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Publications by P. Parsa

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. P. Behjat Khatouni, P. Parsa, N. C. Carvalho, P. K. Shandilya and P. E. Barclay, Kerr-optomechanical spectroscopy of multimode diamond resonators, ACS Photonics 10(11): 4014 - 4021, 11 October 2023.

Conference Publications


  1. P. Parsa, P. K. Shandilya and P. E. Barclay, Feedback enhanced phonon lasing in cavity optomechanics, SF1K.5, 12 May 2023, Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovations 2023, San Jose, California, United States of America, 7 May 2023 - 12 May 2023.

Thesis Publications


  1. P. Parsa, Nonlinear cavity optomechanics in diamond (MSc Thesis), 1 September 2023.

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Last updated August, 2024