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Quantum Science and Technology Seminar Series (Formerly Quantum Information Science)

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Seminars will be held on Wednesdays, 3:00PM - 4:00PM, unless otherwise specified.

Current and Upcoming IQST Seminars

  1. Thursday 31st October, 2024 3:00-4:00pm in BI 249

    Paolo Rech [University of Trento]

    Title: The good, the bad, and the ugly in quantum computing: Computational power, intrinsic noise, and transient faults
    Abstract: Quantum computing is a new computational paradigm, expected to revolutionize the computing field in the next few years. Qubits, the atomic units of a quantum circuit, exploit the quantum physics properties to increase the parallelism and speed of computation. Unfortunately, qubits are both intrinsically noisy and highly susceptible to external sources of faults, such as ionizing radiation. The reported qubits error rate is so high that researchers are questioning the large-scale adoption of quantum computers and forces unpractical mitigation solutions such as installing the quantum computer in underground caves. Innovative solutions to improve the reliability of quantum applications are then highly necessary. In the talk, after providing all information and background needed to understand quantum computing basics and an overview of the available quantum technologies vulnerabilities, we will present the available hardening solutions and the open challenges that need to be addressed. We will consider both the intrinsic noise, that has a predictable and incremental effect, and radiation-induced transient faults, that are stochastic and modify the qubit in an unpredictable way. Based on the latest studies and radiation experiments performed on real quantum machines, we will show how to model the transient faults in a qubit and how to inject this fault in a quantum circuit to track its propagation. We will discuss the vulnerability of qubits and of circuits, identifying the most critical parts and the main course for output corruption. Finally, we will provide an overview of the open (reliability) challenges in quantum computing to stimulate further studies and solutions.

Past IQST Seminars


  1. Fungi under the magnet: A novel magnetic field platform and discoveries in yeast magnetobiology
    Daniel Charlebois [University of Alberta]
    29 August 2024  - abstract -

  2. Harnessing utility for quantum advantage
    Alexandre Choquette [IBM Quantum]
    7 August 2024  - abstract -

  3. Multi-armed stochastic bandits and their applications to quantum information
    Josep Lumbreras Zarapico [Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore]
    4 July 2024  - abstract -

  4. Laser-fabricated quantum photonic sensors in diamond
    Shane Eaton [IFN-CNR and Department of Physics at Politecnico di Milano]
    28 June 2024  - abstract -

  5. Hunting for quantum butterflies
    Shohini Ghose [Wilfrid Laurier University and Quantum Algorithms Institute]
    16 January 2024  - abstract -

  6. 2023

  7. TBA
    Jacob Barnett [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
    21 November 2023  - abstract -

  8. Entanglement of nanophotonic quantum memory nodes via a telecommunication network
    Can Knaut [Harvard University]
    20 November 2023  - abstract -

  9. Multifunctional scanning microscopy with quantum spins in diamond
    William Huxter [ETH Zurich]
    14 November 2023  - abstract -

  10. What happens to entropy production when conserved quantities fail to commute with each other
    Billy Braasch [National Institute of Standards and Technology]
    25 October 2023  - abstract -

  11. Breakthrough in enhancement of holes characteristics in strained germanium on silicon leading to new opportunities in practical quantum computing and classical cold electronics
    Sergei Studenikin [National Research Council of Canada]
    12 October 2023  - abstract -

  12. Space quantum key distribution
    Paul J. Godin [University of Waterloo]
    11 October 2023  - abstract -

  13. Multiphoton and side-channel attacks in mistrustful quantum cryptography
    Damián Pitalúa-García [University of Cambridge]
    28 September 2023  - abstract -

  14. A routing algorithm for surface code compilation
    Yvual Sanders [University of Technology Sydney]
    25 September 2023  - abstract -

  15. Institutional presentation of CNRS
    Jan Matas [CNRS]
    14 September 2023  - abstract -

  16. Employing coaxmon-based qudits for quantum information processing
    Shuxiang Cao [University of Oxford]
    21 August 2023  - abstract -

  17. Quantum dynamics in noisy systems: from control to chaos
    Aurélia Chenu [University of Luxembourg]
    2 August 2023  - abstract -

  18. Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in a quantum annealer
    Adolfo Del Campo Echevarria [University of Luxembourg]
    2 August 2023  - abstract -

  19. Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules
    Lincoln Carr [Colorado School of Mines]
    4 July 2023  - abstract -

  20. Efficient quantum simulation of partial differential equations
    Nana Liu [Institute of Natural Sciences, University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
    25 April 2023  - abstract -

  21. Quantum sensing and imaging with diamond spins
    Ania Jayich [University of California, Santa Barbara]
    30 March 2023  - abstract -

  22. Quantum engagement and applications - Natural Resources Canada
    Asif Iqbal [Natural Resources Canada]
    9 March 2023  - abstract -

  23. Quantum (Un)complexity: A resource for quantum computation
    Anthony Christopher Munson [Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science NIST and University of Maryland]
    1 March 2023  - abstract -

  24. Towards realization of protected qubits using topological superconductivity
    Javad Shabani [New York University]
    1 February 2023  - abstract -

  25. 2022

  26. Toward a comprehensive view of the molecular bases of magnetoreception from realistic biological models
    Aurélien de la Lande [Université Paris Saclay,CNRS]
    1 December 2022  - abstract -

  27. Few-body perspective on collective pairing between fermions
    Tomasz Sowinski [Polish Academy of Science]
    8 November 2022  - abstract -

  28. Semiconductor Quantum Cavity QED Platforms: Bloch Exciton-Polaritons and Rydberg Excitons
    Kim Na Young [University of Waterloo]
    19 October 2022  - abstract -

  29. Uncertainty relations for Non-Hermitian systems
    Namrata Shukla [Banaras Hindu University]
    28 September 2022  - abstract -

  30. A molecular optomechanics approach to Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
    Javier Aizpurua [Center for Materials Physics in San Sebastián (CSIC-UPV/EHU)]
    17 August 2022  - abstract -

  31. Construction and classification of symmetry protected topological phase in interacting fermion systems
    Zheng-Cheng Gu [Chinese University of Hong Kong]
    29 July 2022  - abstract -

  32. Challenge Programs: Applied quantum computing
    Phil Kaye [National Research Council of Canada]
    2 June 2022 

  33. Quantum communication protocol beyond standard quantum limit
    Min Namkung [Kyung Hee University]
    1 June 2022  - abstract -

  34. Locking and unlocking nonlocality without entanglement by post-measurement information
    Jeong San Kim [Kyung Hee University]
    31 May 2022  - abstract -

  35. 2021

  36. Semidual Kitaev lattice model and tensor network representation
    Prince Osei [Quantum Leap Africa]
    20 October 2021  - abstract -

  37. Quantifying the coherence of operations and applications
    Thomas Theurer [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    6 October 2021  - abstract -

  38. Mechanically isolated quantum emitter in hexagonal Boron Nitride
    Alexander Kubanek [University Ulm]
    23 June 2021  - abstract -

  39. Applying Quantum Information-Theoretic Techniques to Quantum Computational Complexity
    Mark Wilde [Louisiana State University]
    9 June 2021  - abstract -

  40. What direction is my atom pointing? (COPSS SmallTALK)
    Jake Davidson [Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)]
    Co-sponsored by: Calgary Optics and Photonics Student Society (COPSS)
    10 March 2021  - abstract -

