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Publications by G. Gour

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. M. Berta, F. G. S. L. Brandão, G. Gour, L. Lami, M. B. Plenio, B. Regula and M. Tomamichel, The tangled state of quantum hypothesis testing, Nature Physics 20: 172 - 175, 22 December 2023.

  2. T. Theurer, E. Zanoni, C. M. Scandolo and G. Gour, Thermodynamic state convertibility is determined by qubit cooling and heating, New Journal of Physics 25(12): 123017 (24 pp.), 8 December 2023.

  3. M. Berta, F. G. S. L. Brandão, G. Gour, L. Lami, M. B. Plenio, B. Regula and M. Tomamichel, On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources, Quantum 7: 1103 (29 pp.), 7 September 2023.

  4. Y. Yuan, Y.-L. Xiao, Z.-B. Hou, S.-M. Fei, G. Gour, G.-Y. Xiang, C.-F. Li and G.-C. Guo, Strong majorization uncertainty relations and experimental verifications, npj Quantum Information 9: 65 (7 pp.), 8 July 2023.

  5. C. M. Scandolo, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Covariant influences for finite discrete dynamical systems, Physical Review E 107(1): 014203 (23 pp.), 3 January 2023.

  6. 2022

  7. G. Gour, Role of quantum coherence in thermodynamics, PRX Quantum 3(4): 040323 (23 pp.), 28 November 2022.

  8. G. Saxena and G. Gour, Quantifying multiqubit magic channels with completely stabilizer-preserving operations, Physical Review A 106(4): 042422 (16 pp.), 17 October 2022.

  9. S. Brandsen, I. J. Geng and G. Gour, What is entropy? A perspective from games of chance, Physical Review E 105(2): 024117 (5 pp.), 11 February 2022.

  10. 2021

  11. E. Chitambar, G. Gour, K. Sengupta and R. Zibakhsh, Quantum Bell nonlocality as a form of entanglement, Physical Review A 104(5): 052208 (14 pp.), 15 November 2021.

  12. R. Salzmann, N. Datta, G. Gour, X. Wang and M. M. Wilde, Symmetric distinguishability as a quantum resource, New Journal of Physics 23(8): 083016 (57 pp.), 9 August 2021.

  13. G. Gour and C. M. Scandolo, Entanglement of a bipartite channel, Physical Review A 103(6): 062422 (21 pp.), 28 June 2021. (Editors' Suggestion).

  14. G. Gour and M. Tomamichel, Entropy and relative entropy from information-theoretic principles, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67(10): 6313 - 6327, 14 May 2021.

  15. G. Gour and M. M. Wilde, Entropy of a quantum channel, Physical Review Research 3(2): 023096 (26 pp.), 5 May 2021.

  16. Y.-L. Xiao, K. Sengupta, S.-R. Yang and G. Gour, Uncertainty principle of quantum processes, Physical Review Research 3(2): 023077 (11 pp.), 28 April 2021.

  17. I. J. Geng, K. Golubeva and G. Gour, What are the minimal conditions required to define a symmetric informationally complete generalized measurement?, Physical Review Letters 126(10): 100401 (5 pp.), 8 March 2021.

  18. G. Gour, Uniqueness and optimality of dynamical extensions of divergences, PRX Quantum 2(1): 010313 (16 pp.), 22 January 2021.

  19. 2020

  20. G. Gour and M. Tomamichel, Optimal extensions of resource measures and their applications, Physical Review A 102(6): 062401 (13 pp.), 1 December 2020.

  21. G. Gour and C. M. Scandolo, Dynamical entanglement, Physical Review Letters 125(18): 180505 (6 pp.), 30 October 2020.

  22. G. Saxena, E. Chitambar and G. Gour, Dynamical resource theory of quantum coherence, Physical Review Research 2(2): 023298 (27 pp.), 8 June 2020.

  23. J. Burniston, M. Grabowecky, C. M. Scandolo, G. Chiribella and G. Gour, Necessary and sufficient conditions on measurements of quantum channels, Proceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 476(2236): 20190832 (10 pp.), 29 April 2020.

