein [University of Waterloo]
20 June 2011  - abstract -Measuring small longitudinal phase shifts: weak measurements or standard interferometry?
Nicolas Brunner [University of Bristol]
17 May 2011  - abstract -Violation of Bell inequalities with photon counting and homodyne measurements
Daniel Cavalcanti [National University of Singapore]
16 May 2011  - abstract -Zero temperature quantum dissipation using a SQUID-tunable boundary
Tim Duty [University of New South Wales]
16 May 2011  - abstract -On measuring dangling-bond charge-qubit dynamics
Zahra Shaterzadeh Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
27 April 2011  - abstract -An Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing Adaptive Quantum Metrology Processes
Alexander Hentschel [IQIS, University of Calgary]
20 April 2011  - abstract -Putting Floquet theory to work: Topology of time dependent Hamiltonians
Netanel Lindner [California Institute of Technology]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
16 March 2011  - abstract -Scaling Quadripartite Entanglement in the Optical Frequency Comb
Matthew Pysher [University of Virginia]
10 March 2011  - abstract -Quantum Theory Cannot be Extended
Roger Colbeck [Perimeter Institute]
24 February 2011  - abstract -A fully tunable microcavity
Russell J Barbour [University of Oregon]
23 February 2011  - abstract -Applications of a family of norms in entanglement theory
Nathaniel Johnston [University of Guelph]
9 February 2011  - abstract -Some results concerning separable states in QIT
Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
4 February 2011  - abstract -The discrete time quantum walk: Universality, transport and searching
Neil Lovett [University of Leeds]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
19 January 2011  - abstract -A family of norms with applications in entanglement theory
David Kribs [University of Guelph]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
1 December 2010  - abstract -A generalization of Noether's theorem and the information-theoretic approach to the study of symmetric dynamics
Iman Marvian [Perimeter Institute]
28 October 2010  - abstract -Specker's parable of the overprotective seer: Implications for Contextuality, Nonlocality and Complementarity
Rob Spekkens [Perimeter Institute]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
27 October 2010  - abstract -Optimal quantum learning of an unknown unitary transformation and multiround reference frame alignment
Giulio Chiribella [Perimeter Institute]
26 October 2010  - abstract -Control and Error Prevention in Quantum Computing Devices
Mark Byrd [Southern Illinois University]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
20 October 2010  - abstract -Error Estimates For The Quantum Adiabatic Approximation
Nathan Wiebe [IQIS, University of Calgary]
6 October 2010  - abstract -Coherent control of quantum interference in atomic systems
Ali Kamli [University of Jazan , Saudi Arabia]
5 October 2010  - abstract -Quantum Hindsight: Quantum Parameter Estimation Using Smoothing
Elanor Huntington [University of New South Wales]
29 September 2010  - abstract -Measuring entanglement
Nolan Wallach [University of California, San Diego]
18 August 2010  - abstract -Topological fault tolerant quantum computation with very high threshold for loss errors
Sean Barrett [Imperial College, London]
17 August 2010  - abstract -Controlled generation of single photons in a cavity QED system
Christian Nölleke [Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching]
Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary OSA student chapter
21 July 2010  - abstract -Compressed Tomography of Quantum Dynamical Systems
Alireza Shabani [Princeton University]
30 June 2010  - abstract -Making and breaking entanglement-based QKD
Antia Lamas Linares [National University of Singapore]
18 June 2010  - abstract -Comparison of experiments on general quantum systems - a Quantum Blackwell Theorem
Francesco Buscemi [Nagoya University, Japan]
25 May 2010  - abstract -On some problems and applications of tensors
Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois, Chicago]
11 May 2010  - abstract -Hamiltonian simulation via quantum walks
Dominic Berry [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
28 April 2010  - abstract -Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics
Andrew Childs [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
10 March 2010  - abstract -Matrix Product States and Quantum Phase Transition
Khabat Heshami [IQIS, University of Calgary]
24 February 2010  - abstract -Strong superadditivity and monogamy of the Renyi measure of entanglement
Marcos César de Oliveira [Universidade Estadual de Campinas]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
10 February 2010  - abstract -Optical implementation of a new factorization algorithm