  41. Entangled subspaces and generic local state discrimination with pre-shared entanglement
    Benjamin Lovitz [University of Waterloo]
    17 February 2021  - abstract -

  42. 2020

  43. Quantum Photonics with hBN – from fundamental studies to emerging applications
    Igor Aharonovich [University of Technology Sydney]
    16 September 2020  - abstract -

  44. Quasinormal modes in optics and mechanics: from Fano resonances to new insights in quantum optics
    Stephen Hughes [Queen's University]
    5 August 2020  - abstract -

  45. Germanium color center in diamond for nanophotonic and sensing applications
    Alexey Akimove [Texas A&M University]
    8 July 2020  - abstract -

  46. Security for quantum networks
    Salini Karuvade [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
    30 June 2020 
    - abstract -

  47. [cancelled] Implementation of a high-fidelity Walsh-Hadamard gate with superconducting qutrits
    Adrian Lupascu [University of Waterloo]
    24 June 2020  - abstract -

  48. Quantum computing with cats
    Alexandre Blais [University of Sherbrooke]
    17 June 2020  - abstract -

  49. Cavity QED
    Farid Ghobadi [University of Calgary]
    Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
    9 June 2020 

  50. Quantum limited amplifier (Quanta Tutorial Series)
    Shabir Barzanjeh [University of Calgary]
    Co-sponsored by:
    CREATE Quanta
    26 May 2020 

  51. Quantum Emitters (Quanta Tutorial Series)
    Denis Sukavech [University of Calgary]
    Co-sponsored by:
    CREATE Quanta
    19 May 2020 
    - abstract -

  52. Waveguide-cavity coupling (Quanta Tutorial Series)
    Paul Barclay [University of Calgary]
    Co-sponsored by: CREATE Quanta
    12 May 2020 
    - abstract -

  53. The power of resource theories
    Carlo Maria Scandolo [University of Calgary]
    Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    7 May 2020  - abstract -

  54. Optimal estimation of the overlap between two arbitrary quantum states
    Michalis Skotiniotis [Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona]
    Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    7 May 2020  - abstract -

  55. Quantum machine learning and security on the quantum internet
    Nana Liu [Shanghai Jiao Tong University]
    Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
    6 May 2020  - abstract -

  56. 2019

  57. Quantum gravity for the loopy
    Barak Shoshany [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
    6 November 2019  - abstract -

  58. How to build an efficient microwave-to-optical converter
    Marcelo Wu [National Institute of Standards and Technology & University of Maryland]
    13 August 2019  - abstract -

  59. Hexagonal boron nitride nanophotonics
    Sejeong Kim [University of Technology Sydney]
    9 August 2019  - abstract -

  60. Semi-device independent quantum money
    Karol Horodecki [University of Gdansk]
    21 June 2019  - abstract -

  61. Pauli Fusion: a computational model to realise quantum transformations from ZX terms
    Niel de Beaudrap [University of Oxford]
    19 June 2019  - abstract -

  62. Near-unitary spin squeezing with ytterbium
    Boris Braverman [University of Ottawa]
    8 March 2019  - abstract -

  63. Sudoku on steroids - The combinatorics of causal inference
    TC Fraser [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
    20 February 2019  - abstract -

  64. Probing spin helical surface states in topological HgTe nanowires
    Johannes Ziegler [Universität Regensburg]
    30 January 2019  - abstract -

  65. 2018

  66. Cavity spintronics
    Can-ming Hu [University of Manitoba]
    18 December 2018  - abstract -

  67. On superposition, interference and Feynman paths
    Urbasi Sinha [Raman Research Institute]
    21 November 2018  - abstract -

  68. Towards development of a quantum network
    Khabat Heshami [National Research Council of Canada]
    19 November 2018  - abstract -

  69. Quantum simulation via all-optically generated tensor network states
    Ish Dhand [University of Ulm]
    3 October 2018  - abstract -

  70. Investigation of topological edge states using generalized Bloch theorem
    Abhijeet Alase [Dartmouth College]
    4 September 2018  - abstract -

  71. Eavesdropping a noisy radio channel by manipulation of photon bunching statistics -- theory and simulated performance
    Richard Lieu [University of Alabama]
    3 July 2018  - abstract -

  72. Generation and application of high-quality single photons
    Xianxin Guo [The Hongkong University of Science and Technology]
    11 April 2018  - abstract -

  73. Dissipative quasi-local stabilization of generic pure states
    Salini Karuvade [Dartmouth College]
    15 March 2018  - abstract -

  74. 2017

  75. Minimalist approach to the classification of symmetry protected topological phases
    Charles Zhaoxi Xiong [Harvard University]
    16 November 2017  - abstract -

  76. Fundamental limitations on communication over phase-insensitive Gaussian channels
    Kunal Sharma [Louisiana State University]
    15 November 2017  - abstract -

  77. Common resource state for preparing multi-partite quantum systems via local operations and classical communication
    Cheng Guo [Tsinghua University]
    1 November 2017  - abstract -

  78. State convertibility in the commuting operator framework
    Jason Crann [Carleton University]
    13 October 2017  - abstract -

  79. Simulating the evolution of Markovian open quantum systems on quantum computers
    Chunhao Wang [University of Waterloo]
    11 October 2017  - abstract -

  80. Nitrogen-vacancy centres as model systems for Quantum Hamiltonian Learning
    Sebastian Knauer [University of Bristol]
    27 September 2017  - abstract -

  81. Entanglement over Einstein: experimental violations of Bell’s inequality
    Evan Meyer-Scott [University of Paderborn]
    14 September 2017  - abstract -

  82. An instanton laboratory for condensed matter physics
    Pervez Hoodbhoy [Forman Christian College, Pakistan]
    5 September 2017  - abstract -

  83. Why you should not use the electric field to quantize in nonlinear optics
    John Sipe [University of Toronto]
    23 August 2017  - abstract -

  84. One component quantum mechanics and target state tracing
    Lianao Wu [Basque Foundation for Science]
    19 July 2017  - abstract -

  85. Theoretical and computational aspect of entanglement and separability
    Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
    28 June 2017  - abstract -

  86. Latin squares and mutually unbiased bases
    Hubert de Guise [Lakehead University]
    21 June 2017  - abstract -

  87. Entanglement manipulation of multipartite pure states with finite rounds of classical communication
    David Sauerwein [University of Innsbruck]
    9 June 2017  - abstract -

  88. Scalable quantum nanophotonic technologies based on rare-earth-doped crystals - qubits, memories and interconnects
    Tian Zhong [California Institute of Technology and University of Chicago]
    7 June 2017  - abstract -

  89. A classical counterpart for entanglement combing
    Borzumehr Toloui Semnani [Southern Illinois University at Carbondale]
    31 May 2017  - abstract -

  90. A fluctuation theorem for entanglement inspired by quantum information thermodynamics
    Jonathan Oppenheim [University College London]
    19 May 2017  - abstract -

  91. Simulation of Dirac physics and fermionic topology in electromagnetics
    Jianhua Jiang [Soochow University]
    1 May 2017  - abstract -

  92. Sum uncertainty relations for compact classical Lie algebras
    Namrata Shukla [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    15 February 2017  - abstract -

  93. Ultralow-power nonlinear optics using metastable xenon in a cavity
    Garrett Hickman [University of Maryland]
    3 February 2017  - abstract -