  24. E. Chitambar, J. I. de Vicente, M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Entanglement manipulation beyond local operations and classical communication, Journal of Mathematical Physics 61(4): 042201 (25 pp.), 10 April 2020.

  25. 2019

  26. G. Gour and N. R. Wallach, Corrigendum: Necessary and sufficient conditions for local manipulation of multipartite pure quantum states (2011 New J. Phys. 13 073013), New Journal of Physics 21(10): 109502 (1 p.), 29 October 2019.

  27. G. Gour and A. Winter, How to quantify a dynamical quantum resource, Physical Review Letters 123(15): 150401 (5 pp.), 8 October 2019.

  28. M. Grabowecky and G. Gour, Bounds on entanglement catalysts, Physical Review A 99(5): 052348 (8 pp.), 28 May 2019.

  29. E. Chitambar and G. Gour, Quantum resource theories, Reviews of Modern Physics 91(2): 025001 (48 pp.), 4 April 2019.

  30. Yu Guo and G. Gour, Monogamy of the entanglement of formation, Physical Review A 99(4): 042305 (6 pp.), 1 April 2019.

  31. G. Gour, Comparison of quantum channels by superchannels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65(9): 5880 - 5904, 1 April 2019.

  32. V. Narasimhachar, J. Thompson, J.-J. Ma, G. Gour and M. Gu, Quantifying memory capacity as a quantum thermodynamic resource, Physical Review Letters 122(6): 060601 (6 pp.), 13 February 2019.

  33. 2018

  34. G. Gour, D. Jennings, F. Buscemi, R.-Y. Duan and I. Marvian, Quantum majorization and a complete set of entropic conditions for quantum thermodynamics, Nature Communications 9: 5352 (9 pp.), 17 December 2018.

  35. A. Hickey and G. Gour, Quantifying the imaginarity of quantum mechanics, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51(41): 414009 (17 pp.), 14 September 2018.

  36. G. Gour and Yu Guo, Monogamy of entanglement without inequalities, Quantum 2: 81 - 103, 13 August 2018.

  37. D. Sauerwein, N. R. Wallach, G. Gour and B. Kraus, Transformations among pure multipartite entangled states via local operations are almost never possible, Physical Review X 8(3): 031020 (23 pp.), 23 July 2018.

  38. M. Ahmadi, H. B. Dang, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Quantification and manipulation of magic states, Physical Review A 97(6): 062332 (9 pp.), 20 June 2018.

  39. 2017

  40. G. Gour, B. Kraus and N. R. Wallach, Almost all multipartite qubit quantum states have trivial stabilizer, Journal of Mathematical Physics 58(9): 092204 (15 pp.), 27 September 2017.

  41. G. Gour, Quantum resource theories in the single-shot regime, Physical Review A 95(6): 062314 (11 pp.), 8 June 2017.

  42. M. Fukuda and G. Gour, Additive bounds of minimum output entropies for unital channels and an exact qubit formula, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63(3): 1818 - 1828, 1 March 2017.

  43. V. Narasimhachar and G. Gour, Resource theory under conditioned thermal operations, Physical Review A 95(1): 012313 (11 pp.), 12 January 2017.

  44. F. Buscemi and G. Gour, Quantum relative Lorenz curves, Physical Review A 95(1): 012110 (12 pp.), 9 January 2017.

  45. M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Entanglement monotones and transformations of symmetric bipartite states, Physical Review A 95(2): 012308 (15 pp.), 9 January 2017.

  46. 2016

  47. G. Gour and T. Kemp, The minimum Rényi entropy output of a quantum channel is locally additive, Letters in Mathematical Physics 107: 1131 - 1155, 10 December 2016.

  48. E. Chitambar and G. Gour, Comparison of incoherent operations and measures of coherence, Physical Review A 94(5): 052336 (19 pp.), 30 November 2016.

  49. E. Chitambar and G. Gour, Critical examination of incoherent operations and a physically consistent resource theory of quantum coherence, Physical Review Letters 117(3): 030401 (5 pp.), 12 July 2016. (Editor's Suggestion).

  50. V. Narasimhachar, A. Poostindouz and G. Gour, Uncertainty, joint uncertainty, and the quantum uncertainty principle, New Journal of Physics 18: 033019 (11 pp.), 10 March 2016.

