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Publications by E. Janitz

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. K. Herb, T. F. Segawa, L. A. Völker, J. M. Abendroth, E. Janitz, T.-Q. Zhu and C. L. Degen, Multidimensional spectroscopy of nuclear spin clusters in diamond, Physical Review Letters 132(13): 133002 (7 pp.), 26 March 2024.

  2. 2023

  3. T.-Q. Zhu, J. Rhensius, K. Herb, V. Damle, G. Puebla-Hellmann, C. L. Degen and E. Janitz, Multicone diamond waveguides for nanoscale quantum sensing, Nano Letters 23(22): 10110 - 10117, 7 November 2023.

  4. L. A. Völker, K. Herb, E. Janitz, C. L. Degen and J. M. Abendroth, Toward quantum sensing of chiral induced spin selectivity: Probing donor-bridge-acceptor molecules with NV centers in diamond, Journal of Chemical Physics 158(16): 161103 (12 pp.), 25 April 2023.

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Last updated March, 2024