  94. Quantum dots in III-V semiconductor nanowires for generation of non-classical light
    Dan Dalacu [National Research Council of Canada]
    24 January 2017  - abstract -

  95. 2016

  96. Quantum cognition
    Matthew Fisher [University of California at Santa Barbara]
    15 December 2016  - abstract -

  97. Quantum spin-mechanics: A new solid-state platform for quantum computing
    Hailin Wang [University of Oregon]
    5 December 2016  - abstract -

  98. Nanophotonic quantum networks with silicon-vacancy color centers in diamond
    Alp Sipahigil [Harvard University]
    14 November 2016  - abstract -

  99. Statistical learning to estimate noise in quantum systems
    Yuval Sanders [Macquarie University]
    27 October 2016  - abstract -

  100. Quantum information for quantum parameter estimation
    Michail Skoteiniotis [Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona]
    26 October 2016  - abstract -

  101. Towards high precision frequency comb spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet
    Gil Porat [University of Colorado]
    31 August 2016  - abstract -

  102. Classically and quantum stable emergent universe from conservation laws
    Eduardo Guendelman [Ben Gurion University of the Negev]
    22 August 2016  - abstract -

  103. Linear-optic two-photon interference with coherent states
    Gustavo Amaral [Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro]
    22 August 2016  - abstract -

  104. What if the human brain IS a supercomputer?
    Jack Tuszynski [University of Alberta]
    9 August 2016  - abstract -

  105. Topological quantum computation
    John Bryden [Prince Mohammed University, Saudi Arabia]
    5 July 2016  - abstract -

  106. Sol gel Photonics: from fabrication to application
    Andrea Chiappini (CANCELLED) [Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie - CNR]
    27 June 2016  - abstract -

  107. Uncertainty relations beyond Heisenberg's
    Arun Kumar Pati [Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad]
    16 June 2016  - abstract -

  108. Symmetry, irreversibility and information flow
    David Jennings [Imperial College of London]
    15 June 2016  - abstract -

  109. Quantum states with special symmetries and their connections to various branches in mathematics
    Hoan Bui Dang [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    20 April 2016  - abstract -

  110. Constructor Theory: Casting physics in a new form
    Borzumehr Toloui Semnani []
    13 April 2016  - abstract -

  111. Effect of gravity on localized two-mode Gaussian quantum states
    Mehdi Ahmadi [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    6 April 2016  - abstract -

  112. Ideal clocks - a convenient fiction
    Andrzej Dragan [University of Warsaw]
    28 March 2016  - abstract -

  113. Relativistic quantum reference frames
    Alexander Smith [University of Waterloo]
    23 March 2016  - abstract -

  114. Continuous variable surface codes: hearing a whisper in the quantum noise
    Gavin Brennen [Macquarie University]
    18 February 2016  - abstract -

  115. The quantum Blackwell theorem with some applications
    Francesco Buscemi [Nagoya University]
    Co-sponsored by: Pacific Instiutte for the Mathematical Sciences
    17 February 2016 
    - abstract -

  116. [CS Theory Seminar Series] Quantum correlations: Dimension bounds and conic formulations
    Jamie Sikora [National University of Singapore]
    22 January 2016  - abstract -

  117. A new paradigm for decoding quantum incompatibility
    Huangjun Zhu [University of Cologne]
    8 January 2016  - abstract -

  118. Femtosecond laser nanofabrication in transparent materials
    Shane Eaton [Politecnico di Milano]
    7 January 2016  - abstract -

  119. 2015

  120. Machine learning and quantum information processing: research directions and challenges
    Peter Wittek [ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences]
    28 October 2015  - abstract -

  121. Realization of arbitrary discrete unitary transformations using spatial and internal modes of light
    Ish Dhand [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University]
    9 September 2015  - abstract -

  122. Spacetime replication of continuous variable quantum Information
    Grant Salton [Stanford University]
    5 August 2015  - abstract -

  123. Finite dimensional quantum mechanics via finite geometry
    Michael Revzen [Technion - Israel Institute of Technology]
    29 July 2015  - abstract -

  124. Quantum light-matter interfaces based on rare-earth-doped crystals and nano-photonics
    Andrei Faraon [California Institute of Technology]
    22 July 2015  - abstract -

  125. Weak measurements via quantum erasure
    Aharon Brodutch [Institute for Quantum Computing]
    20 July 2015  - abstract -

  126. On the robustness of quantum bucket brigade RAM
    Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    15 July 2015  - abstract -

  127. Ultimate communication capacity of quantum optical channels
    Raul Garcia-Patron [Université libre de Bruxelles]
    13 July 2015  - abstract -

  128. On the power of coherently controlled quantum adiabatic evolutions
    Mária Kieferová [Institute for Quantum Computing]
    30 June 2015  - abstract -

  129. How a post-selected single photon can act like many photons
    Matin Hallaji [University of Toronto]
    15 June 2015  - abstract -

  130. TBA
    Kai-Mei Fu [University of Washington]
    19 May 2015  - abstract -

  131. QNIX: A linear optical architecture for quantum computing
    Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia [Imperial College London]
    24 March 2015  - abstract -

  132. Thermodynamics of low-temperature coherent processes
    Varun Narasimhachar [University of Calgary]
    11 March 2015  - abstract -

  133. Phase-locked time-and-frequency resolved homodyne detection & measuring the frequency response of an optical cavity
    Katanya Brianne Kuntz [University of New South Wales]
    4 March 2015  - abstract -

  134. Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system
    Charles Neill [University of California, Santa Babara]
    28 January 2015  - abstract -

  135. Vibrationally enhanced quantum transport
    Casey Myers [University of Queensland]
    21 January 2015  - abstract -

  136. 2014

  137. Hyperbolic metamaterials
    Zubin Jacob [University of Alberta]
    Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary Nanotechnology Group
    12 November 2014  - abstract -

  138. Can quantum mechanics resolve spacetime singularities and make the universe accelerate?
    Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
    15 October 2014  - abstract -

  139. Preserving locality in parallel applications
    Priyaa Varshinee Srinivasan [University of Waterloo]
    1 October 2014  - abstract -

  140. Directions for miniaturized rare-earth-ion quantum hardware
    John Bartholomew [Australian National University]
    6 August 2014  - abstract -

  141. Quantum non-Gaussian and Gaussian states at multiple side-band frequencies
    Katanya Brianne Kuntz [University of New South Wales]
    2 July 2014  - abstract -

  142. TBA
    Kai-Mei []
    19 May 2014 

  143. Role of high performance computing in education
    Thom Harold Dunning Jr. [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]
    Co-sponsored by: Centre for Molecular Simulation
    16 April 2014 
    - abstract -

  144. Characterizing single photon devices for quantum information applications
    Chris O'Brien [Texas A&M University]
    5 March 2014  - abstract -

  145. Delegating private quantum computations (PIMS CRG MQI talk)
    Anne Broadbent [University of Ottawa]
    Co-sponsored by: The Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance & PIMS CRG MQI
    3 March 2014 
    - abstract -

  146. Investigating the relationship between protein dynamics and electron transfers (joint IQST-CMS seminar)
    Aurelien de la Lande [Paris-Sud University]
    Co-sponsored by: Center for Molecular Simulation
    27 February 2014 
    - abstract -

