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The Tenth Annual

Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference

24-28 June 2013

Hosted by IQIS at the University of Calgary.

Organizing Committee:

Edouard Pelchat (Chair), Khulud Almutairi, Ish Dhand, Dongsheng Wang and Tian Wang


The Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC) is the annual conference in the field of Quantum Information Sciences run by and for students across Canada and around the world. The conference is open to students of various backgrounds including, but not limited to, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and engineering. The conference is held over the five days following the Annual Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information. All participants are encouraged to present a 20 minutes talk or contribute a poster on their research area.  

This year we have invited two guest lecturers with established careers in the field of quantum information, Dr. Dominic Walliman from D-Wave and Dr. Barry Sanders from the University of Calgary. Their talks will focus on current advancements in the field, specifically related to physically feasible quantum computers and simulators. Their abstracts can be found here.  

The conference was first held in 2004 at l’Université de Montréal and over the past nine years, has also been held at the University of Calgary, the Fields Institute in Toronto and the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo. This year, the conference will once again be hosted by the Institute for Quantum Information Science in Calgary.

CQISC allows students from a wide range of disciplines to come together and learn of new research areas presented by their peers. The conference allows its participants to develop ties with students of similar research interests and strengthen networking between numerous quantum information research institutes.

The conference schedule may be found here and the conference poster here.

Important Update: The University is closed on Monday and Tuesday due to the state of emergency in effect. The conference will be held Wednesday 27 June to Friday 29 June.

Conference Schedule: The new schedule may be found here.

Conference Venue: The conference will now be held in Cassio A,B in MacEwan student center (Room 228 and 230).

Registration and Accommodation:

Registration fee for the Conference is $50.00, which includes food-and-beverage banquet, lunches, coffee breaks, and limited accommodation for out-of-town students on a first-come-first-serve basis according to date of registration. To register, simply fill out the registration form by 10 May 2013 at the latest and earlier in order to be eligible for free accommodation. Please note the administrator will confirm that you have qualified for the accommodation. After making your registration payment via PayPal, please use the transaction ID in registration form.

Traditional dormitory rooms have been set aside at the University of Calgary Rundle Hall of residence. Additional details can be found at residence services' web-page.

Abstract and Poster Submission:

Please find the sample abstract file attached here. Modify this sample file to add the title, name of authors, affiliations and the body of the abstract (no more than 300 words). Please avoid images or bibliography and e-mail your completed .tex file to our coordinator by the required deadline.

For the poster session, each author will be provided with a 4' x 4' poster board area and mounting pins. The board will indicate the poster number. Authors may mount their posters in the morning of the day of presentation and remove them when the session ends. The presentations are eligible for best-poster award will be visited by the jury for ten minutes each, the detailed schedule for which shall be available on the first day of the confernce.


Participants will receive a 10% discount on all regular fares to Calgary with WestJet. To receive the reduced rate, call WestJet's Convention line at 1-888-493-7853 (Monday to Friday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, Mountain Standard Time) and provide the confirmation number CC7658.

Several forms of ground transportation are available from the Calgary International Airport to University of Calgary residence (see map). Taxi fare from the airport to the university usually costs about $40. Shuttle service is also available. There is also the option of public transit for the low cost of $2.75 (email the coordinator for detailed bus directions). If you intend to drive, the campus parking map can be found here.

Other Events and Activities:


Many thanks to our sponsors:



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Last updated January, 2025