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Gina Howard - A Brief Biography

A summer job with Dr. M. Razavy of the Theoretical Physics Institute, Department of Physics, University of Alberta, in the summer of 1985 led to 2 publications in that year. Gina Howard graduated with a B.Sc. in Computer Science, Scientific Applications from the University of Alberta in 1987.

She then worked for a Telvent (www.telvent.com), a SCADA company in Calgary in various capacities for the next 16 years. Initially as a programmer, then project leader, technical sales support, Channels Manager (technical reseller support), Product Manager and finally Product Development Manager for the SCADA software this company produces.

In January 2004 she enrolled at the University of Calgary where she completed a master’s degree in Physics in the area of Quantum Information Science.

She is currently seeking employment as a Business Analyst in secure communications.

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Last updated March, 2024