Quantum Science and Technology Colloquia (Formerly Quantum Information Science)
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Colloquia will be held on Wednesdays, 3:00PM - 4:00PM, unless otherwise specified.
Current and Upcoming IQST Colloquia
Wednesday 26th March, 2025 3:00-4:00pm in SB 146
Dominique Drouin [University of Sherbrooke]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and AstronomyTitle: TBA
Abstract: TBAWednesday 9th April, 2025 3:00-4:00pm in SB 146
Robert Boyd [University of Ottawa]
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBAWednesday 16th April, 2025 3:00-4:00pm in TBA
Jack Sankey [McGill University]
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
Optimizing quantum algorithms for next-generation quantum chemistry
Artur Izmaylov [University of Toronto]
29 January 2025  - abstract -Scanning new horizons: Information, holography & gravity (joint colloquium with Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Rob Myers [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
4 November 2024  - abstract -DAMSA: A novel dark matter search experiment
Jaehoon Yu [University of Texas at Arlington]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
29 February 2024  - abstract -Quantum computing for industry applications
Enrique Solano [Kipu Quantum]
2 March 2023  - abstract -Testing and verifying quantum devices
Barbara Kraus [Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Innsbruck]
1 June 2021  - abstract -Bulk-boundary correspondence in topological phases of matter
Abhijeet Alase [Institute for Quantum Science and Technology]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
15 April 2021  - abstract -Beyond quantum resource theories
Carlo Maria Scandolo [Department of Mathematics and Statistics]
16 December 2020  - abstract -Exploiting weak chemical bonds for building molecular devices for classical and quantum computing
Pierre Kennepohl [Department of Chemistry]
2 December 2020  - abstract -TBA
Lilian Childress [McGill University]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
16 April 2020  - abstract -Quantum-enhanced sensing with light
Alberto Marino [University of Oklahoma]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
21 November 2019  - abstract -Supersolid phases of dipolar systems
Massimo Boninsegni [University of Alberta]
22 May 2019  - abstract -Nonlinear microresonators for integrated quantum photonics and optical atomic clocks
Kartik Srinivasan [National Institutte of Standards and Technology]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
1 March 2019  - abstract -Quantum quivering from dissipation and noise
Aashish Clerk [University of Chicago]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
2 November 2018  - abstract -TBA
Joseph Maciejko [University of Alberta]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
19 October 2018  - abstract -Optical Ising machines: Computation using a network of OPOs
Alireza Marandi [Stanford University]
14 March 2018  - abstract -Engineering coherent defects in diamond
Nathalie de Leon [Princeton University]
2 February 2018  - abstract -Quantum computing with superconducting circuits
Alexandre Blais [Université de Sherbrooke]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
26 January 2018  - abstract -Adventures in quantum optimization with noisy qubits
Daniel Lidar [University of Southern California]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
29 September 2017  - abstract -Error models and error thresholds
Ken Brown [Georgia Institute of Technology]
19 April 2017  - abstract -The structures and properties of ionic clusters
Scott Hopkins [University of Waterloo ]
29 March 2017  - abstract -Quantum physics in one dimension using nanostructured Josephson-junction arrays
Timothy Duty [University of New South Wales]
8 March 2017  - abstract -Quantum computation with Rydberg atoms: across the periodic table and beyond
Saffman Mark [University of Wisconsin (Madison) ]
26 August 2016  - abstract -D-Wave's approach to quantum computing: 1000-qubits and counting!
Colin Williams [D-Wave Systems]
7 April 2016  - abstract -Defects in semiconductors: atomic-like systems in a solid-state host
Kai-Mei Fu [University of Washington]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
4 March 2016  - abstract -Spin transport in a unitary fermi gas
Joseph Thywissen [University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
22 January 2016  - abstract -Universal quantum dynamics: quantum catastrophes
Duncan O'Dell [McMaster University]
9 December 2015  - abstract -Computational Chemistry: From small molecule quantum dynamics to new materials
Alex Brown [University of Alberta]
2 December 2015  - abstract -TBA (joint colloquium with Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Daniel Lidar [University of Southern California]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
2 December 2015  - abstract -Collective quantum effects in ultracold atomic gases
Lindsay LeBlanc [University of Alberta]
19 November 2015  - abstract -Distributed Quantum Computing and Networking with Trapped Ions
Jungsang Kim [Duke University]
4 November 2015  - abstract -Superconducting quantum circuits
Alexandre Blais [University of Sherbrooke]
23 September 2015  - abstract -Semiconductor quantum technologies for information processing and sensing
Dirk Englund [Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
16 April 2015  - abstract -Quantum networks of trapped ions
Christopher Monroe [University of Maryland]
25 March 2015  - abstract -The Kondo effect and entanglement
Ian Affleck [University of British Columbia]
18 February 2015  - abstract -Wigner function negativity and contextuality in quantum computation on rebits
Robert Raußendorf [University of British Columbia]
11 February 2015  - abstract -Understanding the chemical vapour deposition of diamond
Mike Ashfold [University of Bristol]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Chemistry