Vincenzo Tamma [University of Maryland Baltimore County]
3 February 2010  - abstract -Efficient, solid-state quantum memory for light
Morgan Hedges [Laser Physics Centre, Australian National University]
2 February 2010  - abstract -Quantum computational phases of matter
Stephen Bartlett [University of Sydney]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
25 November 2009  - abstract -A new uncertainty principle near the Planck scale and its implications
Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
18 November 2009  - abstract -Ultra Fast Quantum State Tomography
Steve Flammia [Perimeter Institute, Waterloo]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
4 November 2009  - abstract -Electron spin qubits in quantum dots: a micro-magnet approach
Michel Pioro-Ladrière [Université de Sherbrooke]
26 October 2009  - abstract -A frameness measure for mixed states
Borzumehr Toloui Semnani [IQIS, University of Calgary]
21 October 2009  - abstract -Remote state preparation with classical versus quantum resources
Nathan Killoran [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
6 October 2009  - abstract -On-chip cavity QED: atoms, defects, and nanostructures (Department of Physics and Astronomy Research Seminar)
Paul Barclay [Hewlett-Packard Labs]
1 October 2009  - abstract -Quantum computation with controlled-path and merging gate
Bing He [IQIS, University of Calgary]
30 September 2009  - abstract -Geometrizing quantum adiabatic computation
Ali Rezakhani [University of Southern California]
23 September 2009  - abstract -Alignment of cartesian reference frames and platonic solids
Piotr Kolenderski [Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland]
16 September 2009  - abstract -Quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light harvesting
Mohan Sarovar [University of California, Berkeley]
10 September 2009  - abstract -The complexity of implementing NxN black-box unitaries is O(N^{3/4})
Dominic Berry [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
9 September 2009  - abstract -Resource theory of quantum reference frames
Iman Marvian [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
26 August 2009  - abstract -Quantum Computing with Dangling Bond Pairs on a Si Surface
Zahra Shaterzadeh Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
19 August 2009  - abstract -Mathematical Optics at the National Laser Centre
Andrew Forbes and Stef Roux [CSIR National Laser Centre, South Africa]
10 August 2009  - abstract -The impact of classical electronics constraints on a solid-state logical qubit memory
Andrew Landahl [Sandia National Laboratories]
7 August 2009  - abstract -How to maximize the information transfer via a quantum noisy channel?
Gershon Kurizki [Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot, Israel]
28 July 2009  - abstract -New optical quantum logic gates and their application to quantum chemistry
Ben Lanyon [University of Queensland]
22 July 2009  - abstract -Post-processing for quantum key distribution
Xiongfeng Ma [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
30 April 2009  - abstract -Machine Learning for Adaptive Quantum Control and Measurement
Alexander Hentschel [IQIS, University of Calgary]
29 April 2009  - abstract -Distilling bipartite entanglement from multipartite states
Ben Fortescue [IQIS, University of Calgary]
1 April 2009  - abstract -Entangled images: generation and delay with four-wave mixing
Alberto Marino [National Institute of Standards and Technology]
Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary Student Chapter of Optical Society of America
12 March 2009  - abstract -Organic nanostructure formation on silicon surfaces: insights into tuning organic reactions and surface properties (Department of Chemistry Seminar)
Gino A. DiLabio [National Institute for Nanotechnology & National Research Council of Canada ]
30 January 2009  - abstract -A generalized Grothendieck inequality and entanglement in XOR games
Jop Briet [Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam]
28 January 2009  - abstract -Some linear and multilinear algebra aspects of quantum information theory
Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
7 January 2009  - abstract -Correlated spontaneous emission of a single photon from a uniformly excited cloud of N atoms
Marlan Scully [Texas A&M University and Princeton University]
12 December 2008  - abstract -Quantum information processing with single photons and atomic ensembles
David Petrosyan [Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)]
9 September 2008  - abstract -Quantum Computing on the Surface of Silicon
Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
3 September 2008  - abstract -Adding and subtracting single photons to/from light fields and some other new results in manipulating the quantum states of light