  51. E. Bae, G. Gour, S. Lee, J.-H. Park and B. C. Sanders, Stability theorem of depolarizing channels for the minimal output quantum Rényi entropies, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49(11): 115304 (13 pp.), 2 February 2016.

  52. 2015

  53. M. W. Girard and G. Gour, Computable entanglement conversion witness that is better than the negativity, New Journal of Physics 17(9): 093013 (25 pp.), 9 September 2015.

  54. F. G. S. L. Brandão and G. Gour, Reversible framework for quantum resource theories, Physical Review Letters 115(7): 070503 (5 pp.), 14 August 2015.

  55. V. Narasimhachar and G. Gour, Low-temperature thermodynamics with quantum coherence, Nature Communications 6: 7689 (6 pp.), 3 July 2015.

  56. G. Gour, M. P. Müller, V. Narasimhachar, R. W. Spekkens and N. Y. Halpern, The resource theory of informational nonequilibrium in thermodynamics, Physics Reports 583: 1 - 58, 2 July 2015.

  57. G. Gour, A. Grudka, M. Horodecki, W. Kłobus, J. Łodyga and V. Narasimhachar, The conditional uncertainty principle, Physical Review A 97(4): 042130 (14 pp.), 30 April 2015.

  58. M. W. Girard, Y. Zinchenko, S. Friedland and G. Gour, Erratum: Numerical estimation of the relative entropy of entanglement, Physical Review A 91(2): 029901 (2 pp.), 4 February 2015.

  59. 2014

  60. M. W. Girard, G. Gour and S. Friedland, On convex optimization problems in quantum information theory, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47(50): 505302 (25 pp.), 24 November 2014.

  61. G. Gour and A. Kalev, Construction of all general symmetric informationally complete measurements, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47(33): 335302 (14 pp.), 4 August 2014.

  62. A. Kalev and G. Gour, Mutually unbiased measurements in finite dimensions, New Journal of Physics 16(5): 053038 (14 pp.), 21 May 2014.

  63. V. Narasimhachar and G. Gour, Phase-asymmetry resource interconversion via estimation, Physical Review A 89(3): 033859, 31 March 2014.

  64. 2013

  65. S. Friedland, V. Gheorghiu and G. Gour, Universal uncertainty relations, Physical Review Letters 111(23): 230401 (5 pp.), 3 December 2013.

  66. G. Gour and N. R. Wallach, Classification of multipartite entanglement of all finite dimensionality, Physical Review Letters 111(6): 060502 (5 pp.), 8 August 2013, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1304.7259.

  67. R. H. Choi, B. Fortescue, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Entanglement sharing protocol via quantum error correcting codes, Physical Review A 87(3): 032319 (7 pp.), 15 March 2013, arXiv.org:1212.4217.

  68. 2012

  69. B. Toloui and G. Gour, Simulating symmetric time evolution with local operations, New Journal of Physics 14(12): 123026 (28 pp.), 14 December 2012.

  70. V. Gheorghiu and G. Gour, Multipartite entanglement evolution under separable operations, Physical Review A 86(5): 050302 (R) (5 pp.), 7 November 2012, arXiv.org:1205.2667 [quant-ph].

  71. J. S. Kim, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Limitations to sharing entanglement, Contemporary Physics 53(5): 417 - 432, 17 October 2012, arXiv.org:1112.1776.

  72. G. Gour and S. Friedland, The minimum entropy output of a quantum channel is locally additive, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59(1): 603 - 614, 14 August 2012, arXiv.org:quantu-ph/1105.6122.

  73. M. Skotiniotis and G. Gour, Alignment of reference frames and an operational interpretation for the G-asymmetry, New Journal of Physics 14(7): 073022 (21 pp.), 11 July 2012, arXiv.org:1202.3163.

  74. B. Fortescue and G. Gour, Reducing the quantum communication cost of quantum secret sharing, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58(10): 6659 - 6666, 25 June 2012, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1108.5541.

  75. 2011

  76. S. Friedland, G. Gour and A. Roy, Local extrema of entropy functions under tensor products, Quantum Information and Computation 11(11-12): 1028 - 1044, 1 November 2011, arXiv.org:math-ph/1105.5380.

