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Publications by R. Kumar

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. R. Kumar, E. Barrios, C. Kupchak and A. I. Lvovsky, Experimental characterization of bosonic creation and annihilation operators, Physical Review Letters 110(13): 130403 (5 pp.), 25 March 2013, arXiv.org:1210.1150. Viewpoint in physics.aps.org. PDF .

  2. 2012

  3. R. Kumar, E. Barrios, A. MacRae, E. Cairns, E. H. Huntington and A. I. Lvovsky, Versatile wideband balanced detector for quantum optical homodyne tomography, Optics Communications 285(24): 5259 - 5267, 29 August 2012, arXiv.org:1111.4012. PDF.

Thesis Publications


  1. R. Kumar, Process tomography of photon creation and annihilation operators (MSc Thesis), 19 July 2012.

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Last updated September, 2024