24 October 2014  - abstract -What is the origin of complex probability amplitudes?
William Wootters [Williams College]
7 May 2014  - abstract -Insights into the electronic structure of molecules from Generalized Valence Bond theory
Thomas Harold Dunning [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]
Co-sponsored by: Center for Molecular Simulation
16 April 2014  - abstract -TBA - CANCELLED
Christopher Monroe [University of Maryland]
19 March 2014  - abstract -Optical spectroscopy of triply charged thorium
Alex Kuzmich [Georgia Institute of Technology]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
7 March 2014  - abstract -Quantum nanophotonics and nanomechanics with diamond
Marko Loncar [Harvard University]
Co-sponsored by: University of Calgary Nanotechnology Group and OSA/SPIE Student Chapter
26 February 2014  - abstract -Quantum measurement tradeoffs, from Heisenberg to Aharonov to quantum data compression
Aephraim Steinberg [University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
14 February 2014  - abstract -Quantum metrology meets quantum information science
Carlton Caves [University of New Mexico]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI seminar series
8 January 2014  - abstract -Quantum entanglement for fun and profit
Paul Kwiat [University of Illinois]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI series
27 November 2013  - abstract -Compressive quantum sensing
John Howell [University of Rochester]
Co-sponsored by: PIMS CRG MQI seminar series
20 November 2013  - abstract -Ultrafast light harvesting processes in photosynthesis
Gregory Scholes [University of Toronto]
25 September 2013  - abstract -Electron shot noise is quantum light
Bertrand Reulet [Département de Physique, Université de Sherbrooke]
15 May 2013  - abstract -Modulating light at the micro- and nano-scale
Joyce Poon [University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: OSA Student Chapter
19 February 2013  - abstract -Coherence, decoherence and incoherence in natural light-induced processes
Paul Brumer [University of Toronto]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Chemistry
31 October 2012  - abstract -Prospects in relativistic quantum information
Achim Kempf [University of Waterloo]
19 September 2012  - abstract -Toward Quantum Information Processing Devices with Semiconductor and Graphene Quantum Dots
Pawel Hawrylak [National Research Council (NRC) of Canada]
13 September 2012  - abstract -Correlated quantum transport of electrons up to 360 K (joint colloquium with Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics)
John Miller [University of Houston]
Co-sponsored by: Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics
21 June 2012  - abstract -Monolithic Semiconductor Circuits for Frequency Conversion & Quantum Photonics
Amr Helmy [University of Toronto]
5 June 2012  - abstract -Position-based cryptography (joint colloquium with Department of Computer Science)
Harry Buhrman [Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, and University of Amsterdam]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Computer Science
2 May 2012  - abstract -Quantum states: Are they the real thing? (joint colloquium with the Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Terry Rudolph [Imperial College]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
9 March 2012  - abstract -Effective Hamiltonians for Detuned Systems
Daniel James [University of Toronto]
28 April 2011  - abstract -Spin Glasses and Computational Complexity
Daniel Gottesman [Perimeter Institute]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
6 April 2011  - abstract -Quantum imaging: exploiting the transverse structure of individual photons (joint colloquium with the Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Robert Boyd [University of Ottawa]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
3 December 2010  - abstract -Hydrogen Tunneling and Protein Motion in Enzyme Reactions
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer [Pennsylvania State University]
Co-sponsored by: Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics
18 October 2010  - abstract -Cavity QED: Nonlinearity and the World of Quanta (joint colloquium with the Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Howard Carmichael [University of Auckland]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
19 February 2010  - abstract -Quantum limits and entanglement in metrology and magnetometry
Eugene Polzik [Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University]
8 December 2009  - abstract -Quantum computer - dream and realization
Rainer Blatt [Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck]
