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Presentations by W. Tittel


  1. 28 May 2020, D. Oblak, J. Davidson, P. Lefebvre, J. Zhang, W. Tittel, C. Simon and B. C. Sanders, Quantum memory and progress towards quantum networks (invited), Photonics North 2020, online, 25 May 2020 - 28 May 2020.

  2. 2 Mar 2020, J. Davidson, P. Lefebvre, J. Zhang, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Improved light-matter interaction in a thulium cavity memory for quantum light storage (contributed), APS March Meeting 2020, online, 2 Mar 2020 - 6 Mar 2020.

  3. 2019

  4. 31 Jul 2019, P. Lefebvre, Q. Zhou, R. Valivarthi, L. Oesterling, W. Tittel and D. Oblak, Compact time-entangled photon pair sources for bipartite and multipartite applications (poster), Quanta CREATE Student Symposium 2019, Edmonton, Canada, 31 Jul 2019 - 1 Aug 2019.

  5. 23 Jun 2019, J. Zhang, J. Davidson, J. Lefebvre, W. Tittel and D. Oblak, Study of Tm doped materials for quantum memory (poster), Spin Canada 2019, Montebello, Quebec, Canada, 23 Jun 2019 - 25 Jun 2019.

  6. 20 Jun 2019, Q. Zhou, E. Saglamyurek, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Sepctral multiplexed light-matter interface based on erbium doped fibre (contributed), PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2019, Rome, Italy, 17 Jun 2019 - 20 Jun 2019.

  7. 21 May 2019, J. Lefebvre, Q. Zhou, R. Valivarthi, L. Oesterling, W. Tittel and D. Oblak, Compact time-entangled photon pair sources for bipartite and multipartite applications (contributed), Photonics North 2019, Quebec City, Canada, 21 May 2019 - 23 May 2019.

  8. 2018

  9. 18 Dec 2018, D. Oblak, J. Davidson and W. Tittel, Efficient quantum memory for quantum repeaters (invited), Quantum Secured Communications 2 – kickoff meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 17 Dec 2018 - 19 Dec 2018.

  10. 18 Dec 2018, K. A. Owen, R. Valivarthi, P. Umesh, C. John, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Coexisting MDI QKD – cost-effective quantum cryptography (invited), Quantum Secured Communications 2 – kickoff meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 17 Dec 2018 - 18 Dec 2018.

  11. 19 Jul 2018, D. Oblak, J. Davidson, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, M. Falamarzi Askarani, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, N. Sinclair, T. Lutz, G. Amaral and W. Tittel, Rare-earth ion doped materials – for quantum memory and transduction (invited), Spin Canada 2018, Calgary, Canada, 19 Jul 2018 - 20 Jul 2018.

  12. 17 Jul 2018, K. A. Owen, R. Valivarthi, P. Umesh, Q. Zhou, W. Tittel and D. Oblak, Coexisting MDI-QKD (invited), Quanta Summer School, Calgary, Canada, 16 Jul 2018 - 17 Jul 2018.

  13. 5 Jun 2018, J. Davidson, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, M. Falamarzi Askarani, G. Amaral, T. Lutz, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Hybrid quantum storage of correlated photon paris in separate solid-state memories, Photonics North 2018, Montreal, Canada, 5 Jun 2018 - 7 Jun 2018.

  14. 25 May 2018, J. Davidson, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, M. Falamarzi Askarani, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, N. Sinclair, T. Lutz, G. Amaral, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Hybrid quantum storage of entangled photon pairs in separate solid state memories (contributed), Photonics North 2018, Montreal, Canada, 21 May 2018 - 29 May 2018.

  15. 2017

  16. 14 Dec 2017, D. Oblak, K. A. Owen, C. John, M. Falamarzi Askarani, R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, N. Sinclair, Q. Zhou, G. Aguilar and W. Tittel, Quantum networks and repeaters (invited), 5th International Workshop on Engineering of Quantum Emitter Properties (EQEP 2017), Waterloo, Canada, 13 Dec 2017 - 15 Dec 2017.

  17. 5 Oct 2017, D. Oblak, P. Zarkeshian, C. Deshmukh, P. Lefebvre, K. A. Owen, C. John, R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, S. K. Goyal, K. Heshami, N. Sinclair, Q. Zhou, G. Aguilar, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Building quantum networks (invited), Workshop on Quantum Innovators in Science and Engineering, Waterloo, Canada, 2 Oct 2017 - 5 Oct 2017.

  18. 23 Jun 2017, W. Tittel, Smoke and mirrors. Science needs excitement (keynote, invited), TEDxYYC, Calgary, Canada, 23 Jun 2017 - 23 Jun 2017.

  19. 31 May 2017, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, D. Bola, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Quantum communication across Calgary (invited), CAP Congress 2017, Kingston, Canada, 29 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017.

  20. 31 May 2017, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, D. Bola, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Quantum communication across Calgary (invited), Canadian Association of Physicists (2017 CAP Congress), Kingston, Ontario, 28 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017.

  21. 25 May 2017, T. Lutz, J. P. Hadden, W. Tittel and P. E. Barclay, Engineering silicon-vacancy properties through nano-structuring (contributed), Spin Canada, Montreal, Canada, 25 May 2017 - 26 May 2017.

  22. 17 May 2017, A. Blais and W. Tittel, Building large-scale quantum systems (invited), CIFAR Meeting, Banff, Canada, 15 May 2017 - 18 May 2017.

  23. 15 May 2017, A. Blais and W. Tittel, Building large-scale quantum systems (invited), CIFAR Meeting, Banff, Canada, 15 May 2017 - 18 May 2017.

  24. 14 May 2017, T. Masuda, M. J. Mitchell, B. Khanaliloo, D. P. Lake, T. Lutz, J. P. Hadden, W. Tittel and P. E. Barclay, High-Q diamond microdisks for coupling to SiV quantum emitters (contributed), International Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2017), San Jose, United States of America, 14 May 2017 - 19 May 2017.

  25. 10 May 2017, Q. Zhou, R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation through a metropolitan fibre networks (invited), EMN Open Access Week 2017, Chengdu, People's Republic of China, 8 May 2017 - 12 May 2017.

  26. 5 May 2017, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, C. W. Thiel, P. J. T. Woodburn, R. L. Cone, P. E. Barclay and W. Tittel, Modification of phonon processes in nano-structured impurity-doped host materials (poster, contributed), Clagary Nanosymposium, Calgary, Canada, 4 May 2017 - 5 May 2017.

  27. 21 Apr 2017, W. Tittel, Being a Professor at the University of Calgary (invited), Calgary Youth Science Fair, Calgary, Canada, 21 Apr 2017 - 21 Apr 2017.

  28. 5 Apr 2017, W. Tittel, MDI-QKD in network configuration and coexisting with classical communications (seminar), QKD Network Meeting, Calgary, Canada, 5 Apr 2017 - 5 Apr 2017.

  29. 25 Feb 2017, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, C. W. Thiel, P. J. T. Woodburn, R. L. Cone, P. E. Barclay and W. Tittel, Modification of phonon processes in nano-structured impurity-doped host materials (poster, contributed), Calgary Nanosymposium, Calgary, Canada, 20 Feb 2017 - 25 Feb 2017.

  30. 22 Feb 2017, M. Noweir, Q. Zhou, R. Valivarthi, A. Kwan, F. Ghannouchi, W. Tittel and M. Helaoui, Radio over fiber for 5G wireless communication (contributed), PHAS Symposium 2017, Calgary, Canada, 22 Feb 2017 - 22 Feb 2017.

  31. 21 Feb 2017, W. Tittel, Well connected (invited), PetchaKucha Night Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 21 Feb 2017 - 21 Feb 2017.

  32. 16 Feb 2017, D. Oblak, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation - What it is, what it’s not, and what it’s good for! (invited), Calgary Nerdnite Psi, Calgary, Canada, 16 Feb 2017 - 16 Feb 2017.

  33. 16 Feb 2017, W. Tittel, Quantum communication technology using rare-earth-ion-doped crystals (invited), German Quantum Repeater Network Annual Meeting, Bad Honnef, Germany, 16 Feb 2017 - 16 Feb 2017.