  147. Quantum algorithms for quantum field theories
    Keith Lee [Institute for Quantum Computing]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    25 February 2014  - abstract -

  148. The possibility of neuronal information processing via electrodynamic signaling in the dendritic cytoskeleton
    Jack Tuszynski [University of Alberta]
    18 February 2014  - abstract -

  149. 2013

  150. Majorization theory and thermodynamics (25' talk)
    Varun Narasimhachar [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    4 December 2013  - abstract -

  151. On convex optimization problems in quantum information theory (25' talk)
    Mark Girard [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
    4 December 2013  - abstract -

  152. Collapse models: from theoretical foundations to experimental verifications
    Angelo Bassi [University of Trieste]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    28 November 2013  - abstract -

  153. Microcavity exciton-polariton condensates physics and applications
    Na Young Kim [Stanford University]
    9 October 2013  - abstract -

  154. Revisiting additivity violation of quantum channels
    Motohisa Fukuda [Technische Universität München]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    1 October 2013  - abstract -

  155. Quantum plasmonics and how to fix Purcell’s formula for spontaneous emission enhancement
    Stephen Hughes [Queen's University]
    19 September 2013  - abstract -

  156. Brownian motion on lie groups
    Todd Kemp [University of California at San Deigo]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS MQI CRG seminar series
    10 September 2013  - abstract -

  157. Quantum hacking
    Vadim Makarov [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    4 September 2013  - abstract -

  158. On Mermin-type proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem
    Vijay Kumar Singh [Simon Fraser University]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    21 August 2013  - abstract -

  159. Parametric amplifier development and single-shot readout of superconducting qubits
    Josh Mutus [University of California at Santa Barbara]
    15 August 2013  - abstract -

  160. Quantum computational algorithms for hidden symmetry subgroup problems
    Jeong San Kim [University of Suwon]
    19 July 2013  - abstract -

  161. Quantifying the quantum
    Urbasi Sinha [Raman Research Institute]
    17 July 2013  - abstract -

  162. Hamiltonian simulation with complexity polylogarithmic in the error
    Dominic Berry [Macquarie Univeristy]
    Co-sponsored by: The 10th Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference
    26 June 2013 
    - abstract -

  163. Study of the Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in a cold atomic ensemble and application to quantum memories
    Lambert Giner [Laboratoire Kastler Brossel]
    17 June 2013  - abstract -

  164. Efficient simulation scheme for a class of quantum optics experiments with non-negative Wigner representation
    Nathan Wiebe [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    29 May 2013  - abstract -

  165. Quantum memories for scalable photonics
    Joshua Nunn [University of Oxford]
    24 April 2013  - abstract -

  166. Quantum and classical signal processing with cryogenic rare earth ion dopants
    Jevon Longdell [University of Otago, New Zealand]
    12 February 2013  - abstract -

  167. Quantum computing on encrypted data
    Krister Shalm [NIST, Boulder]
    6 February 2013  - abstract -

  168. 2012

  169. Continuous variable Bell inequalities
    Peter Marzlin [St Francis Xavier University]
    18 December 2012  - abstract -

  170. Graph Spectra and Quantum Walks
    Chris Godsil [University of Waterloo]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    12 December 2012  - abstract -

  171. Device-independent quantum information processing
    Nicolas Brunner [University of Bristol]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    11 December 2012  - abstract -

  172. Algebraic and Combinatorial Quantum Codes
    Petr Lisonek [Simon Fraser University]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    5 December 2012  - abstract -

  173. Spin Qubits and more in a Triple Quantum Dot Circuit
    Andrew Sachrajda [National Research Council]
    15 November 2012  - abstract -

  174. Polynomial Invariants of Three-Qubit Systems
    Markus Grassl [Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    10 October 2012  - abstract -

  175. Self correcting quantum memories with a polynomial energy barrier
    Kamil Michnicki [University of Washington]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI
    26 September 2012  - abstract -

  176. Coherent light-atom interaction. From semi-classical to quantum.
    Arturo Lezama [Universidad de la República (Uruguay)]
    29 August 2012  - abstract -

  177. Linking Asymmetry Of Quantum States To Entanglement
    Borzo Toloui [IQIS, U of C]
    25 July 2012  - abstract -

  178. Symmetric minimal quantum tomography by successive measurements
    Amir Kalev [Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore]
    19 July 2012  - abstract -

  179. Quantum state tomography of photosynthetic systems (joint seminar with the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics)
    Agata Branczyk [University of Toronto]
    Co-sponsored by: IBI - Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics
    18 July 2012 
    - abstract -

  180. Experimental Demonstration of Adaptive Tomography
    Dylan Mahler [University of Toronto]
    27 June 2012  - abstract -

  181. Thresholds and overheads for the toric code in the presence of bit (or phase) flip errors
    Fern Watson [Imperial College, London, UK]
    26 June 2012  - abstract -

  182. Phase sensitive non-linear absorption in an N system
    Andal Narayanan [IQIS & Raman Research Institute]
    22 June 2012  - abstract -

  183. SU(3) Squeezing: quantum and semiclassical perspectives
    Hubert de Guise [Lakehead University]
    23 May 2012  - abstract -

  184. Hanbury Brown and Twiss and other Quantum Correlations: from Photons to Atoms
    Alain Aspect [Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France]
    27 April 2012  - abstract -

  185. Universality of the Heisenberg limit for estimates of random phase shifts
    Dominic Berry [Macquarie University]
    25 April 2012  - abstract -

  186. Generalized Semi-Quantum Secret Sharing Schemes
    Vlad Gheorghiu [IQIS and Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, U of C]
    28 March 2012  - abstract -

  187. New tools for exploring spins and photons in solid state nanosystems
    Jesse Berezovsky [Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland]
    14 March 2012  - abstract -

  188. Gaussian Bosonic Synergy
    Graeme Smith [IBM Research (NY USA)]
    5 March 2012  - abstract -

  189. Quantum measurement in living cells, and high-coherence electron bunches from cold atoms
    Robert Scholten [ARC Centre of Excellence for Coherent X-ray Science, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne, Australia]
    22 February 2012  - abstract -

  190. Robust cluster state generation using ancilla-based systems
    Viv Kendon [University of Leeds, UK]
    22 February 2012  - abstract -

  191. Non-linear optics using Rydberg atoms
    Charles Adams [Durham University, UK]
    15 February 2012  - abstract -

  192. Manipulating Optical Properties by Local-Field Effects and Nanostructuring
    Ksenia Dolgaleva [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto]
    Co-sponsored by: Electrical and Computer Engineering
    8 February 2012 
    - abstract -

  193. Robustness of adiabatic quantum computation against decoherence
    Mohammad Amin [IQC, DWave Systems]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    25 January 2012 
    - abstract -

  194. Quantum System Identification: Hamiltonian tomography and decoherence estimation from noisy time series data
    Sophie Schirmer [College of Science (Physics), Swansea University]
    16 January 2012  - abstract -

  195. 2011

  196. Density of States of Quantum Spin Systems
    Ramis Movassagh [MIT]
    22 December 2011  - abstract -

  197. Measuring Quantum Correlations with Imperfect Photoncounters
    Si-Hui Tan [Data Storage Institute - Singapore]
    21 December 2011  - abstract -

  198. What can we know from weak measurements?
    Shengjun Wu [Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China]
    7 December 2011  - abstract -

