Quantum information technology
M. Bagherimehrab, Y. R. Sanders, D. W. Berry, G. K. Brennen and B. C. Sanders
Quasilinear quantum algorithm for generating the ground state of free quantum field theories (poster, contributed)
The 24th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2021)
Munich, Germany, 1 February 2021 - 5 February 2021
B. C. Sanders, W. W. Zhang, Y. R. Sanders and N. Arshed
Discord vs distortion: Classical vs quantum (contributed)
APS March Meeting 2019
Boston, United States of America, 4 March 2019 - 8 March 2019
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum as an online technology trend (invited)
Canadian Business Frontiers
Toronto, Canada, 9 November 2018 - 9 November 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Connecting discrete and continuous-variable quantum information (invited)
International Conference "Quantum information, statistics, probability"
Moscow, Russia, 12 September 2018 - 14 September 2018
D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, E. Tiunov, M. W. Richards, V. Novikov, I. A. Fedorov and A. I. Lvovsky
Interfacin discrete- and continuous-variable encodings in quantum optics (invited)
27th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'18)
Nottingham, United Kingdom, 16 July 2018 - 20 July 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Schrödinger cats in quantum optics (invited)
Canadian Association of Physicists Annual Congress 2018
Halifax, Canada, 11 June 2018 - 15 June 2018
D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, E. Tiunov, V. Novikov and A. I. Lvovsky
Schrödinger cats for quantum internet (invited)
CLEO 2018
San Jose, United States of America, 13 May 2018 - 18 May 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum Physics: from paradox to technology (invited)
Innopolis University
21 March 2018
(Public Lecture)
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum: from paradox to technology (keynote, invited)
Think and Drink Event
Moscow, Russia, 1 March 2018 - 1 March 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Schrödinger cat as element of quantum network (invited)
XII Sobelman Readings at the Lebedev Physics Institute
Moscow, Russia, 28 February 2018 - 28 February 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Interfacing discrete and continuous variable encodings in quantum optical information (invited)
Hong Kong Workshop on Quantum Information and Foundations
Hong Kong, 8 January 2018 - 12 January 2018
A. I. Lvovsky
Entanglement between polarization and wave-like optical qubits and its applications (invited)
EMN Quantum Summit
Chengdu, P. R. China, 12 October 2017 - 15 October 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum as a worldwide technology trend (keynote, invited)
PricewaterhouseCoppers Central and Eastern Europe Partner Conference
St. Petersburg, Russia, 5 October 2017 - 5 October 2017
E. O. Kiktenko, N. O. Pozhar, M. N. Anufriev, A. S. Trushechkin, R. R. Yunusov, Y. Kurochkin, A. I. Lvovsky and A. Fedorov
Maintaining quantum-secured blockchain with urban fiber quantum key distribution network (poster)
7th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18 September 2017 - 22 September 2017
Y. Kurochkin, E. O. Kiktenko, N. O. Pozhar, M. N. Anufriev, A. S. Trushechkin, A. V. Duplinskiy, V. E. Ustimchik, A. Kanapin, A. I. Lvovsky and A. Fedorov
Quantum-secure blockchain application for urban QKD network (poster)
17th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference
Singapore, 4 September 2017 - 8 September 2017
B. C. Sanders, M. Bagherimehrab and Y. R. Sanders
Wavelets for quantum state generation (invited)
Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA 2017)
Montreal, Canada, 24 July 2017 - 28 July 2017
D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, M. W. Richards, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky
Generation and Breeding Quantum Optical Schrödinger’s Cats (invited)
26th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'17)
Kazan, Russia, 17 July 2017 - 21 July 2017
E. O. Kiktenko, N. O. Pozhar, M. N. Anufriev, A. S. Trushechkin, R. R. Yunusov, Y. Kurochkin, A. I. Lvovsky and A. Fedorov
Quantum-secured blockchain (contributed)
4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia, 12 July 2017 - 16 July 2017
D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, M. W. Richards, I. A. Fedorov, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky
Generating and breeding Schröodinger's cats in quantum optics (poster)
4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia, 12 July 2017 - 16 July 2017
D. Sychev, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, I. A. Fedorov, E. Tiunov, V. Novikov and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards interconversion between discrete- and continuous-variable encodings in quantum optics (poster)
4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia, 12 July 2017 - 16 July 2017
A. I. Lvovsky, A. E. Ulanov, D. Sychev, A. A. Pushkina, I. A. Fedorov, E. Tiunov, V. Novikov, T. C. Ralph, P. Grangier and Y. Kurochkin
Hybrid discrete-continuous quantum optical technology at the Russian Quantum Center (invited)
4th International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia, 12 July 2017 - 16 July 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Hybrid discrete+continuous-variable quantum repeaters (invited)
CIFAR Workshop on Quantum Networks
Calgary, Canada, 27 June 2017 - 28 June 2017
A. E. Ulanov, D. Sychev, A. A. Pushkina, M. W. Richards, I. A. Fedorov, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky
Schrödinger’s cats in quantum optics (invited)
24th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics
Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 June 2017 - 30 June 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Superresolution in linear optical imaging (invited)
EMN Open Access Week 2017
Chengdu, People's Republic of China, 8 May 2017 - 12 May 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Beating the Rayleigh limit (invited)
Quantum Field Framework for Structured Light Interactions
Banff, Canada, 24 April 2017 - 28 April 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Manipulating Schrödinger cats in quantum optics (invited)
Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop
Bristol, United Kingdom, 5 April 2017 - 7 April 2017
F. Yang, A. Tashchilina, E. S. Moiseev, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky
Super-resolution microscopy utilizing heterodyne detection (invited)
The 47th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2017)
Snowbird, Utah, United States of America, 8 January 2017 - 13 January 2017
A. I. Lvovsky
Three ways to skin an optical Schrödinger cat (invited)
Quantum Optics VIII
Maresias, Brazil, 23 October 2016 - 28 October 2016
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum physics: from paradox to technology (invited)
Meeting dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University of Electronic Science and Technology
Chengdu, People's Republic of China, 28 September 2016 - 29 September 2016
A. I. Lvovsky
Hybrid quantum optical technologies for communications and metrology (invited)
6th International Conference Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics (FNP 2016)
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 17 July 2016 - 23 July 2016
A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, D. Sychev, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky
Loss-Tolerant N00N States and Hybrid Quantum Teleportation (invited)
25th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'16)
Yerevan,, Armenia, 11 July 2016 - 15 July 2016
A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, D. Sychev, A. A. Pushkina, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph, P. Grangier and A. I. Lvovsky
Two loss-tolerant protocols for quantum communications and metrology (invited)
23rd Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO’16)
Kolymabari, Crete, Greece, 27 June 2016 - 1 July 2016
A. I. Lvovsky
