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Publications by S. Sarkar

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. S. Sarkar, C. Mukhopadhyay, A. Alase and A. Bayat, Free-fermionic topological quantum sensors, Physical Review Letters 129(9): 090503 (6 pp.), 26 August 2022.

  2. 2020

  3. S. Sarkar and T. Sowiński, Correlations in few two-component quantum walkers on a tilted lattice, Physical Review A 102(4): 043326 (7 pp.), 27 October 2020.

  4. S. Sarkar, C. Mukhopadhyay and A. Bayat, Characterization of an operational quantum resource in a critical many-body system, New Journal of Physics 22(8): 083077 (16 pp.), 27 August 2020.

  5. S. Sarkar, S. McEndoo, D. Schneble and A. J. Daley, Interspecies entanglement with impurity atoms in a lattice gas, New Journal of Physics 22(8): 083017 (15 pp.), 7 August 2020.

  6. 2017

  7. H. R. Lüschen, P. Bordia, S. S. Hodgman, M. Schreiber, S. Sarkar, A. J. Daley, M. H. Fischer, E. Altman, I. Bloch and U. Schneider, Signatures of many-body localization in a controlled open quantum system, Physical Review X 7(1): 011034 (13 pp.), 21 March 2017.

  8. 2014

  9. S. Sarkar, S. Langer, J. Schachenmayer and A. J. Daley, Light scattering and dissipative dynamics of many fermionic atoms in an optical lattice, Physical Review A 90(2): 023618 (16 pp.), 13 August 2014.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. S. Sarkar, A. Sen(De) and U. Sen, Disorder-induced effects in noisy dynamics of Bose-Hubbard and Fermi-Hubbard quantum glasses, arXiv.org:1804.09621, 18 September 2018.

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Last updated September, 2024