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Publications by F. Bussières

Refereed Journal Publications


  1. F. Bussières, N. Sangouard, M. Afzelius, H. de Riedmatten, C. Simon and W. Tittel, Prospective applications of optical quantum memories, Journal of Modern Optics 60(18): 1519 - 1537, 19 November 2013.

  2. T. Stuart, J. A. Slater, F. Bussières and W. Tittel, Flexible source of nondegenerate entangled photons based on a two-crystal Sagnac interferometer, Physical Review A 88(1): 012301 (6 pp.), 8 July 2013, arXiv.org:quant-ph/1305.0986.

  3. 2012

  4. E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Conditional detection of pure quantum states of light after storage in a Tm-doped waveguide, Physical Review Letters 108(8): 083602 (5 pp.), 22 February 2012, arXiv.org:1111.0676.

  5. 2011

  6. G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières, N. Godbout, J. A. Slater and W. Tittel, Experimental loss-tolerant quantum coin flipping, Nature Communications 2: 561 (7 pp.), 29 November 2011, arXiv.org:0904.3946.

  7. E. Saglamyurek, N. Sinclair, J. Jin, J. A. Slater, D. Oblak, F. Bussières, M. George, R. Ricken, W. Sohler and W. Tittel, Broadband waveguide quantum memory for entangled photons, Nature 469(7331): 512 - 515, 12 January 2011.

  8. 2010

  9. F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, J. Jin, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Testing nonlocality over 12.4 km of underground fiber with universal time-bin qubit analyzers, Physical Review A 81(5): 052106 (5 pp.), 10 May 2010, arXiv.org:1003.0432.

  10. J. A. Slater, J.-S. Corbeil, S. Virally, F. Bussières, A. Kudlinski, G. Bouwmans, S. Lacroix, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, A microstructured fiber source of photon pairs at widely separated wavelengths, Optics Letters 35(4): 499 - 501, 15 February 2010, arXiv.org:0908.3516.
  11. 2008

  12. F. Bussières, J. A. Slater, N. Godbout and W. Tittel, Fast and simple characterization of a photon pair source, Optics Express 16(21): 17060 - 17069, 10 October 2008, arXiv.org:0808.2674.

  13. 2007

  14. Y. Soudagar, F. Bussières, G. Berlin, S. Lacroix, J. M. Fernandez and N. Godbout, Cluster-state quantum computing in optical fibers, 26 January 2007.

E-prints on the arXiv


  1. G. Berlin, G. Brassard, F. Bussières and N. Godbout, Fair Loss-Tolerant Quantum Coin Flipping, arXiv.org:0904.3945, 27 April 2009.

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Last updated September, 2024