Hybrid quantum optical technologies for communications and metrology (invited)
Symposium KCIK 2016
Sopot, Poland, 19 May 2016 - 21 May 2016
B. Khanaliloo, M. Wu, D. P. Lake, M. J. Mitchell, C. Healey, H. Kaviani, T. Masuda, J. P. Hadden and P. E. Barclay
Nanoscale optomechanics: sensors and hybrid quantum systems (poster, contributed)
Quantum Alberta Workshop
Banff, Canada, 13 May 2016 - 13 May 2016
Y. R. Sanders, J. J. Wallman and B. C. Sanders
Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity (invited)
APS March Meeting 2016
Baltimore, United States of America, 14 March 2016 - 18 March 2016
A. I. Lvovsky
Undoing the effect of loss on quantum entanglement (invited)
TAMU-PQE Follow-on Workshop
College Station, TX, 12 January 2016 - 13 January 2016
Y. R. Sanders, J. J. Wallman and B. C. Sanders
Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity (poster, contributed)
The 19th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2016)
Banff, Alberta, 10 January 2016 - 16 January 2016
A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph and A. I. Lvovsky
Recovering the loss of continuous-variable entanglement (invited)
24th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'15)
Shanghai, China, 21 August 2015 - 25 August 2015
I. A. Fedorov, A. E. Ulanov, A. A. Pushkina, A. K. Fedorov, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optics experiments at the Russian Quantum Center (invited)
International Workshop on Quantum Optics
Troitsk, Russia, 11 August 2015 - 16 August 2015
A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph and A. I. Lvovsky
Distillation of continuous variable entanglement via quantum catalysis (poster)
3rd International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia
A. E. Ulanov, I. A. Fedorov, A. A. Pushkina, Y. Kurochkin, T. C. Ralph, A. S. Prasad and A. I. Lvovsky
Two ways to distill Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entanglement (invited)
14th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations
Gdansk, Poland, 29 June 2015 - 3 July 2015
R. Ghobadi, S. Kumar, B. Pepper, D. Bouwmeester, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky
Optomechanical micro-macro entanglement (poster, contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Edmonton, Canada, 13 June 2015 - 19 June 2015
(No. 2 Supplement)
S. Kumar, R. Ghobadi, B. Pepper, D. Bouwmeester, A. I. Lvovsky and C. Simon
Optomechanical micro-macro entanglement (contributed)
Theory Canada 10
Calgary, Canada, 11 June 2015 - 13 June 2015
H. Kaviani, C. Healey, M. Wu, P. E. Barclay and A. C. Hryciw
Nonlinear optomechanical paddle nanocavities (invited)
Photonics North 2015
Ottawa, Canada, 9 June 2015 - 11 June 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum engineering of light: tools of the trade (seminar)
East China Normal University
28 May 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technologies in application to light (seminar)
Skolkovo Institute of Technology
19 May 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technologies in application to light (seminar)
Lebedev Physical Institute
22 April 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Making larger entangled states of light (seminar)
Shanxi University
16 April 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Light as an object of quantum technology (seminar)
University of Science and Technology of China
15 April 2015
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology of light as a harmonic oscillator (keynote)
EMN Meeting on Quantum Technologies
Beijing, People's Republic of China, 14 April 2015 - 17 April 2015
Z. Qin, A. S. Prasad, T. Brannan, A. MacRae, A. Lezama and A. I. Lvovsky
A complete measurement of the photons' waveform (invited)
XII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Optical Technologies in Telecommunications - 2014" (OTT 2014)
Kazan, Russia, 19 November 2014 - 21 November 2014
I. A. Fedorov, A. E. Ulanov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum vampire: action at a distance of the photon annihilation operator (poster)
Quantum Optics VII
Mar del Plata,Argentina, 27 October 2014 - 31 October 2014
A. S. Prasad, Z. Qin, T. Brannan, A. I. Lvovsky, A. MacRae and A. Tashchilina
Complete temporal characterization of single photons (invited)
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2014
San Diego, CA, USA, 16 August 2014 - 21 August 2014
I. A. Fedorov, A. K. Fedorov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optical process tomography for the multimode case (invited)
23rd International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'14)
Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 July 2014 - 18 July 2014
A. I. Lvovsky
Light as an object of quantum technology (seminar)
Kazan State University
16 June 2014
I. A. Fedorov, A. K. Fedorov, Y. Kurochkin and A. I. Lvovsky
Multimode quantum black-box characterization (invited)
4th Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atom and Photons
Turin, Italy, 26 May 2014 - 30 May 2014
Z. Qin, A. S. Prasad, T. Brannan, A. MacRae, A. Lezama and A. I. Lvovsky
Measuring the temporal wave function of a photon (invited)
Photonics North 2014
Montreal, Canada, 28 May 2014 - 30 May 2014
A. I. Lvovsky
Light as an object of quantum technology (invited)
Eureka! Fest
Novosibirsk, Russia, 15 May 2014 - 18 May 2014
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optics: from paradoxes to technologies (seminar)
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
22 April 2014
A. I. Lvovsky
Schrödinger Cat: is entanglement and macroscopicity enough? (colloquium)
National Research Council
14 February 2014
A. I. Lvovsky
Technology of light as a harmonic oscillator (invited)
5th International Conference Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics (FNP 2013)
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 28 July 2013 - 2 August 2013
A. I. Lvovsky, R. Ghobadi, Y. Kurochkin and C. Simon
Micro-macro entanglement in optics (invited)
2nd International Conference on Quantum Technologies
Moscow, Russia, 20 July 2013 - 24 July 2013
T. Brannan, Z. Qin, A. MacRae, A. Lezama and A. I. Lvovsky
Measuring the temporal wavefnction of a photon (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS 2013)
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 July 2013 - 19 July 2013
A. I. Lvovsky, Y. Kurochkin, R. Ghobadi, A. S. Prasad and C. Simon
Making bigger entangled states (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS 2013)
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 July 2013 - 19 July 2013
A. I. Lvovsky, A. S. Prasad, R. Ghobadi, A. Chandra, C. Simon and Y. Kurochkin
Making a large entangled state from a small one (invited)
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO/LAT 2013)
Moscow, Russia, 18 June 2013 - 22 June 2013
A. C. Hryciw, B. Khanaliloo, M. Wu, C. Healey and P. E. Barclay
Near-field cavity optomechanical probing of nanomechanics
CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science 2013
San Jose, California, 9 June 2013 - 14 June 2013
A. I. Lvovsky, Y. Kurochkin, R. Ghobadi, A. S. Prasad and C. Simon
Enlarging optical entanglement (invited)
Quantum Optics VIII
Jachranka, Poland, 27 May 2013 - 29 May 2013
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technologies (seminar)
Department of Physics
6 April 2013
A. I. Lvovsky
3 ways to skin a cat: numerical approaches in coherent-state quantum process tomography (invited)
Workshop on Mathematical Methods of Quantum Tomography
Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, 19 February 2013 - 22 February 2013
M. Wu, A. C. Hryciw, B. Khanaliloo, C. Healey, M. R. Freeman, J. P. Davis and P. E. Barclay
Photonic crystal split-beam nanocavities for torsional optomechanics (contributed)
2013 SPIE Photonics West
San Jose, California, 2 February 2013 - 7 February 2013
A. I. Lvovsky
Synthesis, manipulation, measurement and storage of quantum information carried by light (keynote)
