Dennis Salahub
Professor Research Interests
Dr. Dennis Salahub's research interests are in theoretical and computational chemistry, especially Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its applications in materials and biomolecular modelling. His overall research goal for the next decade is to develop the theoretical, computational, and conceptual expertise necessary to attain a detailed microscopic understanding of chemical reactions taking place in real, complex environments.
Contact Details
Office: BI 556
Office phone: (403) 220 3720
Fax: (403) 210 8655
Department of Chemistry
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2N 1N4
Professor Research Interests
Dr. Dennis Salahub's research interests are in theoretical and computational chemistry, especially Density Functional Theory (DFT) and its applications in materials and biomolecular modelling. His overall research goal for the next decade is to develop the theoretical, computational, and conceptual expertise necessary to attain a detailed microscopic understanding of chemical reactions taking place in real, complex environments.
Contact Details
Office: BI 556
Office phone: (403) 220 3720
Fax: (403) 210 8655
Department of Chemistry
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2N 1N4