  199. Triple slits, Born Rule and beyond...
    Urbasi Sinha [IQC (University of Waterloo)]
    29 November 2011  - abstract -

  200. The global and local additivity problems in quantum information theory
    Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois, Chicago ]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    9 November 2011 
    - abstract -

  201. Measuring the Hall effect for ultracold atoms in a synthetic magnetic field
    Lindsay LeBlanc [Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and University of Maryland]
    26 October 2011  - abstract -

  202. IQIS welcome party
    IQIS Faculty [IQIS]
    28 September 2011  - abstract -

  203. The princess and the EPR pair
    Aram Harrow [University of Washington]
    17 August 2011  - abstract -

  204. Spectral Manipulation of Optical Pulses Using the Gradient Echo Memory Scheme
    Ben Sparkes [Australian National University]
    15 August 2011  - abstract -

  205. Is it entangled? A quasi-polynomial time algorithm for the quantum separability problem.
    Fernando Brandão [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    20 July 2011 
    - abstract -

  206. A Combinatorial Perspective of Error Analysis in Molecular Dynamics
    Reginald Paul [University of Calgary]
    22 June 2011  - abstract -

  207. High transmission-loss and classical-quantum multiplexing QKD enabled with short wavelength photons
    Thomas Jennewein [University of Waterloo]
    20 June 2011  - abstract -

  208. Measuring small longitudinal phase shifts: weak measurements or standard interferometry?
    Nicolas Brunner [University of Bristol]
    17 May 2011  - abstract -

  209. Violation of Bell inequalities with photon counting and homodyne measurements
    Daniel Cavalcanti [National University of Singapore]
    16 May 2011  - abstract -

  210. Zero temperature quantum dissipation using a SQUID-tunable boundary
    Tim Duty [University of New South Wales]
    16 May 2011  - abstract -

  211. On measuring dangling-bond charge-qubit dynamics
    Zahra Shaterzadeh Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    27 April 2011  - abstract -

  212. An Efficient Algorithm for Optimizing Adaptive Quantum Metrology Processes
    Alexander Hentschel [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    20 April 2011  - abstract -

  213. Putting Floquet theory to work: Topology of time dependent Hamiltonians
    Netanel Lindner [California Institute of Technology]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    16 March 2011 
    - abstract -

  214. Scaling Quadripartite Entanglement in the Optical Frequency Comb
    Matthew Pysher [University of Virginia]
    10 March 2011  - abstract -

  215. Quantum Theory Cannot be Extended
    Roger Colbeck [Perimeter Institute]
    24 February 2011  - abstract -

  216. A fully tunable microcavity
    Russell J Barbour [University of Oregon]
    23 February 2011  - abstract -

  217. Applications of a family of norms in entanglement theory
    Nathaniel Johnston [University of Guelph]
    9 February 2011  - abstract -

  218. Some results concerning separable states in QIT
    Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    4 February 2011 
    - abstract -

  219. The discrete time quantum walk: Universality, transport and searching
    Neil Lovett [University of Leeds]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    19 January 2011 
    - abstract -

  220. 2010

  221. A family of norms with applications in entanglement theory
    David Kribs [University of Guelph]
    Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI Seminar Series
    1 December 2010 
    - abstract -

  222. A generalization of Noether's theorem and the information-theoretic approach to the study of symmetric dynamics
    Iman Marvian [Perimeter Institute]
    28 October 2010  - abstract -

  223. Specker's parable of the overprotective seer: Implications for Contextuality, Nonlocality and Complementarity
    Rob Spekkens [Perimeter Institute]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    27 October 2010 
    - abstract -

  224. Optimal quantum learning of an unknown unitary transformation and multiround reference frame alignment
    Giulio Chiribella [Perimeter Institute]
    26 October 2010  - abstract -

  225. Control and Error Prevention in Quantum Computing Devices
    Mark Byrd [Southern Illinois University]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    20 October 2010 
    - abstract -

  226. Error Estimates For The Quantum Adiabatic Approximation
    Nathan Wiebe [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    6 October 2010  - abstract -

  227. Coherent control of quantum interference in atomic systems
    Ali Kamli [University of Jazan , Saudi Arabia]
    5 October 2010  - abstract -

  228. Quantum Hindsight: Quantum Parameter Estimation Using Smoothing
    Elanor Huntington [University of New South Wales]
    29 September 2010  - abstract -

  229. Measuring entanglement
    Nolan Wallach [University of California, San Diego]
    18 August 2010  - abstract -

  230. Topological fault tolerant quantum computation with very high threshold for loss errors
    Sean Barrett [Imperial College, London]
    17 August 2010  - abstract -

  231. Controlled generation of single photons in a cavity QED system
    Christian Nölleke [Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching]
    Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary OSA student chapter
    21 July 2010 
    - abstract -

  232. Compressed Tomography of Quantum Dynamical Systems
    Alireza Shabani [Princeton University]
    30 June 2010  - abstract -

  233. Making and breaking entanglement-based QKD
    Antia Lamas Linares [National University of Singapore]
    18 June 2010  - abstract -

  234. Comparison of experiments on general quantum systems - a Quantum Blackwell Theorem
    Francesco Buscemi [Nagoya University, Japan]
    25 May 2010  - abstract -

  235. On some problems and applications of tensors
    Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois, Chicago]
    11 May 2010  - abstract -

  236. Hamiltonian simulation via quantum walks
    Dominic Berry [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    28 April 2010  - abstract -

  237. Simulating Hamiltonian dynamics
    Andrew Childs [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    10 March 2010 
    - abstract -

  238. Matrix Product States and Quantum Phase Transition
    Khabat Heshami [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    24 February 2010  - abstract -

  239. Strong superadditivity and monogamy of the Renyi measure of entanglement
    Marcos César de Oliveira [Universidade Estadual de Campinas]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    10 February 2010 
    - abstract -

  240. Optical implementation of a new factorization algorithm
    Vincenzo Tamma [University of Maryland Baltimore County]
    3 February 2010  - abstract -

  241. Efficient, solid-state quantum memory for light
    Morgan Hedges [Laser Physics Centre, Australian National University]
    2 February 2010  - abstract -

  242. 2009

  243. Quantum computational phases of matter
    Stephen Bartlett [University of Sydney]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    25 November 2009 
    - abstract -

  244. A new uncertainty principle near the Planck scale and its implications
    Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
    18 November 2009  - abstract -

  245. Ultra Fast Quantum State Tomography
    Steve Flammia [Perimeter Institute, Waterloo]
    Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
    4 November 2009 
    - abstract -

  246. Electron spin qubits in quantum dots: a micro-magnet approach
    Michel Pioro-Ladrière [Université de Sherbrooke]
    26 October 2009  - abstract -

  247. A frameness measure for mixed states
    Borzumehr Toloui Semnani [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    21 October 2009  - abstract -

  248. Remote state preparation with classical versus quantum resources
    Nathan Killoran [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    6 October 2009  - abstract -

  249. On-chip cavity QED: atoms, defects, and nanostructures (Department of Physics and Astronomy Research Seminar)
    Paul Barclay [Hewlett-Packard Labs]
    1 October 2009  - abstract -

  250. Quantum computation with controlled-path and merging gate
    Bing He [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    30 September 2009  - abstract -