  34. 2 Feb 2017, W. Tittel, Rare-earth-doped crystals for quantum communications: how to store, and detect, a photon (invited), SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, United States of America, 28 Jan 2017 - 2 Feb 2017.

  35. 2016

  36. 23 Oct 2016, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, Q. Zhou, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Active frequency multiplexing of heralded single photons (poster), Quantum Optics VIII, Maresias, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 23 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016.

  37. 23 Oct 2016, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, Q. Zhou, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation across the Calgary fibre network (contributed), Quantum Optics VIII, Maresias, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 23 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016.

  38. 15 Sep 2016, C. Deshmukh, N. Sinclair, K. Heshami, D. Oblak, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Towards non-destructive detection of photonic qubits (poster, contributed), QCrypt 2016, Washington D.C., United States of America, 12 Sep 2016 - 16 Sep 2016.

  39. 14 Sep 2016, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, C. John, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Demonstration of measurement device independent quantum key distribution (MDIQKD) system (poster, contributed), QCrypt 2016, Washington D. C., United States of America, 12 Sep 2016 - 16 Sep 2016.

  40. 12 Sep 2016, R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, Q. Zhou, G. Aguilar, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation over deployed fibres and applications to quantum networks (poster, contributed), QCrypt 2016, Washington D.C., United States of America, 12 Sep 2016 - 16 Sep 2016.

  41. 5 Jul 2016, D. Oblak, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation over deployed fibres - applications to quantum networks (contributed), International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC) 2016, Singapore, 4 Jul 2016 - 8 Jul 2016.

  42. 24 Jun 2016, Q. Zhou, R. Valivarthi, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, G. Aguilar, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Quantum teleportation over metropolitan fibre networks (seminar), Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology.

  43. 14 Jun 2016, P. Zarkeshian, S. K. Goyal, K. Heshami, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Experiment friendly entanglement witness for multipartite entanglement in atomic frequency combs (poster, contributed), CAP Congress 2016, Ottawa, Canada, 12 Jun 2016 - 17 Jun 2016.

  44. 25 May 2016, N. Sinclair, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, D. Oblak, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone and W. Tittel, Thulium-doped materials for quantum repeaters and signal processing (contributed), Photonics North 2016, Quebec City, Canada, 24 May 2016 - 26 May 2016.

  45. 25 May 2016, N. Sinclair, K. Heshami, C. Deshmukh, D. Oblak, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Non-destructive detection of photonic qubits based on cross-phase modulation in a waveguide (contributed), Photonics North 2016, Quebec City, Canada, 24 May 2016 - 26 May 2016.

  46. 20 May 2016, W. Tittel, How to catch, and detect, a photon (colloquium), Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics.

  47. 13 May 2016, W. Tittel, Quantum networks: merging quantum communication and computation (invited), Quantum Alberta Workshop 2016, Banff, Canada, 13 May 2016 - 13 May 2016.

  48. 13 May 2016, C. John, J. Lefebvre, M. Falamarzi Askarani, C. Deshmukh, T. Lutz, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, R. Valivarthi, N. Sinclair, L. Veissier, Q. Zhou, G. Aguilar, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Building the blocks for quantum networks (contributed), Quantum Alberta Workshop 2016, Banff, Canada, 13 May 2016 - 13 May 2016.

  49. 12 Jan 2016, P. Zarkeshian, S. K. Goyal, K. Heshami, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Witnessing the quantum coherence in an atomic frequency comb system (poster, contributed), The 19th Conference on Quantum Information Processing (QIP 2016), Banff, Alberta, 10 Jan 2016 - 16 Jan 2016.

  50. 12 Jan 2016, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone, P. E. Barclay and W. Tittel, Modification of phonon processes in nano-structured rare-earth-ion-doped crystals (invited), CEMS International Symposium on Dynamics in Artificial Quantum Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 12 Jan 2016 - 14 Jan 2016.

  51. 12 Jan 2016, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone, P. E. Barclay and W. Tittel, Modification of pho-non processes in nano-structured rare-earth-ion-doped crystals (invited), CEMS International Symposium on Dynamics in Artificial Quantum Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 12 Jan 2016 - 14 Jan 2016.

  52. 2015

  53. 12 Nov 2015, C. Deshmukh, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak, K. Heshami, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Towards a quantum non-demolition measurement for photonic qubits (contributed), The First University of Calgary PHAS Symposium, Calgary, Canada, 12 Nov 2015 - 12 Nov 2015.

  54. 11 Nov 2015, L. Veissier and W. Tittel, Erbium-doped fiber: a new possibility for quantum storage at telecom-wavelength (invited), Conference on Quantum Light-Matter Interactions in Solid State Systems (QLIMS 2015), Barcelona, Spain, 9 Nov 2015 - 13 Nov 2015.

  55. 11 Nov 2015, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone, P. E. Barclay and W. Tittel, Modification of pho-non processes in nano-structured rare-earth-ion-doped crystals (contributed), Quantum Light-Matter Interaction in Solid State Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 9 Nov 2015 - 13 Nov 2015.

  56. 6 Nov 2015, W. Tittel, Rare-earth-ion-based quantum technology: from quantum hard disks to single photon detectors (colloquium), University of Alberta, Department of Physics (Quantum Alberta Colloquium).

  57. 22 Oct 2015, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (contributed), Frontiers in Optics, San Jose, United States of America, 18 Oct 2015 - 22 Oct 2015.

  58. 15 Oct 2015, W. Tittel, Quantum memory for telecommunication photons (seminar), University of Sherbrooke, Department of Physics.

  59. 15 Jul 2015, E. Saglamyurek, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, Q. Zhou, L Giner, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, S. W. Nam, L. Oesterling, D. Nippa, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, A multiplexed light-matter interface for fibre-based quantum networks (poster), Single Photon Workshop 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 13 Jul 2015 - 17 Jul 2015.

  60. 16 Jun 2015, P. Lefebvre, M. L. Grimau Puigibert and W. Tittel, Towards quantum repeaters using frequency multiplexed entanglement (poster, contributed), Physics in Canada 71, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (2015 CAP Congress), Edmonton, Canada, 13 Jun 2015 - 19 Jun 2015. (No. 2 Supplement).

  61. 16 Jun 2015, C. Deshmukh, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak, K. Heshami, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Towards a quantum non-demolition measurement for photonic qubits (poster, contributed), Physics in Canada 71, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (2015 CAP Congress), Edmonton, Canada, 13 Jun 2015 - 19 Jun 2015. (No. 2 Supplement).

  62. 16 Jun 2015, C. John, R. Valivarthi, Q. Zhou and W. Tittel, True random number generation based on interference between two independent lasers (poster, contributed), Physics in Canada 71, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (2015 CAP Congress), Edmonton, Canada, 13 Jun 2015 - 19 Jun 2015. (No. 2 Supplement).

  63. 11 Jun 2015, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (invited), Photonics North 2015, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 9 Jun 2015 - 11 Jun 2015.

  64. 4 Jun 2015, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (invited), CIFAR Quantum Information Science Program Meeting, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 4 Jun 2015 - 6 Jun 2015.

  65. 16 May 2015, W. Tittel and M. Afzelius, Quantum repeaters based on multiplexed quantum memories and external photon pair sources (invited), First Workshop for Quantum Repeaters and Networks , Pacific Grove, California/USA., 15 May 2015 - 17 May 2015.

  66. 15 May 2015, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Let there be quantum light (invited), Calgary High School Teachers - University of Calgary, Physics and Astronomy Professional Development Day Calgary, Canada.

  67. 15 Apr 2015, W. Tittel, Rare-earth-ion-based quantum technology: from quantum hard disks to single photon detectors (invited), ETH Symposium on Quantum Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 14 Apr 2015 - 15 Apr 2015.

  68. 17 Mar 2015, W. Tittel, Quantum key distribition, University of Calgary, Department of Computer Science. Lunch & Learn Series.

  69. 20 Jan 2015, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Detectors vis-a-vis Quantum Memories for Quantum Communication Applications (contributed), DARPA Detector Workshop, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

  70. 7 Jan 2015, D. Oblak, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, K. Heshami, J. Jin, H. Mallahzadeh, T. Lutz, L. Veissier, J. A. Slater, M. Hedges, M. George, R. Ricken, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, C. W. Thiel, R. L. Cone, W. Sohler, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Quantum Information devices in rate-Earth ion doped waveguide materials (contributed), PICQUE Workshop in Integrated Quantum Photonics, Oxford, United Kingdom, 7 Jan 2015 - 9 Jan 2015.

