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Publications by J. Ghosh

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. R. J. Spiteri, M. Schmidt, J. Ghosh, E. Zahedinejad and B. C. Sanders, Quantum control for high-fidelity multi-qubit gates, New Journal of Physics 20(11): 113009 (13 pp.), 6 November 2018.

  2. 2016

  3. E. Zahedinejad, J. Ghosh and B. C. Sanders, Designing high-fidelity single-shot three-qubit gates: A machine-learning approach, Physical Review Applied 6(5): 054005 (18 pp.), 16 November 2016.

  4. J. Ghosh and B. C. Sanders, Quantum simulation of macro and micro quantum phase transition from paramagnetism to frustrated magnetism with a superconducting circuit, New Journal of Physics 18(3): 033015 (8 pp.), 7 March 2016, arXiv.org:1506.02073.

  5. 2015

  6. E. Zahedinejad, J. Ghosh and B. C. Sanders, High-fidelity single-shot Toffoli gate via quantum control, Physical Review Letters 114(20): 200502 (5 pp.), 20 May 2015, arXiv.org:1501.04676.

  7. J. Ghosh and A. Fowler, Leakage-resilient approach to fault-tolerant quantum computing with superconducting elements, Physical Review A 91(2): 020302(R) (5 pp.), 20 February 2015.

  8. 2014

  9. J. Ghosh, Emulating quantum state transfer through a spin-1 chain on a one-dimensional lattice of superconducting qutrits, Physical Review A 90(6): 062318 (6 pp.), 10 December 2014.

  10. J. Ghosh, Simulating Anderson localization via a quantum walk on a one-dimensional lattice of superconducting qubits, Physical Review A 89(2): 022309 (12 pp.), 10 February 2014.

  11. 2013

  12. J. Ghosh, A. Fowler, J. Martinis and M. Geller, Understanding the effects of leakage in superconducting quantum-error-detection circuits, Physical Review A 88: 062329, 23 December 2013.

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Last updated January, 2025