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Publications by F. Yang

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. H. Li, K. Wang, S.-J. Wei, F. Yang, X.-Y. Chen, B. C. Sanders, D.-S. Wang and G.-L. Long, Experimental simulation of quantum superchannels, New Journal of Physics 26(1): 013037 (20 pp.), 23 January 2024.

  2. 2017

  3. F. Yang, R. Nair, M. Tsang, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky, Fisher information for far-field linear optical superresolution via homodyne or heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode, Physical Review A 96(6): 063829 (6 pp.), 19 December 2017. PDF.

  4. 2016

  5. F. Yang, A. Tashchilina, E. S. Moiseev, C. Simon and A. I. Lvovsky, Far-field linear optical superresolution via heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode, Optica 3(10): 1148 - 1152, 17 October 2016, arXiv.org:1606.02662. PDF.

Thesis Publications


  1. F. Yang, Far-field linear optical superresolution via heterodyne detection in a higher-order local oscillator mode (MSc Thesis), 1 August 2016.

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Last updated August, 2024