  71. 2014

  72. 9 Sep 2014, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (invited), Workshop on Quantum Non-Locality (GISIN'14), Riederalp, Switzerland, 8 Sep 2014 - 12 Sep 2014.

  73. 5 Sep 2014, E. Saglamyurek, J. Jin, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Storage of entangled telecom-wavelength photons in an Er-doped optical fibre (invited), 4th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (Qcrypt 2014), Paris, France, 1 Sep 2014 - 5 Sep 2014. (hot topics session) .

  74. 3 Sep 2014, R. Valivarthi, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, J. A. Stern, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle quantum key distribution immune to detector attacks over a 60 dB loss channel (poster), 4th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (Qcrypt 2014), Paris, France, 1 Sep 2014 - 5 Sep 2014.

  75. 2 Sep 2014, J. Jin, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, L Giner, J. A. Slater, M. R. E. Lamont, V. B. Verma, M. D. Shaw, F. Marsili, S. W. Nam, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Towards entanglement swapping with quantum-memory compatible photons (poster), 4th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (Qcrypt 2014), Paris, France, 1 Sep 2014 - 5 Sep 2014.

  76. 14 Jul 2014, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, K. Heshami, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, An integrated processor for photonic quantum states using a broadband light-matter interface (invited), 23rd International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'14), Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 Jul 2014 - 18 Jul 2014.

  77. 14 Jul 2014, W. Tittel, How to catch a photon (invited), Alberta Quantum-Nano Workshop, Sheraton Red Deer Hotel, Red Deer, Alberta, 14 Jul 2014 - 14 Jul 2014.

  78. 14 Jul 2014, C. W. Thiel, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and R. L. Cone, Spectroscopic investigation of Tm:YGG for optical quantum memory, 23rd International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'14), Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 Jul 2014 - 18 Jul 2014.

  79. 19 Jun 2014, H. Mallahzadeh, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, A cavity-enhanced waveguide quantum memory, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2014), Sudbury, Ontario, 16 Jun 2014 - 20 Jun 2014.

  80. 10 Jun 2014, H. Krovi, Z. Dutton, S. Guha, C. Fuchs, W. Tittel, C. Simon, J. A. Slater, K. Heshami, M. Hedges, G. S. Kanter, Y -P. Huang and C. W. Thiel, Long range quantum key distribution using frequency multiplexing in broadband solid state memories, CLEO:QELS 2014, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, 8 Jun 2014 - 13 Jun 2014.

  81. 10 Jun 2014, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Spectrally multiplexed solid-state memories with feed-forward control for quantum repeaters, CLEO:QELS 2014, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, 8 Jun 2014 - 13 Jun 2014 - abstract - .

  82. 28 May 2014, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, K. Heshami, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, An integrated processor for photonic quantum states using a broadband light-matter interface (invited), Photonics North 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 28 May 2014 - 30 May 2014.

  83. 22 May 2014, N. Sinclair and W. Tittel, Towards spectrally multiplexed quantum repeaters, Review Meeting of DARPA Quiness Program, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

  84. 19 Mar 2014, W. Tittel, Measurement-device-independent QKD across the Calgary network: enhanced security and a step towards the quantum repeater, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Optics and Quantum Electronics Seminar.

  85. 4 Mar 2014, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Quantum memory for long-distance quantum communication based on spectral multiplexing (invited), APS March Meeting 2014, Denver, Colorado, 3 Mar 2014 - 7 Mar 2014 - abstract - .

  86. 2013

  87. 5 Dec 2013, W. Tittel, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, I. Lucio-Martinez, L Giner, H. Mallahzadeh, M. L. Grimau Puigibert and E. Saglamyurek, Macroscopic quantum communications using photonic qudits (invited), Review meeting of DARPA Quiness program, Washington DC, USA, 5 Dec 2013 - 6 Dec 2013.

  88. 28 Nov 2013, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, R. Valivarthi and W. Tittel, Real-world proof-of-principle demonstration of measurement-device independent quantum key distribution (invited, seminar), The University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

  89. 25 Nov 2013, J. A. Slater, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, H. Mallahzadeh, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, L Giner, F. Bussières, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum repeaters with broadband waveguide quantum memory (invited, seminar), Univeristy of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.

  90. 6 Nov 2013, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (invited), Fall Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique Meeting, Bromont, Québec, Canada, 5 Nov 2013 - 6 Nov 2013.

  91. 23 Oct 2013, W. Tittel, How to build a quantum repeater (invited, seminar), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

  92. 16 Oct 2013, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, R. Valivarthi and W. Tittel, Real-world proof-of-principle demonstration of measurement-device independent quantum key distribution (invited), Single Photon Workshop 2013, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, 15 Oct 2013 - 18 Oct 2031.

  93. 26 Sep 2013, J. A. Slater, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, H. Mallahzadeh, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, F. Bussières, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum repeaters with broadband waveguide quantum memory (invited), University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.

  94. 20 Sep 2013, J. A. Slater, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, H. Mallahzadeh, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, F. Bussières, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum repeaters with broadband waveguide quantum memory (invited), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

  95. 16 Sep 2013, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, C. Simon, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum memories with read-out on demand for quantum repeaters (invited), XV Feofilov Symposium, Kazan, Russia, 16 Sep 2013 - 20 Sep 2013.

  96. 12 Aug 2013, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, R. Colbeck, R. Renner and W. Tittel, An experimental bound on the maximum predictive power of physical theories (contributed), Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC-V), Toronto Ontario , 12 Aug 2013 - 16 Aug 2013.

  97. 6 Aug 2013, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, R. Valivarthi, J. A. Slater, F. Marsili, V. B. Verma, J. A. Stern, M. D. Shaw, D. Oblak, S. W. Nam and W. Tittel, Efficient bell state measurement with time-bin qubits (poster), 3rd International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2013), Waterloo, Ontario, 5 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013.

  98. 6 Aug 2013, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, W. Sohler, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Long distance quantum communications using quantum memories having on-demand recall in the frequency domain (poster), 3rd International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2013), Waterloo, Ontario, 5 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013. **2nd best poster winner**.

  99. 5 Aug 2013, P. Chan, C. Duffin, D. Korchinski, I. Lucio-Martinez, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, R. Valivarthi and W. Tittel, Measurement-device-independent QKD - the next generation (poster), 3rd International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2013), Waterloo, Ontario, 5 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013.

  100. 5 Aug 2013, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Performing private database queries in a real-world environment using a quantum protocol, 3rd International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2013), Waterloo, Ontario, 5 Aug 2013 - 9 Aug 2013.

  101. 1 Aug 2013, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, R. Colbeck, R. Renner and W. Tittel, An experimental bound on the maximum predictive power of physical theories (invited), Frontiers in Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT13), Prague, Czech Republic, 29 Jul 2013 - 3 Aug 2013.

  102. 18 Jul 2013, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Real-world bell-state measurement and proof-of-principle demonstration of quantum key distribution immune to detector attacks over deployed optical fiber (invited), International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 15 Jul 2013 - 19 Jul 2013 - abstract - .

  103. 17 Jul 2013, J. A. Slater, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. Jin, M. George, R. Ricken, M. Hedges, D. Oblak, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Towards quantum repeaters based on frequency multiplexing in RE lon doped solids (invited), Review Meeting of DARPA Quiness Program, Washington DC, 17 Jul 2013 - 18 Jul 2013.

  104. 15 Jul 2013, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. Hedges, M. George, R. Ricken, D. Oblak, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Frequency-multiplexed quantum memories with read-out on demand for quantum repeaters (invited), International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, 15 Jul 2013 - 19 Jul 2013.

  105. 8 Jul 2013, W. Tittel, Measurement-device-independent QKD across the Calgary network: enhanced security and a step towards the quantum repeater (keynote), Summer Topicals 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 8 Jul 2013 - 10 Jul 2013.

  106. 3 Jul 2013, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Real-world two-photon interference and proof-of-principle QKD immune to detector attacks (contributed), CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 30 Jun 2013 - 4 Jul 2013.

