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Quantum Information Conferences and Workshops

Past Conferences - 2007

ICQNM 2007: International Conference on Quantum, Nano, and Micro Technologies
2 Jan 2007 - 6 Jan 2007 -- Guadeloupe, French Caribbean

QIP 2007:
30 Jan 2007 - 3 Feb 2007 -- Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

SQuInT 2007:
16 Feb 2007 - 18 Feb 2007 -- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, United States of America

APS 2007:
5 Mar 2007 - 9 Mar 2007 -- Denver, United States of America

6 May 2007 - 11 May 2007 -- Baltimore, Maryland

SPIE 2007: Noise and Fluctuations in Photonics, Quantum Optics, and Communications
20 May 2007 - 24 May 2007 -- La Pietra Conference Center, Florence, Italy

CAIMS 2007: Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics
20 May 2007 - 24 May 2007 -- Banff, Canada

CanaDAM 2007: 1st Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
28 May 2007 - 31 May 2007 -- Banff, Canada

CMS-MITACS 2007: CMS-MITACS Joint Conference 2007
31 May 2007 - 3 Jun 2007 -- Winnipeg, Canada

CQISC 2007: Fourth Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference
1 Jun 2007 - 5 Jun 2007 -- Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada

INPC 2007: International Nuclear Physics Conference
3 Jun 2007 - 8 Jun 2007 -- Tokyo, Japan

DAC 44: 44th Design Automation Conference
4 Jun 2007 - 8 Jun 2007 -- San Diego, California

DAMOP 2007:
5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007 -- Calgary, Alberta

ICQI 2007: The International Conference on Quantum Information
10 Jun 2007 - 13 Jun 2007 -- University of Rochester, United States of America

STOC 2007:
11 Jun 2007 - 13 Jun 2007 -- San Diego, California

IEEE 2007: Twenty-Second Annaul IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity
13 Jun 2007 - 16 Jun 2007 -- San Diego, United States

CCC'07: Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity
13 Jun 2007 - 16 Jun 2007 -- San Diego, United States

CAP 2007: Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 -- Saskatoon, Canada

C&O@40: Conference on Combinatorics and Optimization
18 Jun 2007 - 23 Jun 2007 -- Waterloo, Canada

62nd OSU international symposium on molecular spectroscopy
18 Jun 2007 - 22 Jun 2007 -- Columbus, Ohio

ICOLS 2007: International Conference On Laser Spectroscopy 2007
24 Jun 2007 - 29 Jun 2007 -- Telluride, Colorado

ISQTS 2007: International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries
22 Jul 2007 - 28 Jul 2007 -- Valladolid, Spain

ICPEAC '07: 25th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
25 Jul 2007 - 31 Jul 2007 -- Freiburg, Germany

CAM 2007: 3rd Canada-America-Mexico Graduate Student Physics Conference
8 Aug 2007 - 11 Aug 2007 -- Montreal, Canada

LPHYS'07: 16th International Laser Physics Workshop
20 Aug 2007 - 24 Aug 2007 -- León, Mexico

iCORE 2007: iCORE Summit 2007
23 Aug 2007 - 25 Aug 2007 -- Banff, Canada

Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging V (Conference 6710) Optics+Photonics 2007
26 Aug 2007 - 28 Aug 2007 -- San Diego, California

PAQ07: Photons, Atoms and Qubits Conference 2007
2 Sep 2007 - 5 Sep 2007 -- Royal Society, London, United Kingdom

AQIS2007: Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science 2007
3 Sep 2007 - 6 Sep 2007 -- Kyoto, Japan

IICQI 2007: International Iran Conference on Quantum Information
7 Sep 2007 - 10 Sep 2007 -- Kish Island, Iran

FiO 2007: Frontiers in Optics 2007 (OSA Annual Meeting)
16 Sep 2007 - 20 Sep 2007 -- San Jose, United States of America

CEC 2007: 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
25 Sep 2007 - 28 Sep 2007 -- Singapore

QuantumWorks 2007: Second QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting
26 Sep 2007 - 27 Sep 2007 -- Calgary, Canada

AMS Fall Central 2007: 2007 Fall Central Section Meeting
5 Oct 2007 - 6 Oct 2007 -- Chicago, United States of America

CUPC 2007: Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference
11 Oct 2007 - 14 Oct 2007 -- Vancouver, Canada

23rd Symposium on Chemical Physics - 2007
9 Nov 2007 - 11 Nov 2007 -- University of Waterloo

23rd Symposium on Chemical Physics - 2007
9 Nov 2007 - 11 Nov 2007 -- University of Waterloo

ASIACRYPT 2007: The 13th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology & Information Security
2 Dec 2007 - 6 Dec 2007 -- Kuching, Sarawak, MALAYSIA

Theophys 07: International Conference on Recent Developments in Theoretical Physics
4 Dec 2007 - 7 Dec 2007 -- Kolkata, India

CMS Winter 2007: Winter 2007 Meeting
8 Dec 2007 - 10 Dec 2007 -- London, Canada

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Last updated August, 2024