Presentations by J. Joo
- 26 May 2010, J. Joo and D. L. Feder, The theory of local complementation is useful for building concatenated error-correction codes (invited), MITACS/ CORS 2010, Edmonton, Canada, 25 May 2010 - 28 May 2010.
- 19 Mar 2010, J. Bourassa, J. Joo, A. Blais and B. C. Sanders, Electromagnetically induced transparency combined with lasing without inversion in superconducting circuits (contributed), Z26.00009, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55(2):, APS March Meeting 2010 (APS March 2010), Portland, Oregon, 15 Mar 2010 - 19 Mar 2010. ( - abstract - .
- 17 Mar 2010, J. Joo and D. L. Feder, Concatenated logical cluster state using 5-qubit QECC (contributed), Q26.00008, Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55(2):, APS March Meeting 2010 (APS March 2010), Portland, Oregon, 15 Mar 2010 - 19 Mar 2010. ( - abstract - .
- 19 Aug 2009, J. Joo and D. L. Feder, Error-correcting one-way quantum computation with global entangling gates (invited), KIAS Workshop on Quantum Information Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 17 Aug 2009 - 21 Aug 2009.
- 11 Aug 2009, J. Joo and D. L. Feder, Error-correcting one-way quantum computation with global entangling gates (seminar), National University of Singapore, Centre for Quantum Technologies, Kent Ridge, Singapore - abstract - .
- 5 May 2009, J. Joo and D. L. Feder, Error-correcting one-way quantum computation with global entangling gates (poster), ICTP Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atoms, Trieste, Italy, 4 May 2009 - 8 May 2009.
- 12 Sep 2008, J. Joo, One-way quantum computation with quantum error-correcting code (seminar), Comp. Science School, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies, Computational Science, Seoul, Korea.
- 9 Sep 2008, J. Joo, Teleportation on optical qutrits (seminar), Sogang University, Mathematical Physics Group, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea.
- 3 Sep 2008, J. Joo, Quantum computation in optical lattices (seminar), Seoul National University, Optics group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul, Korea.
- 28 Aug 2008, J. Joo, T. Rudolph and B. C. Sanders, Non-locality tests for an optical two-qudit state (contributed), 8th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS08), KIAS, Seoul, Korea , 25 Aug 2008 - 31 Aug 2008.
- 23 Aug 2008, J. Joo, A. Laing, T. Rudolph and J. L. O'Brien, Bell's inequality test with an optical two-qutrit entangled state (poster), P3-15, Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC 2008), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19 Aug 2008 - 24 Aug 2008.