2 November 2009  - abstract -Does Zeno Freeze the Evolution? On Quantum Heating, Cooling and Freezing.
Gershon Kurizki [The Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot 76100 , Israel]
29 July 2009  - abstract -Towards a QED for dispersive and absorptive media
John Sipe [University of Toronto]
5 May 2009  - abstract -Hiking over quantum control landscapes (MITACS QIP Seminar Series)
Herschel Rabitz [Princeton University]
Co-sponsored by: Institute for Biocomplexity & Information
7 April 2009  - abstract -Quantum information and its application to cryptography (MITACS QIP Seminar Series)
Michele Mosca [Institute for Quantum Computing]
3 April 2009  - abstract -Quantum-Opto-Mechanics: quantum foundations and quantum information on the nano- and microscale
Markus Aspelmeyer [Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of Austrian Academy of Sciences]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
10 March 2009  - abstract -Using quantum mechanics to detect anthrax (joint colloquium with the Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Marlan Scully [Texas A&M University and Princeton University]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
12 December 2008  - abstract -Entanglement in quantum many-body systems far away from equilibrium: Are there non-trivial quantum effects in biology?
Hans Briegel [Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck; Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
11 December 2008  - abstract -Recollections of Oppenheimer and Schwinger (joint colloquium with the Department of Physics and Astronomy)
Edward Gerjuoy [Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh]
Co-sponsored by: Institute for Quantum Information Science
31 October 2008  - abstract -Controlled Coupling and Occupation of Silicon Atomic Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
Robert Wolkow [Department of Physics, University of Alberta & National Institute for Nanotechnology]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
21 October 2008  - abstract -Dimensional Scaling for Atoms and Molecules (PHAS colloquium)
Goong Chen [Texas A&M University]
16 May 2008  - abstract -A personal perspective on quantum cryptography (Faculty of Science Distinguished Lecture)
Gilles Brassard [Université de Montréal]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
28 September 2007  - abstract -Protecting an optical qubit against photon loss
Konrad Banaszek [Nicolaus Copernicus University]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
20 June 2007  - abstract -Quantum Interconnecting Atoms and Photons (Co-sponsored by MITACS)
Joerg Schmiedmayer [Atominstitut der österreichischen Universitäten]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
4 June 2007  - abstract -Quantum observations: reconstruction of quantum states and processes (Co-sponsored by MITACS)
Vladimír Bužek [Research Center for Quantum Information, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences]
Co-sponsored by: MITACS QIP Seminar Series
31 May 2007  - abstract -Entanglement in Quantum Information (MAST Colloquium)
Gilad Gour [University of Calgary]
22 March 2007  - abstract -Large-Scale Quantum Phenomena, & the Decoherence Enigma (PHAS Colloquium)
Philip Stamp [Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia]
16 March 2007  - abstract -Cat States and Bose Condensates in Double Well Potentials
Birgitta Whaley [University of California, Berkeley]
18 October 2006  - abstract -Linear Optical Quantum Computing, Imaging, and Metrology -- What's New with N00N States?
Jonathan Dowling [Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics, Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge]
4 October 2006  - abstract -Einstein, the EPR argument, and Steering: New Perspectives from Quantum Information
Howard Wiseman [Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, Centre for Quantum Dynamics, School of Science, Griffith University]
17 August 2006  - abstract -Fault-tolerant architecture for very noisy gates
Emanuel Knill [NIST]
7 June 2006  - abstract -Towards optical quantum computation with realistic devices
Terry Rudolph [Imperial College, London]
19 April 2006  - abstract -Observing and manipulating quantum information: some experiments with photons and atoms.
Aephraim Steinberg [CQIQC, University of Toronto]
23 February 2006  - abstract -Towards Long-Distance Quantum Communication.
Wolfgang Tittel [ Group of Applied Physics (GAP)-Optique, Université de Genèe, Switzerland]
13 July 2005  - abstract -Practical Quantum Cryptography
Alexei Trifonov [Chief Scientist and Vice-President Research and Development MagiQ Technologies Inc., Boston, USA]
6 July 2005  - abstract -Optical quantum computing: science-fiction, horror-story or news?
Andrew White [Program Manager, Centre for Quantum Computer Technology and Faculty Member, Centre for Biophotonics and Laser Science, The University of Queensland, Australia]
17 June 2005  - abstract -Quantum Key Distribution
Norbert Lütkenhaus [Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Erlange-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany]
10 June 2005  - abstract -Quantum Communication and Quantum Computation with Entangled Photons
Anton Zeilinger [Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna and Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences]
4 March 2005  - abstract -TBA
Alberto Marino [University of Oklahoma]
Co-sponsored by: Department of Physics and Astronomy
21 November 1970  - abstract -