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Presentations by H. A. Carteret


  1. 7 Jun 2007, Y. R. Sanders, H. A. Carteret and B. C. Sanders, Discerning thermal properties of entanglement in qubit rings using n-concurrence (poster), K1.00010, 38th Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP 2007), Calgary, Alberta, 5 Jun 2007 - 9 Jun 2007. (To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2007.DAMOP.K1.10) - abstract - .

  2. 2006

  3. 8 Aug 2006, H. A. Carteret, Noiseless quantum circuits for measuring entanglement, Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control II, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 8 Aug 2006 - 11 Aug 2006 - abstract - .

  4. 9 Jun 2006, H. A. Carteret, Physically accessible non-completely positive maps (invited), Theory Canada 2, Montreal, Canada, 7 Jun 2006 - 10 Jun 2006 - abstract - .

  5. 2005

  6. 9 Nov 2005, H. A. Carteret, Exact quantum circuits for measuring entanglement (seminar), University of Southern California, Department of Electrical Engineering Systems.

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Last updated August, 2024