Publications by S. Sarkar
Refereed Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Publications
- S. Sarkar, C. Mukhopadhyay, A. Alase and A. Bayat, Free-fermionic topological quantum sensors, Physical Review Letters 129(9): 090503 (6 pp.), 26 August 2022.
- S. Sarkar and T. Sowiński, Correlations in few two-component quantum walkers on a tilted lattice, Physical Review A 102(4): 043326 (7 pp.), 27 October 2020.
- S. Sarkar, C. Mukhopadhyay and A. Bayat, Characterization of an operational quantum resource in a critical many-body system, New Journal of Physics 22(8): 083077 (16 pp.), 27 August 2020.
- S. Sarkar, S. McEndoo, D. Schneble and A. J. Daley, Interspecies entanglement with impurity atoms in a lattice gas, New Journal of Physics 22(8): 083017 (15 pp.), 7 August 2020.
- H. R. Lüschen, P. Bordia, S. S. Hodgman, M. Schreiber, S. Sarkar, A. J. Daley, M. H. Fischer, E. Altman, I. Bloch and U. Schneider, Signatures of many-body localization in a controlled open quantum system, Physical Review X 7(1): 011034 (13 pp.), 21 March 2017.
- S. Sarkar, S. Langer, J. Schachenmayer and A. J. Daley, Light scattering and dissipative dynamics of many fermionic atoms in an optical lattice, Physical Review A 90(2): 023618 (16 pp.), 13 August 2014.
- S. Sarkar, A. Sen(De) and U. Sen, Disorder-induced effects in noisy dynamics of Bose-Hubbard and Fermi-Hubbard quantum glasses,, 18 September 2018.