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Publications by A. Roy

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. S. Friedland, G. Gour and A. Roy, Local extrema of entropy functions under tensor products, Quantum Information and Computation 11(11-12): 1028 - 1044, 1 November 2011, arXiv.org:math-ph/1105.5380.

  2. 2009

  3. A. Roy, Minimal euclidean representations of graphs, Discrete Math 310(4): 727 - 733, 25 September 2009, arXiv.org:0812.3707.

  4. A. Roy and A. J. Scott, Unitary designs and codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 53(1): 13 - 31, 23 April 2009, arXiv.org:0809.3813.

  5. A. Roy, Bounds for codes and designs in complex subspaces, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 27 February 2009, arXiv.org:0806.2317. (accepted or in press).

  6. A. Roy and C. Godsil, Equiangular lines, mutually unbiased bases, and spin models, European Journal of Combinatorics 30(1): 246 - 262, 1 January 2009, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0511004.

  7. 2008

  8. M. Skotiniotis, A. Roy and B. C. Sanders, On the epistemic view of quantum states, Journal of Mathematical Physics 49(8): 082103 (13 pp.), 18 August 2008, arXiv.org:0707.0074.

  9. A. Roy and C. Godsil, Two characterizations of crooked functions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(2): 864 - 866, 1 February 2008, arXiv.org:0704.1293.

  10. G. Gour and A. Roy, Entanglement of subspaces in terms of entanglement of superpositions, Physical Review A 77: 012336 (7 pp.), 30 January 2008, arXiv.org:0711.1344.

  11. 2007

  12. A. Roy and A. J. Scott, Weighted complex projective 2-designs from bases: optimal state determination by orthogonal measurements, Journal of Mathematical Physics 48(7): 072110 (24 pp.), 30 July 2007, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0703025.

  13. A. Roy and G. F. Royle, The chromatic number and rank of the complements of the Kasami, Discrete Math 307(1): 132 - 136, 6 January 2007.

  14. 2002

  15. D. D. Olesky, A. Roy and P. van den Driessche, Maximal graphs and graphs with maximal spectral radius, Linear Algebra and its Applications 346(1-3): 109 - 130, 23 March 2002.

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Last updated September, 2024