  77. B. Toloui, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Constructing monotones for quantum phase references in totally dephasing channels, Physical Review A 84(2): 022322 (8 pp.), 17 August 2011, arXiv.org:1104.1144.

  78. G. Gour and N. R. Wallach, Necessary and sufficient conditions for local manipulation of multipartite pure quantum states, New Journal of Physics 13(7): 073013 (28 pp.), 11 July 2011.

  79. S. Friedland and G. Gour, Closed formula for the relative entropy of entanglement in all dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52(5): 052201 (13 pp.), 20 May 2011.

  80. 2010

  81. G. Gour and N. R. Wallach, All maximally entangled four qubit states, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51(11): 112201 (24 pp.), 30 November 2010, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1006.0036.

  82. Y. Zinchenko, S. Friedland and G. Gour, Numerical estimation of the relative entropy of entanglement, Physical Review A 82(5): 052336 (7 pp.), 29 November 2010.

  83. G. Gour, Evolution and symmetry of multipartite entanglement, Physical Review Letters 105(19): 190504 (4 pp.), 5 November 2010, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1008.1292.

  84. 2009

  85. G. Gour, B. C. Sanders and P. S. Turner, Time reversal frameness and superselection, Journal of Mathematical Physics 50(10): 102105 (11 pp.), 19 October 2009, arXiv.org:0811.3980. PDF
    Selected for the November 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.

  86. F. Buscemi, G. Gour and J. S. Kim, Polygamy of distributed entanglement, Physical Review A 80(1): 012324 (8 pp.), 20 July 2009, arXiv.org:0903.4413. (Selected for the August 2009 Virtual Journal of Quantum Information).

  87. Y. R. Sanders and G. Gour, Necessary conditions for entanglement catalysts, Physical Review A 79(5): 054302 (4 pp.), 6 May 2009, arXiv.org:0904.2048.

  88. G. Gour, I. Marvian and R. W. Spekkens, Measuring the quality of a quantum reference frame: the relative entropy of frameness, Physical Review A 80: 012307 (12 pp.), 17 January 2009.

  89. 2008

  90. G. Gour and R. W. Spekkens, The resource theory of quantum reference frames: manipulations and monotones, New Journal of Physics 10(3): 033023 (63 pp.), 17 March 2008, arXiv.org:arXiv:0711.0043. Selected for inclusion in IOP Select.

  91. G. Gour and A. Roy, Entanglement of subspaces in terms of entanglement of superpositions, Physical Review A 77: 012336 (7 pp.), 30 January 2008, arXiv.org:0711.1344.

  92. 2007

  93. G. Gour, Reexamination of entanglement of superpositions, Physical Review A 76(5): 052320 (5 pp.), 21 November 2007, arXiv.org:0707.1521.

  94. G. Gour and N. R. Wallach, Entanglement of Subspaces and Error Correcting Codes, Physical Review A 76(4): 042309 (8 pp.), 5 October 2007, arXiv.org:0704.0251.

  95. G. Gour, How many ebits can be unlocked with one classical bit?, Physical Review A 75(5): 054301 (2 pp.), 3 May 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0703246.

  96. G. Gour, S. Bandyopadhyay and B. C. Sanders, Duality for monogamy of entanglement, Journal of Mathematical Physics 48(1): 012108 (13 pp.), 31 January 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0606168. (selected for the February 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information).

  97. 2006

  98. G. Gour, Entanglement of collaboration, Physical Review A 74(5): 052307 (5 pp.), 6 November 2006.

  99. G. Gour and R. W. Spekkens, Entanglement of assistance is not a bipartite measure nor a tripartite monotone, Physical Review A 73(6): 062331 (5 pp.), 26 June 2006, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0512139.

  100. B. C. Sanders, G. Gour and D. A. Meyer, Deterministic entanglement of assistance in quantum networks, Canadian Journal of Physics 84(6-7): 639 - 644, 19 May 2006.

  101. 2005

  102. G. Gour, D. A. Meyer and B. C. Sanders, Deterministic entanglement of assistance and monogamy constraints, Physical Review A 72(4): 042329 (4 pp.), 26 October 2005, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0505091. (Selected for Nov 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Quantum Information).