  251. Geometrizing quantum adiabatic computation
    Ali Rezakhani [University of Southern California]
    23 September 2009  - abstract -

  252. Alignment of cartesian reference frames and platonic solids
    Piotr Kolenderski [Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland]
    16 September 2009  - abstract -

  253. Quantum entanglement in photosynthetic light harvesting
    Mohan Sarovar [University of California, Berkeley]
    10 September 2009  - abstract -

  254. The complexity of implementing NxN black-box unitaries is O(N^{3/4})
    Dominic Berry [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    9 September 2009  - abstract -

  255. Resource theory of quantum reference frames
    Iman Marvian [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    26 August 2009  - abstract -

  256. Quantum Computing with Dangling Bond Pairs on a Si Surface
    Zahra Shaterzadeh Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    19 August 2009  - abstract -

  257. Mathematical Optics at the National Laser Centre
    Andrew Forbes and Stef Roux [CSIR National Laser Centre, South Africa]
    10 August 2009  - abstract -

  258. The impact of classical electronics constraints on a solid-state logical qubit memory
    Andrew Landahl [Sandia National Laboratories]
    7 August 2009  - abstract -

  259. How to maximize the information transfer via a quantum noisy channel?
    Gershon Kurizki [Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot, Israel]
    28 July 2009  - abstract -

  260. New optical quantum logic gates and their application to quantum chemistry
    Ben Lanyon [University of Queensland]
    22 July 2009  - abstract -

  261. Post-processing for quantum key distribution
    Xiongfeng Ma [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    30 April 2009  - abstract -

  262. Machine Learning for Adaptive Quantum Control and Measurement
    Alexander Hentschel [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    29 April 2009  - abstract -

  263. Distilling bipartite entanglement from multipartite states
    Ben Fortescue [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    1 April 2009  - abstract -

  264. Entangled images: generation and delay with four-wave mixing
    Alberto Marino [National Institute of Standards and Technology]
    Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary Student Chapter of Optical Society of America
    12 March 2009 
    - abstract -

  265. Organic nanostructure formation on silicon surfaces: insights into tuning organic reactions and surface properties (Department of Chemistry Seminar)
    Gino A. DiLabio [National Institute for Nanotechnology & National Research Council of Canada ]
    30 January 2009  - abstract -

  266. A generalized Grothendieck inequality and entanglement in XOR games
    Jop Briet [Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam]
    28 January 2009  - abstract -

  267. Some linear and multilinear algebra aspects of quantum information theory
    Shmuel Friedland [University of Illinois at Chicago]
    7 January 2009  - abstract -

  268. 2008

  269. Correlated spontaneous emission of a single photon from a uniformly excited cloud of N atoms
    Marlan Scully [Texas A&M University and Princeton University]
    12 December 2008  - abstract -

  270. Quantum information processing with single photons and atomic ensembles
    David Petrosyan [Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)]
    9 September 2008  - abstract -

  271. Quantum Computing on the Surface of Silicon
    Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    3 September 2008  - abstract -

  272. Adding and subtracting single photons to/from light fields and some other new results in manipulating the quantum states of light
    Alessandro Zavatta [Istituto Nazionele di Ottica Applicara CNR c/o Physics Department, University of Florence]
    8 August 2008  - abstract -

  273. One-way quantum computation in 4-d photonic states
    Jaewoo Joo [IQIS, University of Calgary]
    18 June 2008  - abstract -

  274. A Few Open Problems in Quantum Information
    Gilad Gour [University of Calgary]
    2 May 2008  - abstract -

  275. The CHSH-Bell Inequality and Tsirelson's Bound with Postselection
    Dominic Berry [Macquarie University]
    30 April 2008  - abstract -

  276. On a semantics for higher order quantum computation
    Benoit Valiron [Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Ottawa]
    23 April 2008  - abstract -

  277. Geometric squeezing of su(2) and su(1,1) observables
    Hubert de Guise [Department of Physics, Lakehead University ]
    16 April 2008  - abstract -

  278. Properties of Generic Subspaces
    Jonathan Walgate [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics ]
    27 February 2008  - abstract -

  279. Quantum storage investigation in rare-earth ion doped crystals: The example of thulium
    Thierry Chanelière [Laboratoire Aimé Cotton]
    22 February 2008  - abstract -

  280. Plasmonics for Quantum Information Processing
    Ali Kamli [Department of Physics , King Khalid University , Saudi Arabia]
    23 January 2008  - abstract -

  281. Bound entangled states and distillable key rate
    Jeongsan Kim [IQIS, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary]
    16 January 2008  - abstract -

  282. On the Properties of nonMarkovian Master Equations
    James Cresser [Department of Physics, Division of ICS, Macquarie University]
    9 January 2008  - abstract -

  283. 2007

    Philip Stamp [Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia]
    29 November 2007  - abstract -

  285. Phase noise quenching in a four-level laser via squeezed vacuum
    Javaid Anwar [Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan]
    29 November 2007  - abstract -

    Philip Stamp [Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia]
    28 November 2007  - abstract -

  287. Testing Quantum Devices: Entanglement Verification in Qubit-Mode Systems
    Hauke Häseler [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    28 November 2007  - abstract -

  288. Introducing quadratic form expansions
    Niel deBeaudrap [Institute for Quantum Computing]
    21 November 2007  - abstract -

  289. Quantum computer simulations of time dependent Hamiltonians
    Nathan Wiebe [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    17 October 2007  - abstract -

  290. Mapping classical spin models to the graph state formalism
    Maarten Van den Nest [Institut fur Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften]
    19 September 2007  - abstract -

  291. Security in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model (iCIS seminar)
    Juerg Wullschleger [McGill University]
    12 September 2007  - abstract -

  292. Authentication of Quantum Messages (iCIS seminar)
    Juerg Wullschleger [McGill University]
    11 September 2007  - abstract -

  293. Quantum hidden subgroup algorithms
    Nolan Wallach [UC San Diego]
    29 August 2007  - abstract -

  294. Local Hidden Variables Underpinning of Entanglement and Teleportation
    Michael Revzen [Technion - Israel Institute of Technology]
    8 August 2007  - abstract -

  295. Security proof against collective attack for the binary modulated continuous variable QKD.
    YiBo Zhao [University of Science and Technology, China]
    1 August 2007  - abstract -

  296. Exact quantum search algorithms of Grover's type
    Zijian Diao [Ohio University Eastern Campus]
    18 July 2007  - abstract -

  297. Information-theoretic security for authenticated long-distance quantum key distribution with partial trusted networks. (iCIS Security Seminar)
    Barry Sanders [IQIS]
    13 July 2007  - abstract -

  298. Su(2) and su(3) intelligent states
    Benjamin Lavoie [Lakehead University]
    25 April 2007  - abstract -

  299. Weighted complex projective 2-designs from bases
    Aidan Roy [IQIS]
    18 April 2007  - abstract -

  300. A quantum study of slow light via electromagnetically induced transparency
    Magnus Hsu [Australian National University]
    11 April 2007  - abstract -

  301. Quantum Cryptography - Distinguished Lecture Series - CISaC & CMSS
    Wolfgang Tittel [IQIS Calgary]
    3 April 2007  - abstract -

  302. Progress towards a quantum repeater
    Matthew Eisaman [Harvard University & National Institute of Standards and Technology]
    22 March 2007  - abstract -