Latin American Optics and Photonics (LAOP 2012), 4 November 2012 - 8 November 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optics: from riddles to technologies (seminar)
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
18 October 2012
A. MacRae, T. Brannan and A. I. Lvovsky
Narrowband Photon from an Atomic Source (invited)
Frontiers in Optics 2012 (FiO 2012)
Orlando, United States of America, 14 October 2012 - 18 October 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Mysteries and paradoxes of quantum physics
All-Russia Science Festival
Moscow, Russia, 12 October 2012 - 14 October 2012
T. Brannan, A. MacRae, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky
Tomography of a high-purity narrowband photon from four-wave mixing in atomic vapour (invited)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging X (SPIE O&P)
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, 15 August 2012 - 16 August 2012
C. Kupchak, R. Thomas and A. I. Lvovsky
Characterization of a high efficiency optical memory for the storage of quantum light states (contributed)
21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12)
Calgary, Alberta, 23 July 2012 - 27 July 2012
R. Thomas, C. Kupchak, G. S. Agarwal and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically induced transparency with evanescent fields (invited)
21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12)
Calgary, Alberta, 23 July 2012 - 27 July 2012
M. Wu, A. C. Hryciw, B. Khanaliloo, C. Healey, M. R. Freeman, J. P. Davis and P. E. Barclay
Photonic crystal paddle nanocavities for optomechanical torsion sensing (poster)
21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12)
Calgary, Alberta, 23 July 2012 - 27 July 2012
R. Thomas, C. Kupchak, G. S. Agarwal and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically induced transparency using evanescent fields in warm atomic vapour (poster, contributed)
23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2012)
Palaiseau, France, 23 July 2012 - 27 July 2012
T. Brannan, A. MacRae, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards engineering arbitrary superpositions of collective spin excitations (invited)
21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12)
Calgary, Alberta, 23 July 2012 - 27 July 2012
A. MacRae, T. Brannan, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky
Tomography of single photons and qubits generated by atoms (invited)
Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics
Sinaia, Romania, 2 July 2012 - 6 July 2012
P. Palittapongarnpim, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky
A monolithic filter cavity for single-photon experiment in atomic physics (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Calgary, Canada, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
R. Kumar, E. Barrios and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum process tomography of photon addition and subtraction (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Calgary, Canada, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
C. Kupchak, R. Thomas and A. I. Lvovsky
Characterization of high efficiency quantum memory (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Calgary, Canada, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
R. Thomas, C. Kupchak, G. S. Agarwal and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically induced transparency with evanescent optical fields (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Calgary, Canada, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
A. MacRae, T. Brannan, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky
Generation of arbitrary quantum states from atomic ensembles (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Calgary, Canada, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
C. Kupchak, R. Thomas and A. I. Lvovsky
Characterization of a high efficiency optical memory for the storage of quantum light states (contributed)
43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2012)
Anaheim, California, 4 June 2012 - 8 June 2012
C. Kupchak, R. Thomas and A. I. Lvovsky
Evanescent EIT and Goos-Hanchen shifts (contributed)
Quantum 2012 - Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero
Turin, Italy, 20 May 2012 - 26 May 2012
A. MacRae, T. Brannan, P. Palittapongarnpim, R. Achal and A. I. Lvovsky
Single photons generated by atoms (invited)
Quantum 2012 - Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero
Turin, Italy, 20 May 2012 - 26 May 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology of light: a ten-year progress report (seminar)
University of British Columbia
22 March 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
The Russian Quantum Center: a pilot project of setting up basic science in Skolkovo (keynote)
The first international forum of Russian-speaking science and technology professionals
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 10 March 2012 - 11 March 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Synthesis, manipulation and storage for applications in quantum information technology (seminar)
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
21 February 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technologies and singularity (keynote)
Global Future 2045
Moscow, Russia, 17 February 2012 - 20 February 2012
A. MacRae, T. Brannan and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards quantum engineering (invited)
Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2012)
Snowbird, Utah, United States of America, 2 January 2012 - 6 January 2012
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light and its extension to atomic ensembles (seminar)
Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
26 December 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light and its extension to atomic ensembles (seminar)
Institute of Spectroscopy, Troitsk, Russia
8 December 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light and its extension to atomic ensembles (colloquium)
Institute of Semiconductors, Novosibirsk, Russia
6 December 2011
A. MacRae, T. Brannan and A. I. Lvovsky
Engineering of optical states from an atomic source (contributed)
CIFAR Meeting on Quantum Information Processing
Calgary, Alberta, 9 November 2011 - 11 November 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Ten years in the life of quantum light (colloquium)
Oklahoma State University
28 October 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum engineering of light and atoms (seminar)
Texas A&M University
24 October 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Ten years in the life of quantum light (colloquium)
University of Calgary
7 October 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Assembling and disassembling light (synthesis, manipulation, measurement and storage of quantum information carried by light) (plenary, invited)
Canadian-American-Mexican Physics Graduate Student Conference
Washington, D. C., 29 September 2011 - 1 October 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light (seminar)
Moscow State Technological University
16 September 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light (seminar)
Saint Petersburg State University
14 September 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology in application to light (seminar)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
12 September 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Preparation and measurement of arbitrary states of light and atoms (seminar)
Moscow State University
12 September 2011
X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel
Towards high bit-rate quantum key distribution (contributed)
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Optics and Photonics 2011
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, 21 August 2011 - 25 August 2011
A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky
Remote preparation of arbitrary states of an atomic collective (invited)
Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC - IV)
Toronto, Ontario, 8 August 2011 - 12 August 2011