Alessandro Zavatta [Istituto Nazionele di Ottica Applicara CNR c/o Physics Department, University of Florence]
8 August 2008  - abstract -One-way quantum computation in 4-d photonic states
Jaewoo Joo [IQIS, University of Calgary]
18 June 2008  - abstract -A Few Open Problems in Quantum Information
Gilad Gour [University of Calgary]
2 May 2008  - abstract -The CHSH-Bell Inequality and Tsirelson's Bound with Postselection
Dominic Berry [Macquarie University]
30 April 2008  - abstract -On a semantics for higher order quantum computation
Benoit Valiron [Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa]
23 April 2008  - abstract -Geometric squeezing of su(2) and su(1,1) observables
Hubert de Guise [Department of Physics, Lakehead University ]
16 April 2008  - abstract -Properties of Generic Subspaces
Jonathan Walgate [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics ]
27 February 2008  - abstract -Quantum storage investigation in rare-earth ion doped crystals: The example of thulium
Thierry Chanelière [Laboratoire Aimé Cotton]
22 February 2008  - abstract -Plasmonics for Quantum Information Processing
Ali Kamli [Department of Physics , King Khalid University , Saudi Arabia]
23 January 2008  - abstract -Bound entangled states and distillable key rate
Jeongsan Kim [IQIS, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary]
16 January 2008  - abstract -On the Properties of nonMarkovian Master Equations
James Cresser [Department of Physics, Division of ICS, Macquarie University]
9 January 2008  - abstract -DECOHERENCE: BASIC IDEAS
Philip Stamp [Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia]
29 November 2007  - abstract -Phase noise quenching in a four-level laser via squeezed vacuum
Javaid Anwar [Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan]
29 November 2007  - abstract -DECOHERENCE at the MOLECULAR SCALE
Philip Stamp [Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia]
28 November 2007  - abstract -Testing Quantum Devices: Entanglement Verification in Qubit-Mode Systems
Hauke Häseler [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
28 November 2007  - abstract -Introducing quadratic form expansions
Niel deBeaudrap [Institute for Quantum Computing]
21 November 2007  - abstract -Quantum computer simulations of time dependent Hamiltonians
Nathan Wiebe [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
17 October 2007  - abstract -Mapping classical spin models to the graph state formalism
Maarten Van den Nest [Institut fur Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften]
19 September 2007  - abstract -Security in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model (iCIS seminar)
Juerg Wullschleger [McGill University]
12 September 2007  - abstract -Authentication of Quantum Messages (iCIS seminar)
Juerg Wullschleger [McGill University]
11 September 2007  - abstract -Quantum hidden subgroup algorithms
Nolan Wallach [UC San Diego]
29 August 2007  - abstract -Local Hidden Variables Underpinning of Entanglement and Teleportation
Michael Revzen [Technion - Israel Institute of Technology]
8 August 2007  - abstract -Security proof against collective attack for the binary modulated continuous variable QKD.
YiBo Zhao [University of Science and Technology, China]
1 August 2007  - abstract -Exact quantum search algorithms of Grover's type
Zijian Diao [Ohio University Eastern Campus]
18 July 2007  - abstract -Information-theoretic security for authenticated long-distance quantum key distribution with partial trusted networks. (iCIS Security Seminar)
Barry Sanders [IQIS]
13 July 2007  - abstract -Su(2) and su(3) intelligent states
Benjamin Lavoie [Lakehead University]
25 April 2007  - abstract -Weighted complex projective 2-designs from bases
Aidan Roy [IQIS]
18 April 2007  - abstract -A quantum study of slow light via electromagnetically induced transparency
Magnus Hsu [Australian National University]
11 April 2007  - abstract -Quantum Cryptography - Distinguished Lecture Series - CISaC & CMSS
Wolfgang Tittel [IQIS Calgary]
3 April 2007  - abstract -Progress towards a quantum repeater
Matthew Eisaman [Harvard University & National Institute of Standards and Technology]
22 March 2007  - abstract -Generation and Waveform Control of Narrow Bandwidth Paired Photons
Pavel Kolchin [Standford University]
1 March 2007  - abstract -The Power of Forgetting
Patrick Hayden [McGill University]
21 February 2007  - abstract -On quantum algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem
Martin Roetteler [NEC Laboratories America]
16 February 2007  - abstract -A simple nearest-neighbour two-body Hamiltonian system for which the ground state is a universal resource for quantum computation
Steve Bartlett [University of Sydney]
31 January 2007  - abstract -Dynamic Localization of Photons in Sinusoidally-Curved Waveguide Arrays