  107. 1 Jul 2013, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. Hedges, M. George, R. Ricken, D. Oblak, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Frequency multiplexed quantum memories with read-out on demand for quantum repeaters (contributed), CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, Kyoto, Japan, 30 Jun 2013 - 4 Jul 2013.

  108. 26 Jun 2013, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, M. Hedges, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Frequency multiplexed quantum memories for quantum repeaters, The Tenth Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2013), Calgary, Alberta, 24 Jun 2013 - 28 Jun 2013.

  109. 19 Jun 2013, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Real-world Bell-state measurement & proof-of-principle demonstration of QKD immune to detector attacks (invited), CQO-X/QIM, Rochester, New York, 17 Jun 2013 - 25 Jun 2013.

  110. 28 May 2013, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, D. Oblak, M. Hedges, H. Mallahzadeh and W. Tittel, Towards quantum repeaters using frequency multiplexing, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2013), Montréal, Québec, Canada, 27 May 2013 - 31 May 2013.

  111. 21 Feb 2013, W. Tittel, How to catch a photon (colloquium), Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

  112. 19 Feb 2013, W. Tittel, Towards networked quantum cryptography (contributed), Project meeting FREQUENCY, Paris, France, 18 Feb 2013 - 19 Feb 2013.

  113. 6 Feb 2013, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Solid-state photon-echo quantum memory for quantum repeaters (invited), SPIE Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, California, 2 Feb 2013 - 7 Feb 2013.

  114. 30 Jan 2013, N. Sinclair and W. Tittel, Towards repeater-based quantum communication (contributed), DARPA Quiness Macroscopic Quantum Communications Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 30 Jan 2013 - 30 Jan 2013.

  115. 2012

  116. 14 Nov 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle field test of quantum key distribution immune to detector attacks (invited), CIFAR meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, 14 Nov 2012 - 16 Nov 2012.

  117. 2 Nov 2012, W. Sohler, H. Herrmann, R. Ricken, V. Quiring, M. George, S. Pal, X. Yang, K. Luo, C. Silberhorn, F. Kaiser, S. Tanzilli, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, D. Oblak and W. Tittel, Integrated photon pair sources, quantum memories, and lasers in lithium niobate (invited), Information Optoelectronics, Nanofabrication and Testing (IONT), Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Wuhan, China, 1 Nov 2012 - 2 Nov 2012.

  118. 3 Oct 2012, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography (invited), Cybersummit 2012 - leading the way in the age of big data, Banff, Alberta, 1 Oct 2012 - 3 Oct 2012.

  119. 18 Sep 2012, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography in the QC2 Lab (seminar), Presentation to Raytheon BBN Technologies, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

  120. 11 Sep 2012, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Experimental demonstration of quantum private queries in a real-world environment (poster), QCRYPT 2012, Singapore, 10 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012.

  121. 11 Sep 2012, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Frequency-multiplexed photon storage and read-out on demand using an atomic frequency comb-based quantum memory (contributed), QCRYPT 2012, Singapore, 10 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012.

  122. 10 Sep 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, A quantum key distribution system immune to detector attacks (contributed), QCRYPT 2012, Singapore, 10 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012.

  123. 29 Aug 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle demonstration of QKD immune to detector attacks (invited), Quantum Communication: Secure Information Transmission in the Maritime Environment, Los Angeles, California, 28 Aug 2012 - 30 Aug 2012.

  124. 27 Aug 2012, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, C. Simon, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Frequency-multiplexed photon storage and read-out on demand using an atomic frequency comb-based quantum memory (poster, contributed), 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM 2012), Tuebingen, Germany, 27 Aug 2012 - 30 Aug 2012 - abstract - .

  125. 27 Aug 2012, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, H. Mallahzadeh, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum memory and entanglement (invited), 11th International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications (HBSM 2012), Tuebingen, Germany, 27 Aug 2012 - 30 Aug 2012 - abstract - .

  126. 2 Aug 2012, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, C. Simon, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum repeaters using frequency-multiplexed quantum memories (invited), 11th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2012), Vienna, Austria, 30 Jul 2012 - 3 Aug 2012.

  127. 2 Aug 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, A quantum key distribution system immune to detector attacks (poster), QCMC2012, Vienna, Austria - 3 Aug 2012.

  128. 27 Jul 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle demonstration of quantum key distribution immune to detector attacks over deployed optical fiber (invited), 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12), Calgary, Alberta, 23 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012.

  129. 26 Jul 2012, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, R. Colbeck, R. Renner and W. Tittel, An experimental bound on the maximum predictive power of physical theories (contributed), 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12), Calgary, Alberta, 23 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012.

  130. 25 Jul 2012, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, C. Simon, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, A frequency multi-mode Tm:LiNbO3 quantum memory (contributed), 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12), Calgary, Alberta, 23 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012 - abstract - .

  131. 24 Jul 2012, K. Heshami, A. Green, Y. Han, A. Rispe, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Controllable-dipole quantum memory (poster), 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12), Calgary, Alberta, 23 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012.

  132. 23 Jul 2012, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Experiments with waveguide quantum memory for light (contributed), 21st International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'12), Calgary, Alberta, 23 Jul 2012 - 27 Jul 2012.

  133. 27 Jun 2012, W. Tittel, Towards repeater-based quantum communication (invited), JASON summer study on quantum communication, San Diego, California.

  134. 18 Jun 2012, W. Tittel, Quantum Cryptography and Communication (seminar), University of Calgary, Calbary, Alberta. Presentation to ENMAX.

  135. 14 Jun 2012, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, H. Mallahzadeh, J. A. Slater, C. Simon, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, A frequency multi-mode Tm:LiNbO3 quantum memory (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2012), Calgary, Canada, 10 Jun 2012 - 14 Jun 2012 - abstract - .

  136. 14 Jun 2012, A. Rubenok, J. A. Slater, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle demonstration of quantum key distribution immune to detector attacks over deployed optical fibre. (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2012), Calgary, Canada, 10 Jun 2012 - 14 Jun 2012.

  137. 13 Jun 2012, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, R. Colbeck, R. Renner and W. Tittel, An experimental bound on the maximum predictive power of physical theories (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2012), Calgary, Canada, 10 Jun 2012 - 14 Jun 2012.

  138. 11 Jun 2012, J. Jin, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Two-photon interference with attenuated laser pulses stored in separate solid-state memories (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2012), Calgary, Canada, 10 Jun 2012 - 14 Jun 2012.

  139. 11 Jun 2012, K. Heshami, A. Green, Y. Han, A. Rispe, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Controllable-dipole quantum memory (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2012), Calgary, Canada, 10 Jun 2012 - 14 Jun 2012.

  140. 1 Jun 2012, W. Tittel, Entanglement for QKD (invited), The Greatest Inspiration Surely Is Nonlocality Workshop, Val-d'llliez, Switzerland, 29 May 2012 - 1 Jun 2012. Workshop in celebration of Nicolas Gisin s 60th Birthday.

  141. 10 May 2012, W. Tittel, How to overcome the distance barrier in quantum communication: quantum repeaters and quantum memory (invited), CLEO:QELS 2012 Fundamental Science (CLEO: 2012), San Jose Convention Centre, San Jose, California, 6 May 2012 - 11 May 2012 - abstract - .

  142. 2011

  143. 7 Nov 2011, W. Tittel, Mapping quantum states between photons and RE crystals (invited), Shonan meeting on Hybrid Quantum Devices, Shonan village, Japan, 5 Nov 2011 - 9 Nov 2011.

  144. 4 Nov 2011, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, M. R. E. Lamont and W. Tittel, Implementations of quantum protocols on optical networks: entanglement & time‐bin qubits (invited), FREQUENCY Canada-France Meeting Fall 2011, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 4 Nov 2011 - 5 Nov 2011.

  145. 4 Nov 2011, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, N. B. Lovett, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Towards path optimization in an optically switched quantum network (invited), FREQUENCY Canada-France Meeting Fall 2011, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 4 Nov 2011 - 5 Nov 2011.

  146. 18 Sep 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum memory for quantum repeater (invited), 37th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Geneva, Switzerland, 18 Sep 2011 - 16 Sep 2011.