D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum efficiency of an optical state: a general theory (invited)
20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'11)
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 11 July 2011 - 15 July 2011
P. Chan, C Dascollas, C. Healey, S. Hosier, J. Jin, V. Kiselyov, M. R. E. Lamont, I. Lucio-Martinez, D. Oblak, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, T. Stuart and W. Tittel
Quantum Communication in the QC2 Lab (poster)
Alberta Quantum and Nano‐Optics Workshop 2011
Red Deer, Canada, 6 July 2011 - 6 July 2011
H. Kaviani, B. He, A. MacRae, W. Jiang, A. I. Lvovsky and C. Simon
Deterministic conditional phase gate with Rydberg atoms (poster)
The 8th Canadian Student Conference on Quantum Information
Centre de Villégiature de Jouvence, Orford, Québec, 16 June 2011 - 17 June 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Three ways to characterize a quantum-optical black box (invited)
Foundations of Probability and Physics 6
Växjö, Sweden, 13 June 2011 - 16 June 2011
C. Healey, X. F. Mo, C Dascollas, M. R. E. Lamont, J. A. Slater, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel
High-speed detection of near-infrared single photons in quantum optics experiments (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress
Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, 13 June 2011 - 17 June 2011
D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky
On quantum efficiencies of optical states (invited)
4th International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI)
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 5 June 2011 - 8 June 2011
D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantifying optical losses (invited)
18th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics
Madrid, Spain, 30 May 2011 - 3 June 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
Describing quantum optical "black boxes" (invited)
The Seventh Seminar Dedicated to the Memory of D. N. Klyshko
Moscow, Russia, 25 May 2011 - 27 May 2011
A. I. Lvovsky
The Russian Quantum Centre and its planned research (invited)
Skolkovo Scientific Conference
St. Petersburg, Russia, 24 May 2011 - 25 May 2011
D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky
Conservation of vacuum in an interferometer (contributed)
CLEO:QELS 2012 Fundamental Science (CLEO: 2012)
San Jose Convention Centre, San Jose, California, 6 May 2012 - 11 May 2012
C. Healey, X. F. Mo, C Dascollas, M. R. E. Lamont, J. A. Slater, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel
High-speed characterization of quantum systems in the near-infrared (contributed)
SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2011
Orlando, Florida, 25 April 2011 - 29 April 2011
D. W. Berry and A. I. Lvovsky
Conservation of vacuum in an interferometer (contributed)
APS March Meeting
Dallas, Texas, 21 March 2011 - 25 March 2011
S. Rahimi-Keshari, A. Scherer, A. Mann, A. T. Rezakhani, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Quantum process tomography with coherent states (contributed)
Quantum Optics V
Cozumel, Mexico, 15 November 2010 - 19 November 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Technology of light at a few-photon level (invited)
12th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Section of the APS
Walla Walla, Washington, 1 October 2010 - 2 October 2010
A. I. Lvovsky and D. W. Berry
Limitations on linear-optical processing of single photon efficiency (invited)
Workshop on Quantum Decoherence & Thermodynamics Control
Safed, Israel, 22 August 2010 - 27 August 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Measuring quantum light: from states to processes (seminar)
Weizmann Institute of Science
19 August 2010
M. Lobino, C. Kupchak, R. Kumar, E. Barrios, A. J. Hendricks, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Coherent-state quantum process tomography (invited)
SPIE Optics and Photonics 2010
San Diego, United States of America, 1 August 2010 - 5 August 2010
M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, R. Kumar, E. Barrios, S. Rahimi-Keshari, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum-optical process tomography using coherent states (invited)
10th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC2010)
Brisbane, Australia, 19 July 2010 - 23 July 2010
S. Rahimi-Keshari, A. Scherer, A. Mann, A. T. Rezakhani, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Quantum process tomography with coherent states (contributed)
Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010)
Calgary, Canada, 12 July 2010 - 16 July 2010
E. Bimbard, N. Jain, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky
Single-mode quantum engineering of light (invited)
19th International Laser Physics Workshop 2010 (LPHYS 2010)
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 5 July 2010 - 9 July 2010
(Presentation cancelled)
M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, R. Kumar, E. Barrios, S. Rahimi-Keshari, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky
Characterizing quantum-optical "black boxes" (invited)
19th International Laser Physics Workshop 2010 (LPHYS 2010)
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 5 July 2010 - 9 July 2010
(Presentation cancelled)
I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel
Towards high-rate real-world quantum key distribution with quantum frames (invited)
19th International Laser Physics Workshop 2010 (LPHYS 2010)
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 5 July 2010 - 9 July 2010
I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel
Increasing the secret key rate in quantum key distribution (invited)
Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution 2010
Waterloo, Canada, 14 June 2010 - 17 June 2010
S. Rahimi-Keshari, A. Scherer, A. Mann, A. T. Rezakhani, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Quantum process tomography with coherent states (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress 2010
Toronto, Canada, 7 June 2010 - 11 June 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Characterizing quantum optical "black boxes" (invited)
XIII International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (ICQOQI'2010)
Kiev, Ukraine, 28 May 2010 - 1 June 2010
Y. R. Sanders, B. Fortescue and G. Gour
Quantifying the resourcefulness of quantum reference frames (invited)
MITACS/CORS Annual Conference 2010
Edmonton, Canada, 25 May 2010 - 28 May 2010
E. Bimbard, N. Jain, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology of light at the two-photon level (invited)
5th Workshop ad Memoriam of Carlo Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons
Turin, Italy, 23 May 2010 - 29 May 2010
N. Jain, E. Bimbard, S. R. Huisman, S.-H. Youn, A. MacRae and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optical state engineering at the few photon level (poster)
453. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar on Quantum communication based on integrated optics
Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 22 May 2010 - 24 May 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
The 'black box' problem for quantum light (seminar)
University of Copenhagen
6 May 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Exploring dimensions of quantum light (seminar)
University of Bristol
4 May 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Making, storing and measuring light: photon by photon (seminar)
University of Ulm
1 March 2010
A. I. Lvovsky
Peeking into quantum black boxes (seminar)
Imperial College London
3 November 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Making light out of photons (seminar)
University of Gdañsk
28 August 2009
A. MacRae, G. Campbell, A. Ordog and A. I. Lvovsky
Double electromagnetically induced transparency in rubidium vapour (invited)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VII (Conference 7465) Optics+Photonics 2009
San Diego, California, 4 August 2009 - 6 August 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Making light, photon by photon (seminar)
