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Nathan Babcock - A Brief Biography

Nathan attended Kenesserie Camp from 1990 until 2001. Despite its limited financial resources, Kenesserie was described by the Ontario Camping Association as having one of the most creative children's programs in the province. While on staff, Nathan was intimately involved with Kenesserie's program development and served as Program Director in 2001.

Nathan completed his undergraduate degree in Honours Physics at the University of Waterloo in 2005. While there, he designed and built components for x-ray diffraction experiments in the Waterloo Soft Matter research group, and later developed algorithms for quantum state purification at the Institute for Quantum Computing. He wrote his undergrad thesis on quantum mechanical heat engines under the direction of Lucien Hardy at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

He is now a doctoral candidate under the supervision of Barry Sanders at the University of Calgary. He collaborates with Aurelien de la Lande and Dennis Salahub at the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics, applying the concepts and mathematics of quantum information theory to the molecular engines that power all oxygen-breathing life as we know it.

When he isn't thinking about science, Nathan writes poetry, composes electronic music, bakes pies, practices yoga, and hollers madly from the roof of his garage.

In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is learned.
In pursuit of Tao, every day something is unlearned.
Less and less is done, until Wu Wei is achieved:
When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

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Last updated September, 2024