Mirko Lobino [Politecnico di Milano]
26 January 2007  - abstract -Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with neutral atoms
Peng Xue [IQIS]
24 January 2007  - abstract -On the Role of Shared Entanglement
Dmitry Gavinsky [IQC, University of Waterloo]
10 January 2007  - abstract -Concealing Entanglement in Classical Bits
Gilad Gour [MITACS discrete math seminar, University of Calgary]
8 December 2006  - abstract -An all-fibre diet for quantum information processing
Felix Bussieres [Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal]
23 November 2006  - abstract -A Fast Deterministic Algorithm for Solving Quantum Games
Gus Gutoski [University of Waterloo]
15 November 2006  - abstract -Strengthening the adversary method with negative weights
Troy Lee [LRI, Universite Paris-Sud]
1 November 2006  - abstract -Bit concealment in GHZ states
Anirban Roy [ICTP, Trieste]
25 October 2006  - abstract -Block Ciphers: From Shannon to Rijndael
Kjell Wooding [University of Calgary]
19 October 2006  - abstract -Quantum Control Optimization in Circuit Mode
Dmitri Maslov [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
11 October 2006  - abstract -Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-Fields
Jonathan Dowling [Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics, Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge]
6 October 2006  - abstract -A Rubidium Atom Magneto-Optic Trap for Experimental Characterization of EIT
Shannon Mayer [University of Portland]
5 October 2006  - abstract -Spectroscopic appplication of biphoton's interference.
Dmitry Korystov [University of California, Santa Barbara]
21 September 2006  - abstract -Donor and superconducting quantum computer architectures: challenges and prospects
Austin Fowler [IQC, University of Waterloo]
20 September 2006  - abstract -Measuring h/MCs using atom interferometry
Chris Vo [Physics Department, Stanford University]
11 September 2006  - abstract -Adiabatic passage through space: Robust coherent transport in solid-state systems
Andy Greentree [Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne]
24 August 2006  - abstract -The Theory of Quantum Electromechanics
Elinor Irish [University of Rochester]
21 August 2006  - abstract -Experimental Manipulation of Multi-photon Entanglement towards Quantum Information Processing
Anning Zhang [Department of Physics, University of Toronto]
11 August 2006  - abstract -A fault-tolerant one-way quantum computer
Robert Raussendorf [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
28 July 2006  - abstract -Decohering quantum walks: exploring the space between quantum and classical computing
Viv Kendon [Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds]
26 July 2006  - abstract -Efficient generation of VUV radiation in coherently prepared mercury vapour
Martin Oberst [ Fachbereich Physik Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern]
24 May 2006  - abstract -Parallelizing Quantum Circuits
Anne Broadbent [Université de Montréal]
17 May 2006  - abstract -Implementation of multipartite unitary operations with limited resources
Dominic Berry [University of Queensland]
12 May 2006  - abstract -Equiangular lines, mutually unbiased bases, and difference sets
Aidan Roy [University of Waterloo]
11 May 2006  - abstract -Introduction to relativistic quantum information
Daniel Terno [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
10 May 2006  - abstract -Many particle quantum walks
David Feder [IQIS]
29 March 2006  - abstract -General Setting for Geometric Phase of Mixed States in Open Systems
Ali Rezakhani [IQIS]
8 March 2006  - abstract -Photon generation for quantum information
Nick Peters [University of Illinois]
12 January 2006  - abstract -Quantum Phase Transitions and Entanglement
Junru Wu [University of Vermont]
12 December 2005  - abstract -Distributed quantum information processing
Ujjwal Sen [IFCO, Barcelona]
1 December 2005  - abstract -Bell experiments: Traps and pitfalls
André Allan Méthot [Université de Montréal]
29 November 2005  - abstract -More on the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics
Richard MacKenzie [Université de Montréal]
29 November 2005  - abstract -Zero-knowledge against quantum attacks
John Watrous [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
23 November 2005  - abstract -Symmetry breaking and contraction via Kac-Moody formalism
Jamil Daboul [Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel]
22 November 2005 Informationally complete quantum measurements
Andrew Scott [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
21 November 2005  - abstract -Economical and noisy one-way quantum computing.
Mark Tame [Queen's University, Belfast, UK]
16 November 2005  - abstract -Simulating quantum correlations as a sampling problem. Joint work with Julien Degorre and Jeremie Roland (LRI).