East China Normal University
22 July 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Characterization of memory for light as a quantum-optical process (invited)
International Conference on Quantum Foundation and Technology: Frontier and Future (ICQFT '09)
Shanghai, P. R. China, 17 July 2009 - 22 July 2009
C. Kupchak, M. Lobino, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Process tomography of quantum-optical memory (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'09)
Barcelona, Spain, 13 July 2009 - 17 July 2009
M. Lobino, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
A peek into a quantum black box (plenary)
The 54th Annual conference of the South African Institute of Physics
Durban, South Africa, 6 July 2009 - 10 July 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Making and measuring quantum states of light (invited)
SAIP 2009 Winter School on Quantum Information Processing and Communication
Durban, South Africa, 6 July 2009 - 6 July 2009
B. C. Sanders, M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Complete characterization of quantum-optical processes (invited)
Institut d'Optique - Graduate School
25 June 2009
M. Lobino, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Do we need quantum light to test quantum memory? (invited)
Quantum Optics VII
Zakopane, Poland, 8 June 2009 - 12 June 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Constructing light: photon by photon (colloquium)
York University
27 May 2009
M. Lobino
Coherent state quantum process tomography (invited)
Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2009)
Charlottesville, United States of America, 19 May 2009 - 23 May 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Memory for light as a component of quantum communication systems (colloquium)
Universität Mainz
6 April 2009
M. Lobino, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Process tomography of quantum-optical memory (invited)
Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2009)
Snowbird, Utah, United States of America, 4 January 2009 - 8 January 2009
B. C. Sanders, M. Lobino, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Complete characterization of quantum-optical processes (plenary)
Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2009)
Snowbird, Utah, United States of America, 4 January 2009 - 8 January 2009
A. I. Lvovsky
Storage of light and quantum communication (colloquium)
University of Alberta
26 November 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
How memory for light helps quantum communication (colloquium)
University of Manitoba
14 November 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Memory for light: why, how, when? (colloquium)
University of Winnipeg
14 November 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum refrigerator for light (seminar)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12 November 2008
Optics and Quantum Electronics seminar
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum information with atoms and photons (invited)
International Iran Summer School on Quantum Information (IISSQI 2008)
Kish, Iran, 13 September 2008 - 27 September 2008
(Series of lectures)
A. I. Lvovsky
Towards a universal light storage machine (seminar)
University of Toronto
11 September 2008
M. Lobino, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky
A continuous-variable approach to process tomography (invited)
Quantum Estimation: Theory and Practice
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 25 August 2008 - 30 August 2008
A. MacRae, G. Campbell, A. Ordog, Z.-B. Wang, B. C. Sanders, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards giant optical nonlinearities using double electromagnetically induced transparency (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
S.-H. Youn, N. Jain and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum tomography of the single photon state generated by down-conversion in a periodically poled KTP crystal (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
M. Lobino, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov, C. Kupchak, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky
Coherent states characterization of quantum-optical processes (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
K. Kuntz, B. Braverman, M. Lobino and A. I. Lvovsky
Spatial and temporal characterization of a Bessel beam produced using a conical mirror (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
Y. R. Sanders and G. Gour
Concurrence monotones as conditions for entanglement catalysis (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
E. Figueroa, J. Appel, D. Korystov, M. Lobino, C. Kupchak and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically-induced transparency and squeezed light (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
G. Campbell, C. Healey, J. Appel, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Generation of squeezed vacuum states via polarization self-rotation (poster)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008)
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 August 2008 - 24 August 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Memory for light and quantum communication (invited)
Banff Science Communications Workshop
Banff, Canada, 10 August 2008 - 23 October 2008
E. Figueroa, J. Appel, D. Korystov, M. Lobino and A. I. Lvovsky
Interfacing quantum light with atoms using electromagnetically-induced transparency (invited)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VI (Conference 7092) Optics+Photonics 2008
San Diego, California, 12 August 2008 - 14 August 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically‐induced transparency with squeezed light (invited)
Quantum Entanglement and Decoherence: 3rd International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI 2008)
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 13 July 2008 - 16 July 2008
A. I. Lvovsky, J. Appel, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov and M. Lobino
Quantum memory for squeezed light (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'08)
Trondheim, Norway, 30 June 2008 - 4 July 2008
A. I. Lvovsky, J. Appel, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov and M. Lobino
Electromagnetically-induced transparency for quantum optical information processing (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'08)
Trondheim, Norway, 30 June 2008 - 4 July 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum memory for continuous-variable optical states (invited)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008)
Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 June 2008 - 11 June 2008
A. MacRae, G. Campbell, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Double electromagnetically-induced transparency in rubidium vapor (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008)
Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 June 2008 - 11 June 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Storage of squeezed light as a step towards universal quantum memory (invited)
39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2008)
State College, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 27 May 2008 - 31 May 2008
A. MacRae, G. Campbell, Z.-B. Wang, K.-P. Marzlin, B. C. Sanders and A. I. Lvovsky
Giant optical nonlinearities between two matched pulses (poster)
39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2008)
State College, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 27 May 2008 - 31 May 2008
A. MacRae, G. Campbell and A. I. Lvovsky
Demonstration of double electromagnetically induced transparency in a hot atomic vapour (contributed)
39th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2008)
State College, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 27 May 2008 - 31 May 2008
M. Lobino, J. Appel, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically induced transparency and squeezed light (invited)