  147. 4 Sep 2011, D. Oblak, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, M. R. E. Lamont, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum memory and entanglement storage in rare-earth ion doped crystals (invited), Ruperto Carola Symposium: Pushing Frontiers in Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 1 Sep 2011 - 4 Sep 2011.

  148. 28 Aug 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Quantum memory for quantum repeater (invited), International Quantum Electronics/Lasers and Electro-Optics Conference (IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011), Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia, 28 Aug 2011 - 1 Sep 2011.

  149. 25 Aug 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (invited), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Optics and Photonics 2011, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, 21 Aug 2011 - 25 Aug 2011 - abstract - .

  150. 24 Aug 2011, X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards high bit-rate quantum key distribution (contributed), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Optics and Photonics 2011, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, 21 Aug 2011 - 25 Aug 2011.

  151. 10 Aug 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (contributed), Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC - IV), Toronto, Ontario, 8 Aug 2011 - 12 Aug 2011 - abstract - .

  152. 26 Jul 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (invited), Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT11), Prague, Czech Republic, 25 Jul 2011 - 30 Jul 2011.

  153. 18 Jul 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (invited), 2011 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, 18 Jul 2011 - 20 Jul 2011.

  154. 11 Jul 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, W. Tittel, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, A broadband, waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (invited), 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'11), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 11 Jul 2011 - 15 Jul 2011.

  155. 11 Jul 2011, R. Colbeck, R. Renner, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, An experimental test of all theories with predictive power beyond quantum theory (invited), 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'11), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 11 Jul 2011 - 15 Jul 2011.

  156. 6 Jul 2011, W. Tittel, Quantum-Nano Highlights at the University of Calgary (invited), Alberta Quantum and Nano‐Optics Workshop 2011, Red Deer, Canada, 6 Jul 2011 - 6 Jul 2011.

  157. 6 Jul 2011, P. Chan, C Dascollas, C. Healey, S. Hosier, J. Jin, V. Kiselyov, M. R. E. Lamont, I. Lucio-Martinez, D. Oblak, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, T. Stuart and W. Tittel, Quantum Communication in the QC2 Lab (poster), Alberta Quantum and Nano‐Optics Workshop 2011, Red Deer, Canada, 6 Jul 2011 - 6 Jul 2011.

  158. 24 Jun 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (contributed), Third Annual Alberta Quantum and Nano-Optics Student Meeting (QuNO ‘11), Calgary, Alberta, 24 Jun 2011 - 24 Jun 2011.

  159. 15 Jun 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2011), Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, 13 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011.

  160. 15 Jun 2011, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, W. Tittel, R. Renner and R. Colbeck, An experimental test of all theories with predictive power beyond quantum theory (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2011), Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, 13 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011.

  161. 13 Jun 2011, C. Healey, X. F. Mo, C Dascollas, M. R. E. Lamont, J. A. Slater, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, High-speed detection of near-infrared single photons in quantum optics experiments (contributed), Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2011), Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, 13 Jun 2011 - 17 Jun 2011.

  162. 7 Jun 2011, A. Green, Y. Han, K. Heshami, A. Rispe, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Controllable-dipole quantum memory (contributed), 4th International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 5 Jun 2011 - 8 Jun 2011.

  163. 7 Jun 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (invited), 4th International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 5 Jun 2011 - 8 Jun 2011.

  164. 20 May 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband Waveguide Quantum Memory for Entangled Photons (contributed), Information Photonics 2011 (IP 2011), Ottawa Convention Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, 18 May 2011 - 20 May 2011.

  165. 27 Apr 2011, C. Healey, X. F. Mo, C Dascollas, M. R. E. Lamont, J. A. Slater, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, High-speed characterization of quantum systems in the near-infrared (contributed), SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2011, Orlando, Florida, 25 Apr 2011 - 29 Apr 2011.

  166. 8 Apr 2011, W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (colloquium), University of Calgary, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Calgary, Canada.

  167. 10 Mar 2011, W. Tittel, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (seminar), University of Calgary, Human Performance Lab, Faculty of Kinesiology.

  168. 7 Mar 2011, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography and communication (invited), NSERC Council meeting, Ottawa, Canada, 7 Mar 2010 - 7 Mar 2010. NSERC Council meeting.

  169. 19 Jan 2011, W. Tittel, The QC2Lab, University of Calgary, Physics and Astronomy, PASA Research Night.

  170. 7 Jan 2011, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons (seminar), Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  171. 2010

  172. 20 Oct 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for sub-nanosecond non-classical light (invited), Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communication (UQCC 2010), Tokyo, Japan, 18 Oct 2010 - 20 Oct 2010.

  173. 24 Sep 2010, W. Tittel, The QC2Lab (contributed), Presentation to representative from DRDC, Calgary, Alberta, 24 Sep 2010 - 24 Sep 2010.

  174. 23 Sep 2010, W. Tittel, The QC2Lab (seminar), University of Calgary.

  175. 11 Sep 2010, Y. Han, K. Heshami, A. Rispe, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C.-Z. Li, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Quantum memory based on controllable transition dipole moment (poster), International Iran Conference on Quantum Information, Kish, Iran, 11 Sep 2010 - 14 Sep 2010 - abstract - .

  176. 20 Aug 2010, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography and communication (invited), 2010 Research and Commercialization Summit Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures, Banff, Canada, 19 Aug 2010 - 21 Aug 2010.

  177. 19 Aug 2010, Y. Han, K. Heshami, A. Rispe, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Quantum memory based on controllable transition dipole moment (poster), AITF (iCORE) Banff summit, Banff, Canada, 19 Aug 2010 - 21 Aug 2010.

  178. 16 Jul 2010, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Quantum Cryptography using phase modulators (contributed), Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010), Calgary, Canada, 12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010.

  179. 16 Jul 2010, A. Rubenok, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Quantum Key Distribution with Time-bin Encoding and Quatnum Frames (contributed), Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010), Calgary, Canada, 12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010.

  180. 14 Jul 2010, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Flipping quantum coins (contributed), Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010), Calgary, Canada, 12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010.

  181. 13 Jul 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Waveguide quantum memory for fast quantum communication - I (contributed), Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010), Calgary, Canada, 12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010.

  182. 13 Jul 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Waveguide quantum memory for fast quantum communication - II (contributed), Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2010), Calgary, Canada, 12 Jul 2010 - 16 Jul 2010.

  183. 5 Jul 2010, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards high-rate real-world quantum key distribution with quantum frames (invited), 19th International Laser Physics Workshop 2010 (LPHYS 2010), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 5 Jul 2010 - 9 Jul 2010.

  184. 5 Jul 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (invited), 19th International Laser Physics Workshop 2010 (LPHYS 2010), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 5 Jul 2010 - 9 Jul 2010.

  185. 24 Jun 2010, R. L. Cone and W. Tittel, Storage of quantum information using rare-earth-ion doped crystals (tutorial) (invited), 17th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC '10), Argonne, United States of America, 20 Jun 2010 - 25 Jun 2010.

  186. 15 Jun 2010, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Mathematical model for practical entanglement swapping and application to long-distance quantum key distribution (poster), Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 14 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010 - abstract - .

  187. 15 Jun 2010, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Increasing the secret key rate in quantum key distribution (invited), Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 14 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010.

  188. 14 Jun 2010, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution using quantum frames (poster), Theory and Realisation of Practica Quantum Key Distribution 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 14 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010.

  189. 14 Jun 2010, A. Rubenok, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution system with time-bin encoding and quantum frames (poster), Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 14 Jun 2010 - 17 Jun 2010.

  190. 2 Jun 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, F. Bussières, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (seminar), Universität Paderborn, Graduiertenkolleg, Department Physik, Paderborn, Germany.

  191. 27 May 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (contributed), International Symposium on Optical Manipulation of Quantum Information in Solids, Paris, France, 26 May 2010 - 28 May 2010.

  192. 11 May 2010, W. Tittel, C. La Mela, M. George, R. Ricken, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair and W. Sohler, Memoire quantique intégrée (invited), 78 congrès de l'Association francophone pour la savoir, Montréal, Québec, 10 May 2010 - 14 May 2010.

  193. 26 Apr 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated photon-atom interface for quantum information (seminar), Princeton University, PRISM/MITRE (QES) Seminar Series, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton, New Jersey.