Sophie Laplante [LRI]
9 November 2005  - abstract -Classical and Quantum Function Reconstruction in Finite Fields.
Igor Shparlinski [Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia]
4 November 2005  - abstract -In defense of the epistemic view of quantum states: a toy theory
Rob Spekkens [Perimeter Institute, Waterloo]
2 November 2005  - abstract -Is entanglement sufficient to quantify quantum non-locality?
Gilad Gour [University California, San Diego, USA]
1 November 2005  - abstract -Measurement-based Quantum Computation
Simon Perdrix [IMAG, Grenoble, France]
19 October 2005  - abstract -Quantum Information Processing with 1010 electrons?- A short review of surface plasmon physics, recent experiments and proposals
René Stock [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
12 October 2005  - abstract -Topological Quantum Computing with Anyons
Alexis Morris [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
5 October 2005  - abstract -Magic States.
Nathan Babcock [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
28 September 2005  - abstract -Degradation of a directional quantum reference frame.
Peter Turner [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
21 September 2005  - abstract -Factorizations and Representations in a Finite Space
Ady Mann [Technion, Israel]
14 September 2005  - abstract -Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs
Robert Špalek [CWI]
23 August 2005  - abstract -Holevo capacitites for qubit channels
Dominic Berry [University of Queensland]
18 August 2005  - abstract -Fidelity between random quantum states
Karol ¯yczkowski [PI / Jagiellonian University]
17 August 2005  - abstract -Quantum Computing With Addressable Optical Lattices: Error
Travis Beals [University of California, Berkeley]
17 August 2005  - abstract -All Quantum Adversary Methods are Equivalent
Robert Špalek [CWI]
16 August 2005  - abstract -Noiseless Circuits for measuring concurrence monotones
Hilary Carteret [University of Montreal]
15 August 2005  - abstract -Entangling power of permutations
Sibasish Ghosh [Department of Computer Science, University of York United Kingdom]
10 August 2005  - abstract -Quantum Computing With Addressable Optical Lattices: Error Characterization, Correction & Optimization
Travis Beals [University of California, Berkeley]
10 August 2005  - abstract -Bipartite subspaces having no LOCC-distinguishable bases
John Watrous [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
6 April 2005  - abstract -Quantum Communication Cannot Simulate a Public Coin
Dmitry Gavinsky [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
17 March 2005  - abstract -Exact entanglement cost for multiqubit mixed entangled states
Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
16 March 2005  - abstract -Complexity of graph state preparation
Mehdi Mhalla [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
2 March 2005  - abstract -Preparation and characterization of coherent atomic superposition
Frank Vewinger [University of Kaiserslautern]
23 February 2005  - abstract -Remote Entanglement Distribution
Barry Sanders [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
16 February 2005  - abstract -Tackling the Challenges of Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions
Paul C. Haljan [University of Michigan]
4 January 2005  - abstract -The Quantum Mechanics of Hyperion and the Role of Decoherence in Classical Chaos
Nathan Wiebe [SFU]
14 December 2004  - abstract -Cryptography with Information-theoretic Security
Hein Roehrig [University of Calgary]
23 November 2004  - abstract -Controlling Isomerization Using Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage
Alex Brown [University of Alberta]
16 November 2004  - abstract -Classical and quantum fingerprinting
Andrew Scott [University of Calgary]
2 November 2004  - abstract -Nonlocal Information in Quantum Theory
Jonathan Walgate [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
2 November 2004  - abstract -Measurement of Geometric phase for mixed states using single photon interferometry
Marie Ericsson [University of Cambridge]
19 October 2004  - abstract -Noiseless Circuits for measuring entanglement
Hilary Carteret [University of Montreal]
12 October 2004  - abstract -Quantum Interactive Proofs with Competing Provers
Gus Gutoski [Computer Science, University of Calgary]
5 October 2004  - abstract -Spherical configurations, exponential sums, and quantum computation (joint work with Martin Roeteller).