4th Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atom and photons
Turin, Italy, 19 May 2008 - 23 May 2008
A. I. Lvovsky
Memory for light and quantum communication (seminar)
Technische Universität Wien
5 May 2008
A. MacRae, Z.-B. Wang, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Giant optical nonlinearities using double electromagnetically induced transparency in Rubidium (poster)
Second QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting
Calgary, Canada, 26 September 2007 - 27 September 2007
A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically-induced transparency with clasical and nonclassical light (invited)
Frontiers in Optics 2007 (OSA Annual Meeting)
San Jose, United States of America, 16 September 2007 - 20 September 2007
View summary
K.-P. Marzlin, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Slow photons as charged Quasi-Particles (poster)
Photons, Atoms and Qubits Conference 2007 (PAQ07)
Royal Society, London, United Kingdom, 2 September 2007 - 5 September 2007
A. I. Lvovsky
Steering light by electromagnetically-induced transparency (invited)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging V (Conference 6710) Optics+Photonics 2007
San Diego, California, 26 August 2007 - 28 August 2007
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, D. Korystov and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically-induced transparency and squeezed light (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'07)
León, Mexico, 20 August 2007 - 24 August 2007
E. Figueroa, J. Appel, F. Vewinger, D. Korystov, G. Günter and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards storage of non-classical light using electromagnetically induced transparency
3rd Canada-America-Mexico Graduate Student Physics Conference (CAM 2007)
Montreal, Canada, 8 August 2007 - 11 August 2007
K.-P. Marzlin, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Slow photons as charged quasi-particles, and photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect (contributed)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007)
Saskatoon, Canada, 17 June 2007 - 20 June 2007
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, D. Korystov, G. Günter and A. I. Lvovsky
Towards storage of squeezed light by electromagnetically induced transparency (contributed)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
K.-P. Marzlin, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Slow photons as charged quasi-particles, and photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect (contributed)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
G. Campbell, C. Healey, J. Appel, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Polarization squeezing in atomic Rubidium vapour (contributed)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Experimental Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states in rubidium (contributed)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
D. Hoffman, J. Appel, E. Figueroa and A. I. Lvovsky
Electronic noise in optical homodyne tomography (contributed)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
E. Figueroa, J. Appel, F. Vewinger and A. I. Lvovsky
Characterization of decoherence in electromagnetically induced transparency for applications in storage of light (poster)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
Y. R. Sanders, H. A. Carteret and B. C. Sanders
Discerning thermal properties of entanglement in qubit rings using n-concurrence (poster)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
(To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.K1.10)
A. I. Lvovsky
Making and measuring quantum states of light (invited)
38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007)
Calgary, Alberta, 5 June 2007 - 9 June 2007
(at the student symposium)
A. I. Lvovsky
Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states in multilevel atoms (seminar)
University of Queensland
15 December 2006
A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically-induced transparency in multilevel atoms (seminar)
Australian National University
12 December 2006
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum optical technology at the single-photon level and beyond (keynote)
Australian Institute of Physics 17th National Congress
Brisbane, Australia, 3 December 2006 - 8 December 2006
A. I. Lvovsky, J. Appel, E. Figueroa, G. Günter, F. Vewinger and K.-P. Marzlin
Electromagnetically-induced transparency in systems with multiple excited levels (invited)
The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2006)
Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan, 28 November 2006 - 3 December 2006
View summary
A. I. Lvovsky
Photons and quantum IT (seminar)
University of Calgary
16 November 2006
E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Adiabatic transfer of quantum optical information in atomic vapor (postdeadline)
Frontiers in Optics 2006 (OSA Annual Meeting)
Rochester, United States of America, 8 October 2006 - 12 October 2006
E. Figueroa
Characterization of atomic coherence decay for storage of light
The Third Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2006)
University of Calgary, Canada, 14 August 2006 - 18 August 2006
E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, J. Appel, A. I. Lvovsky and G. Günter
Characterization of atomic coherence decay for storage of light experiments (poster)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging IV (Conference 6305) Optics+Photonics 2006
San Diego, California, 13 August 2006 - 14 August 2006
View poster
A. I. Lvovsky, W. Wasilewski, P. Wasylczyk, P. Kolenderski, K. Banaszek and C. Radzewicz
Characteristic squeezing modes in optical parametric amplification (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'06)
Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 July 2006 - 24 July 2006
J. Appel, F. Vewinger, E. Figueroa, G. Günter, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Adiabatic transfer of quantum optical information by means of electromagnetically-induced transparency (invited)
International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'06)
Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 July 2006 - 24 July 2006
View presentation
A. I. Lvovsky
Photons and quantum information (seminar)
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
24 July 2006
E. Figueroa, J. Appel, G. Günter, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2006)
St. Catharines, Canada, 11 June 2006 - 14 June 2006
E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, J. Appel, G. Günter and A. I. Lvovsky
Electromagnetically-induced transparency in atomic vapor: decoherence mechanisms (poster)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2006)
St. Catharines, Canada, 11 June 2006 - 14 June 2006
View poster
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger and A. I. Lvovsky
Routing of optical states by atomic media (invited)
Continuous Variable Quantum Information Workshop
Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 May 2006 - 22 May 2006
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, G. Günter, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Controlling light by electromagnetically-induced transparency (poster)
Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Information Science
Lucca, Italy, 7 May 2006 - 12 May 2006
View poster
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Routing of optical states by atomic media (invited)
3rd Workshop ad Memoriam of Carlo Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atom and Photons
Turin, Italy, 2 May 2006 - 5 May 2006
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology and information security (invited)
Future of Information Security: Southern Alberta Intellectual Property Network Conference
Calgary, Canada, 20 April 2006 - 20 April 2006
D. W. Berry, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Interconvertibility of single-rail optical qubits (poster)
2006 APS March Meeting (2006 APS)
Baltimore, United States of America, 13 March 2006 - 17 March 2006
