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Publications by Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, B. C. Sanders and G. A. DiLabio, Ab-Initio characterization of coupling strength for all types of dangling-bond pairs on the hydrogen-terminated Si(100)-2x1 surface, Journal of Chemical Physics 148(15): 154701 (8 pp.), 16 April 2018. (Editor's Pick).

  2. 2014

  3. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, L. Livadaru, M. Taucer, J. Mutus, J. L. Pitters, R. A. Wolkow and B. C. Sanders, Characterizing the rate and coherence of single-electron tunneling between two dangling bonds on the surface of silicon, Physical Review B 89(3): 035315 (12 pp.), 28 January 2014, arXiv.org:1305.6359.

  4. 2010

  5. L. Livadaru, P. Xue, Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, G. A. DiLabio, J. Mutus, J. L. Pitters, B. C. Sanders and R. A. Wolkow, Dangling-bond charge qubit on a silicon surface, New Journal of Physics 12(8): 083018 (15 pp.), 9 August 2010, arXiv.org:0910.1797. Chosen for IOP Select.

  6. 2008

  7. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, P. S. Turner and B. C. Sanders, SU(1,1) symmetry of multimode squeezed states, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41(5): 055309 (11 pp.), 23 January 2008, arXiv.org:0710.3205.

Conference Publications


  1. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, P. S. Turner and B. C. Sanders, Three-mode squeezing: SU(1,1) symmetry (invited), 7 June 2007, Proceedings of SPIE: Noise and Fluctuations in Photonics, Quantum Optics, and Communications 6603: 660317 (11 pp.), La Pietra Conference Center, Florence, Italy, 20 May 2007 - 24 May 2007, Published by SPIE Publications, Bellingham, United States of America (ISBN 978-0-8194-6740-9).

Thesis Publications


  1. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, Coherence of coupled dangling-bond pairs on the silicon surface (PhD Thesis), 1 April 2014.

  2. 2007

  3. Z. Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, Characterization of Multipartite Squeezed States by SU(1,1) Symmetry (MSc Thesis), 8 May 2007. University of Calgary. Supervisor: Prof. Barry C. Sanders.

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Last updated January, 2025