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Publications by X. F. Mo

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Performing private database queries in a real-world environment using a quantum protocol, Scientific Reports 4: 5233 (7 pp.), 10 June 2014, arXiv.org:1303.0865.

  2. 2011

  3. X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, C. Healey, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Time-cost analysis of a quantum key distribution system clocked at 100 MHz, Optics Express 19(18): 17729 - 17737, 25 August 2011, arXiv.org:arXiv:1105.3761v1.

  4. 2009

  5. I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Proof-of-concept of real-world quantum key distribution with quantum frames, New Journal of Physics 11(9): 095001 (26 pp.), 2 September 2009.

  6. 2005

  7. X. F. Mo, B. Zhu, Z.-F. Han, Y.-Z. Gui and G.-C. Guo, Farada-Michelson system for quantum crytography, Optics Letters 30(19): 2632 - 2634, 1 October 2005.

  8. Y.-Z. Gui, X. F. Mo, Z.-F. Han and G.-C. Guo, Experimental demostration of the performance of quantum key distribution system at 1150nm, International Journal of Quantum Information 3(3): 561 - 567, 1 September 2005.

  9. Z.-F. Han, X. F. Mo, Y.-Z. Gui and G.-C. Guo, Stability of phase-modulated quantum key distribution systems, Applied Physics Letters 86(22): 221103 (3 pp.), 30 May 2005.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. C. Healey, I. Lucio-Martinez, M. R. E. Lamont, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Characterization of an InGaAs/InP single-photon detector at 200 MHz gate rate, arXiv.org:1105.3760, 18 May 2011.

  2. 2008

  3. I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, X. F. Mo, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards fast quantum key distribution with quantum frames, arXiv.org:quant-ph/0809.4461, 1 September 2008.

Conference Publications


  1. X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Towards high-rate quantum key distribution using quantum frames (contributed), 30 August 2010, Proceedings of SPIE 7815, Proceedings of SPIE Optics and Photonics 2010 (SPIE 2010), Ronald E. Meyers; Yanhua Shih; Keith S. Deacon, eds., San Diego, United States of America, 1 Aug 2010 - 6 Aug 2010, Published by SPIE Publications, Bellingham, United States of America (ISBN 9780819483119).

  2. 2009

  3. X. F. Mo, I. Lucio-Martinez, P. Chan, S. Hosier and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution with quantum frames, 26 August 2009, Proceedings of The 9th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS 2009): 66 - 67, Nanjing, P.R.China, 26 Aug 2009 - 29 Aug 2009.

Book Chapters


  1. P. Chan, I. Lucio-Martinez, X. F. Mo and W. Tittel, Quantum key distribution, Anatoli V. Andreev, eds., Chapter 13, Published by InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011 (ISBN 978-953-307-769-7).

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Last updated August, 2024