F. Vewinger, S. A. Babichev, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Universal homodyne detector with high bandwidth
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2006
Frankfurt, Germany, 13 March 2006 - 17 March 2006
F. Vewinger, J. Appel, E. Figueroa, G. Günter, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Raman adiabatic transfer of optical states
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2006
Frankfurt, Germany, 13 March 2006 - 17 March 2006
J. Appel, E. Figueroa, F. Vewinger, G. Günter, K.-P. Marzlin and A. I. Lvovsky
Decoherence in electromagnetically-induced transparency (poster)
CIAR UltraCold Matter Workshop
Banff, Canada, 24 February 2006 - 26 February 2006
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum Computing (seminar)
Calgary Council for Advanced Technology
9 February 2006
D. W. Berry, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Interconvertibility of single-rail optical qubits (poster)
Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy
Rotorua, New Zealand, 5 December 2005 - 9 December 2005
K.-P. Marzlin, Z.-B. Wang, M. Kiffner, J. Appel, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Applications of electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum information (seminar)
University of California at Berkeley
30 November 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Photons and qubits in a continuous-variable aspect (invited)
357. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar; The Photon: Generation, Detection, and Application
Bad Honnef, Germany, 6 November 2005 - 9 November 2005
E. Figueroa
Quantum information storage in atomic media (invited)
2nd Canada-America-Mexico Graduate Student Physics Conference (CAM 2005)
San Diego, United States of America, 19 August 2005 - 21 August 2005
E. Figueroa
Quantum information storage in atomic media (invited)
Canadian Students Quantum Information Conference 2005 (CS-QIC 2005)
Calgary, 8 August 2005 - 12 August 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Bridging the gap between discrete- and continuous-variable quantum optical informatio (seminar)
University of Tokyo
12 July 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
New results in optical homodyne tomography and their applications to quantum information technology (invited)
Tokyo, Japan, 11 July 2005 - 15 July 2005
View summary
K.-P. Marzlin, Z.-B. Wang, M. Kiffner, J. Appel, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Applications of electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum information (poster)
Munich, Germany, 12 June 2005 - 17 June 2005
W. Wasilewski, A. I. Lvovsky, K. Banaszek and C. Radzewicz
On the problem of squeezing eigenmodes in an optical parametric amplification (poster)
Quantum Optics VI
Krynica, Poland, 13 June 2005 - 18 June 2005
K.-P. Marzlin, M. Kiffner, J. Appel, A. I. Lvovsky and B. C. Sanders
Applications of electromagnetically induced transparancy in quantum information (invited)
Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2005)
Vancouver, Canada, 5 June 2005 - 8 June 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Homodyne tomography for quantum information: a new application for an old method (invited)
2005 Canadian Association of Physics Congress
University of British Columbia, Canada, 5 June 2005 - 8 June 2005
S. A. Babichev, J. Appel, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky
Optical qubit: a continuous-variable approach (contributed)
Quantum Physics of Nature (QUPON 2005)
Vienna, Austria, 20 May 2005 - 26 May 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Homodyne tomography of optical states and its applications in quantum technology (invited)
The Fourth Seminar Dedicated to the Memory of D. N. Klyshko
Moscow, Russia, 17 May 2005 - 19 May 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
How to measure optical qubits? (seminar)
Nicolaus Copernicus University
13 May 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Experimental violation of the Bell inequality in a continuous-variable setting (invited)
Microtechnologies for the New Millennium
Seville, Spain, 9 May 2005 - 11 May 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
The continuous-variable approach in discrete-variable quantum optics (invited)
9th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2005)
Besançon, France, 2 May 2005 - 6 May 2005
View summary
A. I. Lvovsky
Photons and quantum technology (colloquium)
University of Lethbridge
31 March 2005
A. I. Lvovsky
Photon as a qubit: A continuous-variable approach (invited)
The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Quantum Information Processing meeting (CIAR 2004)
Montebello, Quebec, 29 November 2004 - 30 November 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
Technology of the photon as a qubit (seminar)
University of Montreal
24 November 2004
A. I. Lvovsky, S. A. Babichev and J. Appel
Continuous-variable experiments with optical qubits (invited)
Photonics Asia 2004
Beijing, China, 8 November 2004 - 12 November 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
The nonlocal photon (seminar)
University of Toronto
24 September 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
The conditionally prepared photon and quantum imaging (invited)
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging II Optics+Photonics 2004
Denver, Colorado, 2 August 2004 - 6 August 2004
J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Raman adiabatic transfer of quantum optical states in atomic media (poster)
Quantum Information and Quantum Control Conference 2004 (QIQC 2004)
Toronto, 19 July 2004 - 23 July 2004
S. A. Babichev, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Continuous-variable experiments with a nonlocal single photon (contributed)
Quantum Information and Quantum Control Conference 2004 (QIQC 2004)
Toronto, 19 July 2004 - 23 July 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
Continuous-variable experiments with qubits (invited)
2nd Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero: Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with atom and photons
Turin, Italy, 26 April 2004 - 27 April 2004
S. A. Babichev, J. Ries, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky
Teleportation and nonlocality by means of a single photon (poster)
Quantum Information Processing with Linear Optics (QUIPROLO 2004)
Erlangen, Germany, 14 April 2004 - 16 April 2004
A. I. Lvovsky and B. Brezger
EPR-paare von atomen aus der photodissoziation von molekülen (poster)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2004
München, Germany, 22 March 2004 - 26 March 2004
View poster
J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Slow light by means of spectral hole burning in atomic vapor (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2004
München, Germany, 22 March 2004 - 26 March 2004
S. A. Babichev, J. Appel and A. I. Lvovsky
Continuous-variable experiments with a nonlocal single photon (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2004
München, Germany, 22 March 2004 - 26 March 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
License to operate a photon (colloquium)
University of Oregon
26 February 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology and homodyne tomography (seminar)
Georgia Institute of Technology
24 February 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology with light at the interface of discrete and continuous variables (seminar)
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
14 February 2004
A. I. Lvovsky
Experiments with nonclassical light in discrete and continuous bases (seminar)
Università di Pavia
20 November 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum state engineering at the interface of discrete and continuous variables (seminar)
University of Oxford
20 October 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology at the interface of discrete and continuous variables (seminar)
Universität Wien
8 September 2003