  303. Generation and Waveform Control of Narrow Bandwidth Paired Photons
    Pavel Kolchin [Standford University]
    1 March 2007  - abstract -

  304. The Power of Forgetting
    Patrick Hayden [McGill University]
    21 February 2007  - abstract -

  305. On quantum algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem
    Martin Roetteler [NEC Laboratories America]
    16 February 2007  - abstract -

  306. A simple nearest-neighbour two-body Hamiltonian system for which the ground state is a universal resource for quantum computation
    Steve Bartlett [University of Sydney]
    31 January 2007  - abstract -

  307. Dynamic Localization of Photons in Sinusoidally-Curved Waveguide Arrays
    Mirko Lobino [Politecnico di Milano]
    26 January 2007  - abstract -

  308. Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with neutral atoms
    Peng Xue [IQIS]
    24 January 2007  - abstract -

  309. On the Role of Shared Entanglement
    Dmitry Gavinsky [IQC, University of Waterloo]
    10 January 2007  - abstract -

  310. 2006

  311. Concealing Entanglement in Classical Bits
    Gilad Gour [MITACS discrete math seminar, University of Calgary]
    8 December 2006  - abstract -

  312. An all-fibre diet for quantum information processing
    Felix Bussieres [Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal]
    23 November 2006  - abstract -

  313. A Fast Deterministic Algorithm for Solving Quantum Games
    Gus Gutoski [University of Waterloo]
    15 November 2006  - abstract -

  314. Strengthening the adversary method with negative weights
    Troy Lee [LRI, Universite Paris-Sud]
    1 November 2006  - abstract -

  315. Bit concealment in GHZ states
    Anirban Roy [ICTP, Trieste]
    25 October 2006  - abstract -

  316. Block Ciphers: From Shannon to Rijndael
    Kjell Wooding [University of Calgary]
    19 October 2006  - abstract -

  317. Quantum Control Optimization in Circuit Mode
    Dmitri Maslov [Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo]
    11 October 2006  - abstract -

  318. Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-Fields
    Jonathan Dowling [Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics, Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge]
    6 October 2006  - abstract -

  319. A Rubidium Atom Magneto-Optic Trap for Experimental Characterization of EIT
    Shannon Mayer [University of Portland]
    5 October 2006  - abstract -

  320. Spectroscopic appplication of biphoton's interference.
    Dmitry Korystov [University of California, Santa Barbara]
    21 September 2006  - abstract -

  321. Donor and superconducting quantum computer architectures: challenges and prospects
    Austin Fowler [IQC, University of Waterloo]
    20 September 2006  - abstract -

  322. Measuring h/MCs using atom interferometry
    Chris Vo [Physics Department, Stanford University]
    11 September 2006  - abstract -

  323. Adiabatic passage through space: Robust coherent transport in solid-state systems
    Andy Greentree [Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, School of Physics, The University of Melbourne]
    24 August 2006  - abstract -

  324. The Theory of Quantum Electromechanics
    Elinor Irish [University of Rochester]
    21 August 2006  - abstract -

  325. Experimental Manipulation of Multi-photon Entanglement towards Quantum Information Processing
    Anning Zhang [Department of Physics, University of Toronto]
    11 August 2006  - abstract -

  326. A fault-tolerant one-way quantum computer
    Robert Raussendorf [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
    28 July 2006  - abstract -

  327. Decohering quantum walks: exploring the space between quantum and classical computing
    Viv Kendon [Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds]
    26 July 2006  - abstract -

  328. Efficient generation of VUV radiation in coherently prepared mercury vapour
    Martin Oberst [ Fachbereich Physik Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern]
    24 May 2006  - abstract -

  329. Parallelizing Quantum Circuits
    Anne Broadbent [Université de Montréal]
    17 May 2006  - abstract -

  330. Implementation of multipartite unitary operations with limited resources
    Dominic Berry [University of Queensland]
    12 May 2006  - abstract -

  331. Equiangular lines, mutually unbiased bases, and difference sets
    Aidan Roy [University of Waterloo]
    11 May 2006  - abstract -

  332. Introduction to relativistic quantum information
    Daniel Terno [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
    10 May 2006  - abstract -

  333. Many particle quantum walks
    David Feder [IQIS]
    29 March 2006  - abstract -

  334. General Setting for Geometric Phase of Mixed States in Open Systems
    Ali Rezakhani [IQIS]
    8 March 2006  - abstract -

  335. Photon generation for quantum information
    Nick Peters [University of Illinois]
    12 January 2006  - abstract -

  336. 2005

  337. Quantum Phase Transitions and Entanglement
    Junru Wu [University of Vermont]
    12 December 2005  - abstract -

  338. Distributed quantum information processing
    Ujjwal Sen [IFCO, Barcelona]
    1 December 2005  - abstract -

  339. Bell experiments: Traps and pitfalls
    André Allan Méthot [Université de Montréal]
    29 November 2005  - abstract -

  340. More on the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics
    Richard MacKenzie [Université de Montréal]
    29 November 2005  - abstract -

  341. Zero-knowledge against quantum attacks
    John Watrous [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    23 November 2005  - abstract -

  342. Symmetry breaking and contraction via Kac-Moody formalism
    Jamil Daboul [Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel]
    22 November 2005 

  343. Informationally complete quantum measurements
    Andrew Scott [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    21 November 2005  - abstract -

  344. Economical and noisy one-way quantum computing.
    Mark Tame [Queen's University, Belfast, UK]
    16 November 2005  - abstract -

  345. Simulating quantum correlations as a sampling problem. Joint work with Julien Degorre and Jeremie Roland (LRI).
    Sophie Laplante [LRI]
    9 November 2005  - abstract -

  346. Classical and Quantum Function Reconstruction in Finite Fields.
    Igor Shparlinski [Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia]
    4 November 2005  - abstract -

  347. In defense of the epistemic view of quantum states: a toy theory
    Rob Spekkens [Perimeter Institute, Waterloo]
    2 November 2005  - abstract -

  348. Is entanglement sufficient to quantify quantum non-locality?
    Gilad Gour [University California, San Diego, USA]
    1 November 2005  - abstract -

  349. Measurement-based Quantum Computation
    Simon Perdrix [IMAG, Grenoble, France]
    19 October 2005  - abstract -

  350. Quantum Information Processing with 1010 electrons?- A short review of surface plasmon physics, recent experiments and proposals
    René Stock [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    12 October 2005  - abstract -

  351. Topological Quantum Computing with Anyons
    Alexis Morris [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    5 October 2005  - abstract -

  352. Magic States.
    Nathan Babcock [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    28 September 2005  - abstract -

  353. Degradation of a directional quantum reference frame.
    Peter Turner [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    21 September 2005  - abstract -

  354. Factorizations and Representations in a Finite Space
    Ady Mann [Technion, Israel]
    14 September 2005  - abstract -

  355. Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs
    Robert Špalek [CWI]
    23 August 2005  - abstract -

  356. Holevo capacitites for qubit channels
    Dominic Berry [University of Queensland]
    18 August 2005  - abstract -

  357. Fidelity between random quantum states
    Karol ¯yczkowski [PI / Jagiellonian University]
    17 August 2005  - abstract -

  358. Quantum Computing With Addressable Optical Lattices: Error
    Travis Beals [University of California, Berkeley]
    17 August 2005  - abstract -