  194. 20 Apr 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, M. George, R. Ricken, C. La Mela, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Integrated photon-atom interface for quantum information (invited), Workshop on Fundamental Physics of Charged and Heavy Particle Interferometry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 19 Apr 2010 - 21 Apr 2010.

  195. 9 Apr 2010, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Tm:Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide for quantum memory applications (contributed), 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition (EC10), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7 Apr 2010 - 9 Apr 2010.

  196. 8 Apr 2010, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography (seminar), University of Calgary, QC2Lab, Institute for Quantum Information Science.

  197. 1 Apr 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (seminar), University of Copenhagen, Quantum Optics, Niels Bohr Institute.

  198. 31 Mar 2010, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Mathematical model for real-world entanglement swapping and applications to long-distance quantum key distribution (invited), Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information CNRS - Télécom ParisTech Network and Computer Science Department , Quantum Information Team at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France.

  199. 31 Mar 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (seminar), Lund University, Quantum Information group, Division of Atomic Physics, Lund, Sweden.

  200. 24 Mar 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (invited), OFC/NFOEC2010, San Diego, California, 21 Mar 2010 - 25 Mar 2010.

  201. 23 Mar 2010, W. Tittel, Quantum communication with optical fiber (tutorial) (invited), OFC/NFOEC2010, San Diego, California, 21 Mar 2010 - 25 Mar 2010.

  202. 21 Mar 2010, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela, W. Tittel, M. George, R. Ricken and W. Sohler, Integrated quantum memory for quantum communication (invited), Workshop on Crytography from Storage Imperfections, Institute for Quantum Information, Caltech, Pasadena, California, 20 Mar 2010 - 22 Mar 2010.

  203. 20 Feb 2010, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Mathematical model for real-world entanglement swapping and applications to practical long-distance quantum key distribution (contributed), Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Twelfth Annual Meeting (SQuInT 2010), Santa Fe, New Mexico, 18 Feb 2010 - 21 Feb 2010 - abstract - .

  204. 13 Jan 2010, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography (seminar), University of Calgary, QC2Lab, Institute for Quantum Information Science, Calgary, Alberta.

  205. 2009

  206. 6 Nov 2009, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. Jin, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Measuring entanglement with universal time-bin qubit analyzers (invited), Single Photon Workshop 2009 (SPW 2009), Boulder, Colorado, 3 Nov 2009 - 6 Nov 2009.

  207. 28 Oct 2009, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Flipping quantum coins (contributed, refereed), International Conference on Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking (ICQCQN 2009), Naples, Italy, 26 Oct 2009 - 30 Oct 2009.

  208. 28 Oct 2009, A. Delfan, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Quantum state manipulation using photon-echo type atom-light interaction (invited), International Conference on Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking (ICQCQN 2009), Naples, Italy, 26 Oct 2009 - 30 Oct 2009.

  209. 8 Sep 2009, S. Virally, J.-S. Corbeil, J. A. Slater, A. Kudlinski, G. Bouwmans, L. Labonté, F. Bussières, M. Leduc, W. Tittel, N. Godbout and S. Lacroix, Fibres microstructurées pour la conception de sources non classiques de photons (poster, contributed), 11ème édition du Colloque sur les Lasers et l'Optique Quantique (COLOQ'11), Mouans-Sartoux, France, 7 Sep 2009 - 9 Sep 2009.

  210. 27 Aug 2009, W. Tittel, Photon-Echo quantum memory and controlled state manipulation (invited), Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC - III), Toronto, Ontario, 24 Aug 2009 - 27 Aug 2009 - abstract - .

  211. 27 Aug 2009, X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution with quantum frames (contributed), The 9th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS 2009), Nanjing, P.R.China, 26 Aug 2009 - 29 Aug 2009.

  212. 25 Aug 2009, F. Bussières, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Flipping quantum coins (contributed), Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC - III), Toronto, Ontario, 24 Aug 2009 - 27 Aug 2009 - abstract - .

  213. 21 Aug 2009, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Quantum states prepared by real-world entanglement swapping and implications for Quantum Key Distribution (poster), 2009 iCORE Banff Informatics Summit (iCORE Summit 2009), Banff, Canada, 20 Aug 2009 - 22 Aug 2009 - abstract - .

  214. 21 Aug 2009, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Flipping quantum coins (poster, contributed), 2009 iCORE Banff Informatics Summit (iCORE Summit 2009), Banff, Canada, 20 Aug 2009 - 22 Aug 2009.

  215. 20 Aug 2009, W. Tittel, Quantum communication in the QC2 Lab (invited), 2009 iCORE Banff Informatics Summit (iCORE Summit 2009), Banff, Canada, 20 Aug 2009 - 22 Aug 2009.

  216. 17 Aug 2009, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution at the University of Calgary (contributed), Summer School on Communications and Information Theory, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 17 Aug 2009 - 19 Aug 2009.

  217. 5 Aug 2009, X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Proof-of-principle demonstration of quantum key distribution with quantum frames (contributed), Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VII (Conference 7465) Optics+Photonics 2009, San Diego, California, 4 Aug 2009 - 6 Aug 2009.

  218. 4 Aug 2009, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, N. Godbout, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Convertible quantum encodings and hybrid entanglement on a real-world fiber link (contributed), Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging VII (Conference 7465) Optics+Photonics 2009, San Diego, California, 4 Aug 2009 - 6 Aug 2009.

  219. 30 Jul 2009, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Measuring entanglement with universal time-bin qubit analyzers (invited), Classical and Quantum Information Assurance Foundations and Practice (Dagstuhl Seminars), Wadern, Germany, 26 Jul 2009 - 31 Jul 2009.

  220. 30 Jul 2009, G. Brassard, G. Berlin, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Flipping quantum coins (invited), Classical and Quantum Information Assurance Foundations and Practice (Dagstuhl Seminars), Wadern, Germany, 26 Jul 2009 - 31 Jul 2009.

  221. 14 Jul 2009, A. Delfan, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Interferometry using photon-echoes for precision measurements and quantum communication (invited), International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'09), Barcelona, Spain, 13 Jul 2009 - 17 Jul 2009.

  222. 7 Jul 2009, J.-S. Corbeil, J. A. Slater, G. Bouwmans, S. Virally, F. Bussières, S. Lacroix, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Photons Annoncés Générés dans une Fibre Microstructurée (invited, refereed), Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2009), Université Lille, France, 6 Jul 2009 - 9 Jul 2009 - abstract - .

  223. 26 Jun 2009, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Tm:LiNbO3 waveguides: a novel material candidate for quantum memories (contributed), Alberta Quantum and Nano-Optics 2009 Annual Meeting (QuNO 2009), University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 24 Jun 2009 - 27 Jun 2009.

  224. 26 Jun 2009, A. Delfan, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Photon-echo based quantum memory and state transformation (poster), 10th International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science Applications (HBSM 2009), Palm Cove, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 22 Jun 2009 - 27 Jun 2009.

  225. 26 Jun 2009, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Spectral tailoring of inhomogeneously broadened absorption profiles with notch-filtered light (contributed), Alberta Quantum and Nano-Optics 2009 Annual Meeting (QuNO 2009), University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 24 Jun 2009 - 27 Jun 2009.

  226. 25 Jun 2009, A. Scherer, R. B. Howard, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Quantum states prepared by real-world entanglement swapping (contributed), Alberta Quantum and Nano-Optics 2009 Annual Meeting (QuNO 2009), University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, 24 Jun 2009 - 27 Jun 2009.

  227. 24 Jun 2009, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Raman-echo quantum memory (invited), 10th International Meeting on Hole Burning, Single Molecule, and Related Spectroscopies: Science Applications (HBSM 2009), Palm Cove, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 22 Jun 2009 - 27 Jun 2009.

  228. 11 Jun 2009, W. Tittel, Experimental quantum communication in the QC2Lab (invited), QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting 2009, Toronto, Ontario, 11 Jun 2009 - 12 Jun 2009.

  229. 10 Jun 2009, C. La Mela, A. Delfan, E. Saglamyurek and W. Tittel, Photon-echo based N-path interferometers for precision measurements and quantum communication (contributed), WE-P4-2, Physics in Canada 65(2):p. 117, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2009), Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, 7 Jun 2009 - 10 Jun 2009 - abstract - .