B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky
Experiments with EPR pairs of free massive particles generated by photodissociations of dimers (poster)
2nd Workshop on Entanglement and Decoherence of Complex Quantum Systems (QUACS 2003)
Vienna, Austria, 5 September 2003 - 7 September 2003
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S. A. Babichev, J. Ries and A. I. Lvovsky
Teleportation and nonlocality by means of the single photon (invited)
CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2003 (CLEO/EQEC 2003)
Munich, Germany, 23 June 2003 - 27 June 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology with photons (seminar)
University of Calgary
20 June 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Photon: toy, tool or mystery? (seminar)
University of Calgary
19 June 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Experiments with a nonlocal single photon (invited)
Eighth International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations (ICSSUR 2003)
Pueblo, Mexico, 9 June 2003 - 13 June 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Nonclassical light for quantum information technology (seminar)
Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (Barcelona)
12 April 2003
J. Ries, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky
Coherent exchange of quantum information between light and atomic ensembles (poster)
10th Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2003)
Rostock, 4 April 2003 - 7 April 2003
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A. I. Lvovsky
Single photon as a quantum technology tool (invited)
10th Central-European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2003)
Rostock, 4 April 2003 - 7 April 2003
J. Ries, B. Brezger and A. I. Lvovsky
Coherent exchange of quantum information between light and atomic ensembles (poster)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2003
Hannover, Germany, 24 March 2003 - 28 March 2003
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A. I. Lvovsky, J. Ries, S. A. Babichev and B. Brezger
Quantum information technology by means of nonclassical light and atoms (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2003
Hannover, Germany, 24 March 2003 - 28 March 2003
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantenlicht: wissenschaft, technologie oder spiel? (quantum light: science, technology or game?) (seminar)
Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (Universität Konstanz)
12 December 2002
A. I. Lvovsky
Synthesis, manipulation and measurement of highly nonclassical states of light (seminar)
MIT-Harvard University Center for Ultracold Atoms
19 November 2002
A. I. Lvovsky
Tricks with picosecond single photons (seminar)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7 November 2002
S. A. Babichev, J. Ries and A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology of non-classical light (poster)
Quantum Optics XIII - European Science Foundation
San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 21 September 2002 - 26 September 2002
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A. I. Lvovsky, S. A. Babichev and J. Mlynek
Quantum technology of non-classical light: new experiments and perspectives (invited)
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2002)
Boston, United States, 22 July 2002 - 26 July 2002
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E. V. Kovalchuk, A. I. Lvovsky and A. Peters
Spectral properties and frequency control of optical parametric oscillators for applications in metrology (contributed)
Moscow, Russia, 22 June 2002 - 28 June 2002
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S. A. Babichev and A. I. Lvovsky
Teleportation of single-mode optical states by means of a single photon (invited, postdeadline)
Moscow, Russia, 22 June 2002 - 28 June 2002
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A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum information technology by means of single photons (seminar)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
21 June 2002
A. I. Lvovsky
Tricks with a single photon (seminar)
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
20 June 2002
A. I. Lvovsky and J. Mlynek
Quantum-optical catalysis by means of a single photon (invited, postdeadline)
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 2002
Long Beach, 19 May 2002 - 24 May 2002
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A. I. Lvovsky
Tricks with a single photon (seminar)
California Institute of Technology
22 May 2002
A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology by means of nonclassical light (seminar)
Max-Born-Institut Berlin
9 April 2002
A. Hecker, U. Strößner, E. V. Kovalchuk, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier and S. Schiller
Continuous wave optical parametric oscillators as new tool for high resolution spectroscopy (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2002
Osnabrück, Germany, 4 March 2002 - 8 March 2002
A. I. Lvovsky and J. Mlynek
Quantum technology of non-classical light (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2002
Osnabrück, Germany, 4 March 2002 - 8 March 2002
A. I. Lvovsky, H. Hansen, T. Aichele, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
Quantum technology of non-classical light (poster)
Quantum Optics XII - European Science Foundation
San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 6 October 2001 - 11 October 2001
A. Peters, U. Strößner, E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, A. Hecker, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
Continuous wave optical parametric oscillators as new tools for high resolution spectroscopy (invited)
Sixth symposium on frequency, standards, and metrology
St. Andrews, United Kingdom, 9 September 2001 - 13 September 2001
E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek, S. Schiller and A. Peters
Doppler-free spectroscopy of CH4 using a CW optical parametric oscillator (contributed)
Sixth symposium on frequency, standards, and metrology
St. Andrews, United Kingdom, 9 September 2001 - 13 September 2001
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A. I. Lvovsky, T. Aichele, H. Hansen, O. Benson, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
Quantum technology of non-classical light: single photon and beyond (invited)
CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus Meeting
Munich, Germany, 20 June 2001 - 22 June 2001
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A. I. Lvovsky
Quantum technology of optical states: one photon and beyond (seminar)
Aarhus Universitet
22 May 2001
E. V. Kovalchuk, D. Dekorsy, A. I. Lvovsky, C. Braxmaier, J. Mlynek, A. Peters and S. Schiller
High-resolution doppler-free molecular spectroscopy with a continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator (contributed)
Baltimore, Unites States of America, 6 May 2001 - 11 May 2001
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A. I. Lvovsky, T. Aichele, H. Hansen, O. Benson, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
Quantum tomography of the single-photon Fock state (contributed)
Baltimore, Unites States of America, 6 May 2001 - 11 May 2001
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A. I. Lvovsky, H. Hansen, T. Aichele, O. Benson, J. Mlynek and S. Schiller
Synthesis, manipulation and measurement of highly non-classical optical states (invited)
Quantum interference and cryptographic keys: novel physics and advancing technologies
Cargese , France, 13 April 2001 - 17 April 2001
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T. Aichele, A. I. Lvovsky, H. Hansen, O. Benson, S. Schiller and J. Mlynek
Quantum homodyne tomography of the single-photon Fock state (contributed)
German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2001
Berlin, Germany, 2 April 2001 - 6 April 2001
A. I. Lvovsky
Synthesis, manipulation, and characterization of highly non-classical optical states (seminar)
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
21 February 2001