  359. All Quantum Adversary Methods are Equivalent
    Robert Špalek [CWI]
    16 August 2005  - abstract -

  360. Noiseless Circuits for measuring concurrence monotones
    Hilary Carteret [University of Montreal]
    15 August 2005  - abstract -

  361. Entangling power of permutations
    Sibasish Ghosh [Department of Computer Science, University of York United Kingdom]
    10 August 2005  - abstract -

  362. Quantum Computing With Addressable Optical Lattices: Error Characterization, Correction & Optimization
    Travis Beals [University of California, Berkeley]
    10 August 2005  - abstract -

  363. Bipartite subspaces having no LOCC-distinguishable bases
    John Watrous [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    6 April 2005  - abstract -

  364. Quantum Communication Cannot Simulate a Public Coin
    Dmitry Gavinsky [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    17 March 2005  - abstract -

  365. Exact entanglement cost for multiqubit mixed entangled states
    Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    16 March 2005  - abstract -

  366. Complexity of graph state preparation
    Mehdi Mhalla [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    2 March 2005  - abstract -

  367. Preparation and characterization of coherent atomic superposition
    Frank Vewinger [University of Kaiserslautern]
    23 February 2005  - abstract -

  368. Remote Entanglement Distribution
    Barry Sanders [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    16 February 2005  - abstract -

  369. Tackling the Challenges of Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions
    Paul C. Haljan [University of Michigan]
    4 January 2005  - abstract -

  370. 2004

  371. The Quantum Mechanics of Hyperion and the Role of Decoherence in Classical Chaos
    Nathan Wiebe [SFU]
    14 December 2004  - abstract -

  372. Cryptography with Information-theoretic Security
    Hein Roehrig [University of Calgary]
    23 November 2004  - abstract -

  373. Controlling Isomerization Using Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage
    Alex Brown [University of Alberta]
    16 November 2004  - abstract -

  374. Classical and quantum fingerprinting
    Andrew Scott [University of Calgary]
    2 November 2004  - abstract -

  375. Nonlocal Information in Quantum Theory
    Jonathan Walgate [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    2 November 2004  - abstract -

  376. Measurement of Geometric phase for mixed states using single photon interferometry
    Marie Ericsson [University of Cambridge]
    19 October 2004  - abstract -

  377. Noiseless Circuits for measuring entanglement
    Hilary Carteret [University of Montreal]
    12 October 2004  - abstract -

  378. Quantum Interactive Proofs with Competing Provers
    Gus Gutoski [Computer Science, University of Calgary]
    5 October 2004  - abstract -

  379. Spherical configurations, exponential sums, and quantum computation (joint work with Martin Roeteller).
    Igor Shparlinski [Centre for Advanced Computing - Algorithms and Cryptography, Macquarie University Sydney (Australia)]
    1 October 2004  - abstract -

  380. Quantum Information Processing with Ultracold Atomic Qubits
    Ivan Deutsch [Associate Professor, Regents Lecturer, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy]
    1 October 2004  - abstract -

  381. Exact Quantum Algorithms for the Leader Election Problem
    Hirotada Kobayashi [Japan Science and Technology Agency]
    28 September 2004  - abstract -

  382. Quantum error correction and multipartite entanglement
    Andrew Scott [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    12 August 2004  - abstract -

  383. Physical Interactions for Fast Quantum Computation
    Stephen Fenner [University of South Carolina]
    29 July 2004  - abstract -

  384. Fermionic coherent states and homodyne detection
    Tomas Tyc [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    12 July 2004  - abstract -

  385. Quantization of Classical Walk Based Algorithms
    Mario Szegedy [Rutgers University]
    9 July 2004 

  386. Nonlocal Information
    Jonathan Walgate [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    28 June 2004  - abstract -

  387. Quasinormal modes: The characteristic music of black holes
    Suneeta Vardarajan [University of Alberta Physics]
    18 June 2004  - abstract -

  388. Tripartite entanglement of an atom in an optical cavity
    Tom Harmon [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    4 June 2004  - abstract -

  389. Towards a Quantum Programming Language
    Peter Selinger [University of Ottawa]
    3 June 2004  - abstract -

  390. Continuous measurement of a solid-state charge qubit
    Tom Stace [University of Cambridge]
    21 May 2004  - abstract -

  391. Faithful Teleportation with Partially Entangled States
    Gilad Gour [University of Alberta]
    19 May 2004 

  392. Distributed compression of quantum information
    Dominic Berry [Macquarie University Department of Physics]
    14 May 2004  - abstract -

  393. Quantum Logic in Optical Lattices via Trap induced Shape Resonances in Controlled Atomic Collisions
    Rene Stock [University of New Mexico]
    12 May 2004  - abstract -

  394. Quantum Coin Flipping Part II
    Hein Roehrig [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    7 May 2004 

  395. An anatomy of a quantum adiabatic algorithm that transcends Turing computability
    Tien Kieu [Swinburne University of Technology, Australia]
    30 April 2004  - abstract -

  396. Continuous-variable experiments with qubits
    Alex Lvovsky [Konstanz University]
    23 April 2004 

  397. Quantum Coin Flipping
    Hein Roehrig [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    16 April 2004  - abstract -

  398. Decoherence, Continuous Measurement and the Quantum-Classical Transition
    Shohini Ghose [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    2 April 2004  - abstract -

  399. The Black Hole Information Loss Problem
    Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
    26 March 2004  - abstract -

  400. Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs
    Hartmut Klauck [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    19 March 2004  - abstract -

  401. Weak Continuous Measurements of Superconducting Quantum Bits
    Anatoly Smirnov [D-Wave Systems Inc., Vancouver, B.C.]
    10 March 2004 

  402. Quantum fingerprinting
    Rolf Horn [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    5 March 2004 

  403. Berry phase in open systems
    Peter Marzlin [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    27 February 2004 

  404. On the Number of Copies Required for Entanglement Distillation Part II
    John Watrous [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    13 February 2004 

  405. On the Number of Copies Required for Entanglement Distillation Part I
    John Watrous [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    6 February 2004 

  406. 2003

  407. Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part III
    Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    4 December 2003  - abstract -

  408. Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part II
    Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    27 November 2003  - abstract -

  409. Quantum Error Correcting Codes and The Security of BB84 Part I
    Richard Cannings [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    20 November 2003  - abstract -

  410. Einstein meets Schrodinger: The sequel
    David Hobill [University of Calgary Physics and Astronomy]
    13 November 2003  - abstract -

  411. A Primer on Relativity for Quantum Information Scientists
    David Hobill [University of Calgary Physics and Astronomy]
    6 November 2003  - abstract -

  412. Improving single photon sources via linear optics and photodetection
    Dominic Berry [Macquarie University Department of Physics]
    30 October 2003  - abstract -

  413. Rapid Data Search Using Adiabatic Quantum Computation
    Saurya Das [University of Lethbridge]
    23 October 2003  - abstract -

  414. Quantum Fourier Transforms and Integer Multiplication
    Graeme Ahokas [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    16 October 2003  - abstract -

  415. The Quantum to Classical Transition in Coupled Systems
    Shohini Ghose [Institute for Quantum Information Science, University of Calgary]
    9 October 2003  - abstract -

  416. One qubit vs. one bit fingerprinting schemes
    Niel de Beaudrap [University of Calgary Computer Science]
    3 October 2003  - abstract -

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Last updated September, 2024