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Publications by N. B. Lovett

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. N. B. Lovett, C. Crosnier, M. Perarnau-Llobet and B. C. Sanders, Differential evolution for many-particle adaptive quantum metrology, Physical Review Letters 110(22): 220501 (4 pp.), 28 May 2013, arXiv.org:1304.2246. Featured on the cover of the Physical Review Letters issue.

  2. 2012

  3. N. B. Lovett, M. Everitt, R. C. Heath and V. Kendon, The quantum walk search algorithm: Factors affecting efficiency, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 1 May 2012, arXiv.org:1110.4366. (accepted or in press).

  4. N. B. Lovett, M. Everitt, M. Trevers, D. Stockton, D. Mosby and V. Kendon, Spatial search using the discrete time quantum walk, Natural Computing 11(1): 23 - 35, 1 March 2012, arXiv.org:http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.4705.

  5. 2011

  6. N. B. Lovett and B. T. H. Varcoe, Generation of topologically useful entangled states, International Journal of Unconventional Computing 7(4): 273 - 289, 1 December 2011, arXiv.org:1101.1220.

  7. 2010

  8. N. B. Lovett, S. Cooper, M. Everitt, M. Trevers and V. Kendon, Universal quantum computation using the discrete-time quantum walk, Physical Review A 81(4): 042330 (7 pp.), 1 April 2010, arXiv.org:0910.1024.

  9. V. Kendon, M. Everitt, M. L. Jones, N. B. Lovett and R. C. Wagner, Analogue Computation with Microwaves, International Journal of Unconventional Computing 6(1): 3 - 14, 1 January 2010.

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Last updated September, 2024