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Publications by M. W. Girard

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. E. Chitambar, J. I. de Vicente, M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61(4): 042201 (25 pp.), 10 April 2020.

  2. 2017

  3. M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Entanglement monotones and transformations of symmetric bipartite states, Physical Review A 95(2): 012308 (15 pp.), 9 January 2017.

  4. 2015

  5. M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Computable entanglement conversion witness that is better than the negativity, New Journal of Physics 17(9): 093013 (25 pp.), 9 September 2015.

  6. M. W. Girard, Y. Zinchenko, S. Friedland and G. Gour, Erratum: Numerical estimation of the relative entropy of entanglement, Physical Review A 91(2): 029901 (2 pp.), 4 February 2015.

  7. 2014

  8. M. W. Girard, G. Gour and S. Friedland, On convex optimization problems in quantum information theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47(50): 505302 (25 pp.), 24 November 2014.

Thesis Publications


  1. M. W. Girard, Convex analysis in quantum information (PhD Thesis), 31 July 2017.

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Last updated January, 2025