Igor Shparlinski [Centre for Advanced Computing - Algorithms and Cryptography, Macquarie University Sydney (Australia)]
1 October 2004  - abstract -Quantum Information Processing with Ultracold Atomic Qubits
Ivan Deutsch [Associate Professor, Regents Lecturer, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]
1 October 2004  - abstract -Exact Quantum Algorithms for the Leader Election Problem
Hirotada Kobayashi [Japan Science and Technology Agency]
28 September 2004  - abstract -Quantum error correction and multipartite entanglement
Andrew Scott [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
12 August 2004  - abstract -Physical Interactions for Fast Quantum Computation
Stephen Fenner [University of South Carolina]
29 July 2004  - abstract -Fermionic coherent states and homodyne detection
Tomas Tyc [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
12 July 2004  - abstract -Quantization of Classical Walk Based Algorithms
Mario Szegedy [Rutgers University]
9 July 2004 Nonlocal Information
Jonathan Walgate [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
28 June 2004  - abstract -Quasinormal modes: The characteristic music of black holes
Suneeta Vardarajan [University of Alberta Physics]
18 June 2004  - abstract -Tripartite entanglement of an atom in an optical cavity
Tom Harmon [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
4 June 2004  - abstract -Towards a Quantum Programming Language
Peter Selinger [University of Ottawa]
3 June 2004  - abstract -Continuous measurement of a solid-state charge qubit
Tom Stace [University of Cambridge]
21 May 2004  - abstract -Faithful Teleportation with Partially Entangled States
Gilad Gour [University of Alberta]
19 May 2004 Distributed compression of quantum information
Dominic Berry [Macquarie University Department of Physics]
14 May 2004  - abstract -Quantum Logic in Optical Lattices via Trap induced Shape Resonances in Controlled Atomic Collisions
Rene Stock [University of New Mexico]
12 May 2004  - abstract -Quantum Coin Flipping Part II
Hein Roehrig [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
7 May 2004 An anatomy of a quantum adiabatic algorithm that transcends Turing computability
Tien Kieu [Swinburne University of Technology, Australia]
30 April 2004  - abstract -Continuous-variable experiments with qubits
Alex Lvovsky [Konstanz University]
23 April 2004 Quantum Coin Flipping
Hein Roehrig [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
16 April 2004  - abstract -Decoherence, Continuous Measurement and the Quantum-Classical Transition
Shohini Ghose [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
2 April 2004  - abstract -The Black Hole Information Loss Problem
Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
26 March 2004  - abstract -Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs
Hartmut Klauck [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
19 March 2004  - abstract -Weak Continuous Measurements of Superconducting Quantum Bits
Anatoly Smirnov [D-Wave Systems Inc., Vancouver, B.C.]
10 March 2004 Quantum fingerprinting
Rolf Horn [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
5 March 2004 Berry phase in open systems
Peter Marzlin [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
27 February 2004 On the Number of Copies Required for Entanglement Distillation Part II
John Watrous [University of Calgary Computer Science]
13 February 2004 On the Number of Copies Required for Entanglement Distillation Part I
John Watrous [University of Calgary Computer Science]
6 February 2004 Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part III
Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
4 December 2003  - abstract -Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part II
Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
27 November 2003  - abstract -Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part I
Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
20 November 2003  - abstract -Einstein meets Schrodinger: The sequel
David Hobill [University of Calgary Physics and Astronomy]
13 November 2003  - abstract -A Primer on Relativity for Quantum Information Scientists
David Hobill [University of Calgary Physics and Astronomy]
6 November 2003  - abstract -Improving single photon sources via linear optics and photodetection
Dominic Berry [Macquarie University Department of Physics]
30 October 2003  - abstract -Rapid Data Search Using Adiabatic Quantum Computation
Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
23 October 2003  - abstract -Quantum Fourier Transforms and Integer Multiplication
Graeme Ahokas [University of Calgary Computer Science]
16 October 2003  - abstract -The Quantum to Classical Transition in Coupled Systems
Shohini Ghose [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
9 October 2003  - abstract -One qubit vs. one bit fingerprinting schemes
Niel de Beaudrap [University of Calgary Computer Science]
3 October 2003  - abstract -