  230. 10 Jun 2009, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Spectral tailoring of inhomogeneously broadened absorption profiles with notch-filtered light (contributed), WE-P4-3, Physics in Canada 65(2):p. 118, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2009), Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, 7 Jun 2009 - 10 Jun 2009 - abstract - .

  231. 9 Jun 2009, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution with quantum frames (contributed), TU-A4-3, Physics in Canada 65(2):p. 85, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2009), Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, 7 Jun 2009 - 10 Jun 2009.

  232. 9 Jun 2009, T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières and W. Tittel, Budget entanglement: a compact and intrinsically stable source of polarization entangled photons (contributed), TU-A4-2, Physics in Canada 65(2):p. 85, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2009), Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, 7 Jun 2009 - 10 Jun 2009 - abstract - .

  233. 9 Jun 2009, N. Sinclair, E. Saglamyurek, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Tm:LiNbO3 waveguides: a novel material candidate for quantum memories (contributed), TU-P5-3, Physics in Canada 65(2):p. 99, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP Congress 2009), Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, 7 Jun 2009 - 10 Jun 2009 - abstract - .

  234. 28 May 2009, A. Scherer, B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Quantum states prepared by real-world entanglement swapping (contributed), iCORE Quantum Information Science @ University of Calgary Mini-Conference, University of Calgary, 28 May 2009 - 28 May 2009 - abstract - .

  235. 21 May 2009, G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Loss-tolerant quantum coin flipping (seminar), Biannual INTRIQ workshop, Orford, Quebec, 21 May 2009 - 22 May 2009.

  236. 11 May 2009, C. La Mela, A. Delfan, E. Saglamyurek and W. Tittel, Quantum memories: storage and state transformation (contributed), Rare-earth doped solids for quantum information, Lund, Sweden, 11 May 2009 - 12 May 2009.

  237. 16 Mar 2009, W. Tittel, Photon-echo quantum memory (colloquium), University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Ontario.

  238. 20 Feb 2009, A. Scherer, , B. C. Sanders and W. Tittel, Quantum states prepared by practical entanglement swapping (poster), 11th Anniversary SQuInT Annual Workshop, Seattle, Washington, 19 Feb 2009 - 22 Feb 2009 - abstract - .

  239. 2008

  240. 8 Oct 2008, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum key distribution with quantum frames (poster), SECOQC International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 8 Oct 2008 - 12 Oct 2008 - abstract - .

  241. 26 Sep 2008, W. Tittel, Quantum Cryptography (seminar), University of Alberta, Department of Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta - abstract - .

  242. 23 Aug 2008, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards GHz clocked QKD for telecommunication networks (poster), P3-7, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008 - abstract - .

  243. 23 Aug 2008, W. Tittel, Research Exchange on Quantum Cryptography (contributed), The 2008 iCORE Summit, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 21 Aug 2008 - 23 Aug 2008.

  244. 21 Aug 2008, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, “Quantum compression and decompression of light pulses based on photon echo with generalized CRIB (poster), P2-2, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008.

  245. 21 Aug 2008, C. La Mela, A. Delfan and W. Tittel, Non-orthogonal state discrimination in a photon echo based optical memory (poster), P2-57, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008.

  246. 21 Aug 2008, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Adapting CRIB-based memories to photon state manipulation (poster), P2-59, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008.

  247. 20 Aug 2008, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Hybrid entanglement for quantum communication (poster, contributed, refereed), P1-42, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008.

  248. 13 Aug 2008, W. Tittel, Quantum Cryptography (invited), Banff Science Communications Workshop, Banff, Alberta, 10 Aug 2008 - 23 Aug 2008.

  249. 30 Jul 2008, W. Tittel, A. Delfan, C. La Mela, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin and S. A. Moiseev, Combining quantum memory with state manipulation (invited), Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (FQMT08), Prague, Czech Republic, 28 Jul 2008 - 2 Aug 2008.

  250. 2 Jul 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Combining quantum memory with state manipulation (invited), International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'08), Trondheim, Norway, 30 Jun 2008 - 4 Jul 2008.

  251. 11 Jun 2008, E. Saglamyurek, A. Delfan, N. Sinclair, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Towards quantum memory (contributed), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 135, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  252. 11 Jun 2008, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Combining quantum key distribution and internetworking over a 12 km real-world fibre link (contributed), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 136, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  253. 11 Jun 2008, P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Towards fast error correction for quantum key distribution (contributed), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 135, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  254. 10 Jun 2008, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières, Y. Soudagar, S. Lacroix, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, A simple method to characterize a synchronous heralded single photon source (contributed), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 96, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  255. 10 Jun 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela, E. Saglamyurek and W. Tittel, Data manipulation via photon echo (contributed), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 96, CAP Congress 2008, Quebec City, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  256. 9 Jun 2008, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, Y. Soudagar, S. Lacroix, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, A quantum tale of different, yet inseparable photons (poster), Physics in Canada 64(2):p. 139, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2008), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 8 Jun 2008 - 11 Jun 2008 - abstract - .

  257. 5 Jun 2008, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. Jin, S. Lacroix, J. Nguyen, J. A. Slater, Y. Soudagar, T. Stuart and W. Tittel, A quantum tale of two different yet inseparable photons (poster, contributed), The Third QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting , Montréal, Québec, Canada, 5 Jun 2008 - 6 Jun 2008.

  258. 5 Jun 2008, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum secured communication (poster), The Third QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting , Montréal, Québec, Canada, 5 Jun 2008 - 6 Jun 2008.

  259. 10 Apr 2008, W. Tittel and S. Hosier, The QC2-Lab: Applied research for real-world applications (invited), Southern Alberta Intellectual Property Network - Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 10 Apr 2008.

  260. 18 Mar 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Beyond CRIB-based memory: combining storage with data manipulation (contributed), Workshop on Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Solids for Quantum Information Processing, Darmstadt, Germany, 17 Mar 2008 - 19 Mar 2008.

  261. 26 Jan 2008, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin and W. Tittel, Manipulation and storage of qubits via CRIB (poster), Workshop on the Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically-Addressed Solids ( SMQIOAS 2008), Bozeman, United States of America, 25 Jan 2008 - 27 Jan 2008 - abstract - .

  262. 26 Jan 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Towards unambiguous quantum state discrimination in an optical memory (poster), Workshop on the Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically-Addressed Solids, SMQIOAS 2008, Bozeman,United States of America, 25 Jan 2008 - 27 Jan 2008 - abstract - .

  263. 25 Jan 2008, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Quantum compression/decompression of light pulses using photon echo based quantum memory (contributed), Workshop on the Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically-Addressed Solids, Bozeman, United States of America, 25 Jan 2008 - 27 Jan 2008.

  264. 25 Jan 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela, M. S. Underwood, K.-P. Marzlin, S. A. Moiseev and W. Tittel, Relaxing symmetry in CRIB: Combining quantum state storage with data transformation (contributed), Workshop on the Storage and Manipulation of Quantum Information in Optically-Addressed Solids ( SMQIOAS 2008), Bozeman, United States of America, 25 Jan 2008 - 27 Jan 2008 - abstract - .

  265. 23 Jan 2008, A. Delfan, C. La Mela and W. Tittel, Photon echo quantum memory and state transformation (invited), SPIE Photonics West 2008 (SPIE Photonics West 2008), San Jose, United States of America, 19 Jan 2008 - 24 Jan 2008.

  266. 15 Jan 2008, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography (invited), QKD TDP Kickoff Meeting , Ottawa, Canada, 15 Jan 2008 - 15 Jan 2008.

  267. 2007

  268. 28 Nov 2007, F. Bussières, P. Chan, A. Delfan, S. Hosier, , C. La Mela, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, J. Nguyen, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. A. Slater, M. S. Underwood and W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography in the QC2 lab (poster), the CYBERPOL Project, Bow River Dialogues, Calgary, Canada, 28 Nov 2007 - 29 Nov 2007.

  269. 12 Oct 2007, J. Nguyen, F. Bussières and W. Tittel, Optical fiber interferometer stabilization for time-bin qubit measurement (contributed), Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference (CUPC 2007), Vancouver, Canada, 11 Oct 2007 - 14 Oct 2007 - abstract - .