  103. G. Gour, Mixed state entanglement of assistance and the generalized concurrence, Physical Review A 72(4): 042318, 19 October 2005.

  104. G. Gour, Infinite number of conditions for local mixed state manipulations, Physical Review A 72(2): 022323, 18 August 2005.

  105. G. Gour, Family of Concurrence Monotones and its applications, Physical Review A 71(1): 012318, 13 January 2005.

  106. 2004

  107. G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, Remote preparation and distribution of bipartite entangled states, Physical Review Letters 93(26): 260501 (4 pp.), 20 December 2004, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0410016.

  108. G. Gour, Faithful teleportation with partially entangled states, Physical Review A 70(4): 042301, 4 October 2004.

  109. G. Gour and V. Suneeta, Comparison of area spectra in loop quantum gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity 21(14): 3405 - 3417, 21 July 2004.

  110. G. Gour, F. C. Khanna, A. Mann and M. Revzen, Optimization of Bell's inequality violation for continuous variable systems, Physics Letters A 324(5-6): 415 - 419, 26 April 2004.

  111. G. Gour, F. C. Khanna and M. Revzen, Self adjoint extensions of phase and time operators, Physical Review A 69(1): 014101, 16 January 2004.

  112. 2003

  113. G. Gour and A. J. M. Medved, Questions of stability near black hole critical points, Physical Review D 68: 067501, 5 September 2003.

  114. G. Gour and A. J. M. Medved, Thermal fluctuations and black hole entropy, Classical and Quantum Gravity 20(15): 3307 - 3326, 7 August 2003.

  115. G. Gour and A. J. M. Medved, The kerr black hole as a quantum rotator, Classical and Quantum Gravity 20(11): 2261 - 2273, 7 June 2003.

  116. G. Gour, Extensive entropy bounds, Physical Review D 67: 127501, 5 June 2003.

  117. G. Gour and A. J. M. Medved, Quantum spectum for a kerr-newman black hole, Classical and Quantum Gravity 20(9): 1661 - 1671, 7 May 2003.

  118. 2002

  119. G. Gour, Algebraic approach to quantum black holes: logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy, Physical Review D 66(10): 104022, 26 November 2002.

  120. J. D. Bekenstein and G. Gour, Building blocks of a black hole, Physical Review D 66(2): 024005, 28 June 2002.

  121. G. Gour, The quantum phase problem: steps toward a resolution, Foundations of Physics 32(6): 907 - 926, 1 June 2002.

  122. 2001

  123. G. Gour and A. E. Mayo, Why is the black hole entropy (almost) linear in the horizon area, Physical Review D 63(6): 064005, 9 February 2001.

  124. 2000

  125. G. Gour, Quantum mechanics of a black hole, Physical Review D 61(12): 1240007, 15 May 2000.

  126. 1999

  127. G. Gour, Schwarzschild black hole as a grand canonical ensemble, Physical Review D 61(2): 021501, 16 December 1999.

  128. G. Gour and L. Sriramkumar, Will small particles exhibit brownian motion in the quantum vacuum, Foundations of Physics 29(12): 1917 - 1949, 1 December 1999.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. G. Gour, The quantum absolute phase observable, 19 February 2001.

Conference Publications


  1. G. Gour and M. Wilde, Entropy of a quantum channel: Definition, properties, and application, 26 June 2020, Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Los Angeles, United States of America, 20 Jun 2020 - 26 Jun 2020.

  2. 2009

  3. F. Buscemi, G. Gour and J. S. Kim, Polygamy of distributed entanglement (refereed), 26 August 2009, Proceedings of The 9th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS 2009): 8 - 9, Nanjing, P.R.China, 26 Aug 2009 - 29 Aug 2009.

  4. 2005

  5. B. C. Sanders, G. Gour and D. A. Meyer, Remote entanglement distribution and entanglement of assistance, 28 August 2005, Proceedings of ERATO conference on Quantum Information Science 2005 (EQIS 2005), Tokyo, 26 Aug 2005 - 30 Aug 2005.

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Last updated September, 2024