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Publications by S. K. Goyal

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. Chanchal, G. P. Teja, C. Simon and S. K. Goyal, Storing vector-vortex states of light in an intra-atomic frequency-comb quantum memory, Physical Review A 104(4): 043713 (12 pp.), 29 October 2021.

  2. 2019

  3. G. P. Teja, C. Simon and S. K. Goyal, Photonic quantum memory using an intra-atomic frequency comb, Physical Review A 99(5): 052314 (10 pp.), 10 May 2019.

  4. 2017

  5. W. W. Zhang, B. C. Sanders, S. Apers, S. K. Goyal and D. L. Feder, Detecting topological transitions in two dimensions by Hamiltonian evolution, Physical Review Letters 119(19): 197401 (6 pp.), 6 November 2017.

  6. P. Zarkeshian, C. Deshmukh, N. Sinclair, S. K. Goyal, G. Aguilar, J. Lefebvre, M. L. Grimau Puigibert, V. B. Verma, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, S. W. Nam, K. Heshami, D. Oblak, W. Tittel and C. Simon, Entanglement between more than two hundred macroscopic atomic ensembles in a solid, Nature Communications 8: 906 (10 pp.), 13 October 2017.

  7. W. W. Zhang, S. K. Goyal, C. Simon and B. C. Sanders, Decomposition of split-step quantum walks for simulating Majorana modes and edge states, Physical Review A 95(5): 052351 (7 pp.), 30 May 2017.

  8. 2016

  9. W. W. Zhang, S. K. Goyal, F. Gao, B. C. Sanders and C. Simon, Creating cat states in one-dimensional quantum walks using delocalized initial states, New Journal of Physics 18(9): 093025 (14 pp.), 14 September 2016.

  10. 2015

  11. S. K. Goyal, F. S. Roux, A. Forbes and T. Konrad, Implementation of multidimensional quantum walks using linear optics and classical light, Physical Review A 92(4): 040302(R) (5 pp.), 15 October 2015, arXiv.org:1506.08703.

  12. I. Dhand and S. K. Goyal, Realization of arbitrary discrete unitary transformations using spatial and internal modes of light, Physical Review A 92(4): 043813 (8 pp.), 12 October 2015, arXiv.org:1508.06259.

  13. H. Bassa, S. K. Goyal, S. K. Choudhary, H. Uys, L. Diosi and T. Konrad, Process tomography via sequential measurements on a single quantum system, Physical Review A 92(3): 032102 (6 pp.), 3 September 2015, arXiv.org:1504.06000.

  14. S. K. Goyal, T. Konrad and L. Diosi, Unitary equivalence of quantum walks, Physics Letters A 379(3): 100 - 104, 23 January 2015.

  15. 2014

  16. S. K. Goyal, P. E. Boukama-Dzoussi, S. Ghosh, F. S. Roux and T. Konrad, Qudit-Teleportation for photons with linear optics, Scientific Reports 4: 4543 (6 pp.), 1 April 2014.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. B. Perez-Garcia, M. McLaren, S. K. Goyal, R. Hernandez-Aranda, A. Forbes and T. Konrad, Quantum computation with classical light: implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm, http://arxiv.org/abs/1510.03365, arXiv.org:1510.03365, 12 October 2015.

  2. 2014

  3. S. K. Goyal, A. H. Ibrahim, F. S. Roux, T. Konrad and A. Forbes, Experimental orbital angular momentum based quantum key distribution through turbulence, arXiv.org:1412.0788, 2 December 2014.

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Last updated January, 2025