  270. 26 Sep 2007, F. Bussières, P. Chan, A. Delfan, S. Hosier, , C. La Mela, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, J. Nguyen, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, J. A. Slater, M. S. Underwood and W. Tittel, Quantum communication in the QC2 lab (poster), Second QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting (QuantumWorks 2007), Calgary, Canada, 26 Sep 2007 - 27 Sep 2007.

  271. 26 Sep 2007, F. Bussières, P. Chan, A. Delfan, S. Hosier, , C. La Mela, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, J. Nguyen, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, J. A. Slater, M. S. Underwood and W. Tittel, Quantum communication in the QC2 lab (invited), Second QuantumWorks Annual General Meeting , Calgary, Canada, 26 Sep 2007 - 27 Sep 2007.

  272. 20 Sep 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Towards photonic hybrid entanglement (contributed), Frontiers in Optics 2007 (OSA Annual Meeting) (FiO 2007), San Jose, United States of America, 16 Sep 2007 - 20 Sep 2007.

  273. 26 Aug 2007, W. Tittel, The QC2Lab (seminar). Seminar with CofC security experts.

  274. 25 Aug 2007, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum secured communication (poster), iCORE Summit 2007 (iCORE 2007), Banff, Canada, 23 Aug 2007 - 25 Aug 2007.

  275. 25 Aug 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout, S. Lacroix and W. Tittel, Hybrid entanglement for optical quantum networks (poster), iCORE Summit 2007 (iCORE 2007), Banff, Canada, 23 Aug 2007 - 25 Aug 2007.

  276. 24 Aug 2007, F. Bussières, P. Chan, A. Delfan, S. Hosier, , C. La Mela, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, J. Nguyen, A. Rubenok, E. Saglamyurek, J. A. Slater, M. S. Underwood and W. Tittel, The QC2Lab (invited), iCORE Summit 2007 (iCORE 2007), Banff, Canada, 23 Aug 2007 - 25 Aug 2007.

  277. 20 Jun 2007, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Towards the production of entangled photon pairs in optical fiber via four-wave mixing (contributed), WE-P5-2, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 126, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  278. 20 Jun 2007, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum key distribution (contributed), WE-P5-4, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 127, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  279. 20 Jun 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Hybrid photonic entanglement using a PPLN crystal (contributed), WE-P5-3, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 126, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  280. 19 Jun 2007, , W. Tittel and B. C. Sanders, Real source quantum key distribution relays (contributed), TU-P1-2, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 101, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  281. 18 Jun 2007, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum secured communication (poster), MO-POS-19, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 131, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007.

  282. 18 Jun 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout, S. Lacroix and W. Tittel, Towards Hybrid Quantum Key Distribution (poster), MO-POS-17, Physics in Canada 63(2):p. 131, Canadian Association of Physicists Congress (CAP 2007), Saskatoon, Canada, 17 Jun 2007 - 20 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  283. 14 Jun 2007, W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, R. Ricken, S. R. Hastings-Simon, V. Scarani, H. Suche, W. Sohler and M. U. Staudt, Towards long-distance quantum communication (invited), The International Conference on Quantum Information (ICQI 2007), University of Rochester, United States of America, 10 Jun 2007 - 13 Jun 2007.

  284. 8 Jun 2007, W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, S. R. Hastings-Simon and M. U. Staudt, Towards quantum memory (contributed), Q5.00008, 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.Q5.8).

  285. 8 Jun 2007, W. Tittel, O. Alibart, P. Baldi, N. Gisin, M. Halder, I. Marcikic, H. de Riedmatten, S. Tanzilli and H. Zbinden, Towards hybrid quantum communication networks (contributed), Q5.00004, 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.Q5.4).

  286. 8 Jun 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout, S. Lacroix and W. Tittel, Hybrid entanglement for optical quantum networks (contributed), Q5.00006, 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.Q5.6) - abstract - .

  287. 7 Jun 2007, F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, A. Rubenok, J. Nguyen, N. Godbout, S. Lacroix and W. Tittel, Hybrid entanglement for optical quantum networks (poster), K1.00008, 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.K1.8) - abstract - .

  288. 7 Jun 2007, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum secured communication (poster), K1.00007 , 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.K1.7) - abstract - .

  289. 2 Jun 2007, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Towards the Production of Entangled Photon Pairs in Optical Fiber via Four-Wave Mixing (contributed), Fourth Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference (CQISC 2007), Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, 1 Jun 2007 - 5 Jun 2007 - abstract - .

  290. 24 May 2007, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography (invited), Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIMS 2007), Banff, Canada, 20 May 2007 - 24 May 2007.

  291. 3 Apr 2007, W. Tittel, Quantum Cryptography - Distinguished Lecture Series - CISaC & CMSS, University of Calgary, Department of Mathematics and Statistics - abstract - .

  292. 8 Mar 2007, W. Tittel, M. U. Staudt, S. R. Hastings-Simon, M. Afzelius, V. Scarani and N. Gisin, Investigations of an optical memory based on stimulated photon echoes, V33:000002, 2007 APS March Meeting (APS 2007), Denver, United States of America, 5 Mar 2007 - 9 Mar 2007. (http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.MAR.V33.2).

  293. 7 Mar 2007, M. U. Staudt, S. R. Hastings-Simon, B. Lauritzen, M. Afzelius, H. de Riedmatten, N. Sangouard, C. Simon, W. Tittel and N. Gisin, Coherence investigations of Erbium doped in wave-guide structures for a quantum memory, S32:00007, 2007 APS March Meeting (APS 2007), Denver, United States of America, 5 Mar 2007 - 9 Mar 2007. (http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.MAR.S32.7).

  294. 7 Mar 2007, S. R. Hastings-Simon, M. U. Staudt, B. Lauritzen, M. Afzelius, H. de Riedmatten, N. Sangouard, C. Simon, W. Tittel and N. Gisin, Three level systems for quantum memories in Erbium doped materials, S32: 00010, 2007 APS March Meeting (APS 2007), Denver, United States of America, 5 Mar 2007 - 9 Mar 2007. (http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.MAR.S32.10).

  295. 2006

  296. 16 Nov 2006, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography, entanglement and teleportation: experiments with photons (colloquium), University of Waterloo, Department of Physics and Astronomy - abstract - .

  297. 18 Sep 2006, W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, S. R. Hastings-Simon and M. U. Staudt, Towards quantum memory (invited), Optical Science and Engineering Conference, Bozeman, United States of America, 18 Sep 2006 - 19 Sep 2006.

  298. 15 Sep 2006, W. Tittel, Quantum cryptography, entanglement and teleportation: experiments with photons (colloquium), Montana State Univesity, Department of Physics.

  299. 8 Sep 2006, W. Tittel, QC2 lab: the quantum cryptography and communication laboratory (seminar), University of Calgary. PHYS.020 Research Day.

  300. 10 Aug 2006, W. Tittel, Practical quantum cryptography and communication, 6th Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information Processing (CSSQI 2006), University of Calgary, Canada, 7 Aug 2006 - 11 Aug 2006 - abstract - .

  301. 18 Jul 2006, W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin, S. R. Hastings-Simon and M. U. Staudt, Investigation of an Erbium doped optical fiber for quantum state storage, TuB2.5, IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting on Quantum Communication in Telecom Networks, Quebec City, Canada, 17 Jul 2006 - 19 Jul 2006.

  302. 25 Jun 2006, W. Tittel, Towards long-distance quantum communication (invited), Ninth International Conference on Hole Burning, Single Molecule and Related Spectroscopies: Science and Applications, Aussois, France, 24 Jun 2006 - 29 Jun 2006.

  303. 26 Apr 2006, W. Tittel, Towards long-distance quantum communication, Quantum Memory Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 26 Apr 2006 - 26 Apr 2006.

  304. 28 Mar 2006, W. Tittel, Towards long-distance quantum communication (seminar), University of Toronto, Department of Physics.

  305. 5 Jan 2006, W. Tittel, Towards quantum memory (seminar), Universität Paderborn.

  306. 4 Jan 2006, W. Tittel, Von quantum kryptographie zur quanten teleportation: Experimente mit photonen (colloquium), Universität Paderborn. (Physikalisches Kolloquium).

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Last updated August, 2024